279 278. Slime Molded Shoes and Artisan Goddess

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome."

As I was touring Blackweiburn's armor, Carmine came into the conference room.

"Chairman Dahliya, this is the slime-molded shoe we notified you about the other day. We combine blue slime, yellow slime, and a variety of chemicals in waste leather."

On the table were dark grey combat shoes and leather of the same colour before they were made into shoes.

"Please, take it and take a look"

To the smiling Carmine, I decided not to hesitate to show it.

The surface I touched with my fingers was just a little rough, and that doesn't catch me. It had a leathery luster and found no joints other than the bottom.

When lifted, unexpected, light. Wouldn't that be less than half the battle shoes of the Demon Crusade Squad?

Flipping over, only the soles of the shoes were close to normal.

"It's waterproof and has a certain defense on the fire. Changing shape seems easy to undo and rarely deforms and cuts like leather"

"Excellent! I think this water repellency and lightness will please the crew very much."

"Thank you. We are still checking for durability and deterioration, but some of our crew use it during workouts. And then I wash it back and I'm experimenting. However, instead of being more waterproof, the interior really steams, making laying during drying a must"

Darya's developed dry laying could be a hug sale with these shoes.

Ivano's good smile came to mind.

"This is the list of results for the ingredients table and combination. Here's a copy, if you like."

The thick documents contained detailed experimental results.

I don't know how many different kinds the hell I've tried - I can make quite a few patterns in Magic Instrument Development myself, but I don't have this many combinations.

Maybe it's a unique quantity from Royal Castle's Magic Instrument Production Department.

The formula of various slime powders and the contents of the medicinal solution used are very interesting.

"Unfortunately, there are some discarded leather that do not know the original material name, and it is difficult to say that it will finish evenly..."

"So far, we're going to have to use the bottom as a criterion."

Carmine pulled out a piece of paper in the unfortunate voice of a magic conductor with leather.

Lined up there are numbers for strength checks on combat shoes.

I don't know the strength required when actually using it, but the difference seems a little over 10%.

Maybe it's because I'm an amateur when it comes to combat shoes.

"But these shoes are good. Whatever it is, it's light, no water leakage. I can't deviate from that."

Berniege hits the heel of his shoe on the floor.

Those in the room laugh lightly at the sound of it.

"I thought it would deviate less than my current shoes because it's an integrated moulding for me."

"As far as I'm concerned, I want a little more looseness. My legs are often swollen on expeditions."

"Is it swelling... I wish I had a number for swelling"

"In addition to measuring in the evening, what about having a little thick sock on when molding?

"I see, right. And then think about the fact that you can't adjust with the inner layers."

Swelling is also a real problem.

Opinions are given to each, and Carmine summarizes them as she takes notes.

"If it's durable, I'd like it for everyone in the squad, but it would be expensive in these shoes"

"How much are your shoes now? Without studying, I've never cared about the price of shoes before -"

"Grate said it was about eight silver coins with regular stuff. The big ones and the ones who put in the processing will go a little further."

The Knight of Bimei answers Carmine's question.

It was still quite a price.

But it also contains a thick leather grant that increases durability, naturally.

"How long will one leg last?

"Quite different on an individual basis, but when I was in red armor (Scarlet Armor) I was on an annual basis. Even with tears and water leaks, I repaired it and used it."

"When you were young, you kicked the demon and took the bottom off a lot. Seniors have pissed me off to fight a way that won't cost me any repairs."

Bernige laughed and told me a very nasty story.

I truly don't want you fighting demons with your life at stake, even against your budget.

The Rossetti Chamber of Commerce has made me pay for a large number of magic aids, maybe I should consider the price a little more.

"Um, for future budgets -"

"If that's what it is, I'll tell you a little bit about it."

The inquiry overlapped brilliantly with Carmine.

When I looked at him unexpectedly, the eyes of a round blue mouse (Aizu) were already looking at me.

"Dr. Darya, Lord Carmine, I appreciate the sentiment, but you don't have to worry about the budget. I hear that since autumn there has also been an additional budget. Besides, the Demon Crusaders have some freedom to use the demons they defeated from the beginning, but these days there's been more material takeaways"

"Master Berniege is right. I heard the Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake) brought back full of carriages was a good value too. That worked well on my forty shoulders."

"I talked to the crew, but when they named the Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake), some of them seemed to bring Yodale." The Green King has become a pitiful time. "

I'm relieved to talk about the knights.

The crew said the sweet sauce would suit the forest serpent (Forestrasnake).

I put that dried meat Wolfe gave me in the soup and it tasted pretty deep and good.

It's very pitiful - it seems that Forest Serpent (Forestrasnake) is becoming one of the finest ingredients.

"By the way, Lord Carmine, how much are your new shoes?

