382 381. One Magician's Mille Feuille Grant

Darya decided to change the subject because the air in the workroom was a little heavy.

Is there a lot of weapons in the Royal Castle that have multiple awards?

"We are not asked to do that." From time to time, I may award multiple weapons to my superiors and their guards. "

"The equivalent armor is made by the armor workshop designated by the Imperial Castle and by the famous blacksmith. I often hire my own magician or magician to do the same.”

I was convinced by the explanation of Uros and Carmine.

After all, it seems that the weapons with attack power belong to the armoury and blacksmiths.

Even so, it was a magic tool that had a magic effect.

If I thought about it, I might get an opinion as a magician.

"Director Uros, Deputy Director Kalmine, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you take a look at the sword I've given you?"

Chairman Darya gave you a sword?

"Director Uros, I asked you first." I'm here to talk to you about the Monster Crusade. "

Captain Groot told me.

Volff explains the durability boost of the sword that Groot said he wanted to advance.

However, while listening, Uros's expression became cloudy.

"Eight to eleven for the sword." We want to do it all numerically.... "

It seems to be difficult in terms of money.

I want to know how much the difference is and I want to split it.

If you allow it, how can you make it yourself and pay it via the Scarfalot Armory Workshop?

While Darya was thinking about it, the sword of the work table was moved to the shelf under each tray.

Instead, Volff removed the cloth from his sword and tried to place it.

But Carmine raised her right hand to stop it.

"Master Volff, I'm sorry to bother you, but if you can pull out the [user]

It was surprisingly difficult to pull the longsword out of the sheath.

It is too heavy for Darya to get out of the sheath without putting the sword on the desk.

When Volff agreed, he slowly pulled out his sword and placed only the cloth and sheath on the desk.

The sword is black, and the light is not blinking.

However, the tip with the red gold applied returns a slight red light.

Uros reached out his hand and did not touch the sword, but only moved it to stroke it.

The original sword of the team was hung up, and the durability of the magic power was between ten and eleven ― just the leading edge of the blade, red gold?

“Yes, I'm pasting something rather thin.”

I was struck by Uros, who looked at the material and magic power with his fingers.

I probably used a little magic power on my own and checked it with that reflection.

Osvald taught us how to do that, but Darya still can't get it right.

It's a beautiful gift that doesn't slip away ― Is this red gold going to give you wind magic?

When I was in Carmine, I just got close and narrowed my eyes.

It was a stony stone to read the wind magic.

"Yes, with the wings of the Green Crown, we are using the magic of the weak wind."

I see ― ― Lord Volff, could you wave your sword if you please?

Following the words, Volff, who was at a distance from the three, waved three times.

Even though it wasn't much, the sound of slashing wind echoed.

Both Uros and Carmine stared at him with interest.

There's speed, and it looks like it's sharp.

Yes, it was very user-friendly even during the expedition.

I was relieved by Volff's delightful answer.

I finally managed to create a demon sword that was easy to use.

However, it was a bit unfortunate that similar specifications already existed in the Royal Castle.

Chairman Darya, what materials are used to harden the whole thing?

"I use the powder from the mouth (beak) of the sheikh big bird. It blocks the magic power with the horns of the unicorn and overlays it."

"The granting is similar to Carlo - but the magic curl is similar to Oswald's." Four seats? "

"No, it's eight seats..."

I tried my best eight times, but I wasn't far away from the Uros Sword.

Naturally, my voice went down.

Well, let's put a unicorn horn in between and increase the endurance four times.

"No, it's eight times more durable." Put a unicorn in between-- "

"Rossetti! That's sixteen!" How many Magic Potions did you drink?! "

All of a sudden Uros yelled at me.

And Darius answers, and confesseth, as he is on the curtain of his sword.

No, just one!

Volff diagonally behind him could see that the sign was solidified.

Last year, I explained that I had enough Magic Potions from the Cosmetic Guild.

But now I'm more scared of the Uros in front of me.

"With your magic power, you won't be able to do it alone if you multiply it by 16!" Do you know how dangerous that is?! After what happened-- "

Director Uros!

"- I'm sorry, I was scolding Carlo, and I shouted..."

Carmine stopped me, and Uros returned his voice.

Uros is a senior of my father's high school.

My father also seems to have done something to be scolded, but now it is not an atmosphere to hear.

Darya is desperate to explain.

"Um, I was worried, but it's really just one bottle, and I'm not impossible, and I'm doing fine!" The range of magic power granted is about three times. "

The magic power range is three......

Yes, I can't grant high magic power, so I chiseled it as much as I could, or I just thinned it out anyway.

"I hung it thinly..."

Uros and Carmine repeated each other, but it was a desperate technique for those without magic power.

Still, it was not at all comparable in terms of strength.

But the questions that followed flew to Volff for some reason.

"Lord Volff, I heard you used this on an expedition, but what about the other monster?" How long did you slash it? "

"It's a rocky mountain snake (Craggy Snake). Of course, there were about twenty of them."

When it comes to the Iwasan snake (Kragisnake), the epidermis should be as hard as a rock, but it's not a larvae or mutant species, right?

Yes, it's a regular Rocky Mountain Snake (Craggy Snake)

"Was there a chip in the blade?" What about cracks? "

No, nothing at all.

"Where did you get this sharpening?" Did you sharpen it after the expedition? "

"The sharpening workshop is a Scalfarot armor workshop. The sharpness isn't dull, so after the expedition, it's just the usual care.”

After answering a series of questions, Volff places his sword on his desk.

Carmine and Uros silently began to observe the Black Wind Sword.

To change the angle, I drew my finger closer to the blade and touched some of them gently.

"All three of you, put me on the chair."

After a while of observation, Uros sat down in the chair and said.

Darya sits shallowly on the chair.

I was reminded of the magic tool inspection by my father, Carlo, and my spine stretched naturally.

"Since I was young, the swords used by the Monster Crusaders have been granted for eight or nine years." It is easy to chip the blade by giving ten or more. Steel swords become brittle instead of hard if they are given a durability boost. Why isn't this sword broken? "

I don't care if you ask me.

But his Zhu's eyes saw much further than Darya's.

"--We used to try to make it." Eleven or more magic swords for the Monster Crusade. I heard a lot was missing in the middle of the battle. The sharpness is better if it is hard, but it is easy to chip and fragile. The sword will disappear Yes, the blacksmith told me.

"Director, there have been three to five times before, but I wonder if there was still a chip." Isn't shinobi related to the material to be given? "

In response to Carmine's question, Uros grabbed the white hand on the desk.