"Is it roughly half the price? Materials are less expensive because discarded leather can be used. If incorporated into the training of the Magic Instrument Production Department, neither the granting nor the processing would be. It depends on durability and usage, but I was wondering if it would be pulled up sequentially from the current workshop if it went well."

The sarcasm caught on unexpectedly.

I don't feel very good about it.

"Um, Deputy Director Carmine, would you mind joining development and work there?

"Of course, Chairman Dalya gave me a proposal, so I'll put your name in the development, and I'll give you a regular reward -"

"No, I'm fine without you. Instead, could you please work with the workshop that is currently producing the shoes and develop and work with them?

"Why? Delivery times are short and budgets float if everything is possible within the royal castle. Isn't it a good idea as a demon crusade force?

Carmine looked at herself terribly strange. No one around me says anything either.

Perhaps, as an advisor to the Royal Castle, and the Demon Crusade Unit, I will say something wrong.

Still, Darya opened her mouth.

"The workshop you're taking on will be a lot harder if you suddenly have less work"

To create sturdy combat shoes for the Demon Crusade Squad, there are craftsmen with leather processing methods and sewing skills.

Well, it's a workshop that deals with the royal castle, there 'll be quite a few of them.

There is also the life of the family, of those involved in the workshop.

I can't wait to be suddenly cut for the convenience above.

"If you're an artisan making shoes for a long time, I think you can compare them to today's leather for slime-moulded leather and get an opinion. Even in production, it may create ways to improve and another form. Wouldn't it be better to be taught the craftsman's knowledge and skills that have been around for so long?

Specialist craftsmen are not as good at crushing their jobs.

Once the technology is interrupted, it will be difficult to revive it later.

I want that brain and arm to be utilized even in slime-moulded leather, to keep the craftsman and the workshop intact.

With that in mind, explain it to Carmine and to the knights.

Unfortunately, there was no endorsement from anyone, and I just found that multiple gazes were directed at me.

I may not have made it through - if I'm not relieved of the tension while I think so, Carmine opens her mouth.

"Thank you for your feedback, Chairman Dalya. I was concerned about the development product and almost overlooked the important thing......"

"Apologies from me. When it came to leather, I was overwhelmed that I was excited. I want to learn by abandoning my futile insistence..."

"No, uh...?

Carmine is thankful and apologized to the magician.

Is it okay that I didn't even look at the life of a workshop official, or no, I feel somewhat different in words?

Next to myself deepening lost, Bernige nodded deeply.

"In order to make better things, should we beg to teach those who are deep down that path, regardless of the title or the selling or buying position... I see, brilliant thinking"

I want you to wait, I don't remember saying such noble things.

I did get opinions from artisans and wish I could work with them - but I couldn't help but sum up my thoughts going around, says Darya.

"No, I hope we don't hesitate to share our opinions with each other and have more 'buddies' to make together..."

"'Companions' - I get it. Invite artisans from the shoe workshop to describe the leather of slime molding. After that, let's have an exchange of opinions with" Flat "for all involved, and let's do a production together."

Darya smiles unexpectedly because Carmine put it together in a very good way.

As if it were contagious, each (every one) broke his or her expression, and the story returned to the story of shoes and armor.

Incidentally, Dalya's worried workshop has long been good at making sturdy shoes from various kinds of leather.

He has been delivering combat shoes to the Demonic Crusade Squad for a long time and will not make gorgeous shoes for other Knights or nobles.

For this reason, I was sometimes treated differently in part when I was just producing the same old shoes.

Still, the craftsmen, including the workshop manager, just honestly kept making shoes because it was used by the crew protecting the people from demons.

It is not until two days later that the chief of the Demon Crusade Unit and deputy director of Royal Castle Magic Instrument Production, two consecutive members, receive an invitation to the Royal Castle in this workshop.

It was the following week that we exchanged views at the same table with Royal Castle's magic conductors, demon crusaders and royal castle martial arts artisans and began working in the same room.

"Be a 'buddy' who has no identity, no division, just aims to make better shoes"

After being told about a certain red-haired demon conductor, the fact that the deputy director of demon conductor production at Royal Castle so wished aroused the workshop manager.

As if to be sensed by that heat, the shoemakers, magic conductors and martial arts artisans involved similarly indulged in the development of combat shoes.

"Light, durable and waterproof, protects your feet and doesn't want to lose your kicking aggression"

It wasn't until a while after the beginning of the year that I could make shoes that seemed hopeless to the demon crusaders.

It will be completed with an ingenious magic grant, paired with the leather of the previous slime molding.

Towards spring, the Demon Crusade Squad receives a beautiful pair of red boots, along with a set of combat shoes.

Between the sole and the shoe, the small engraved letter is' Goddess of the Craftsman '-

It is a secret only of production officials.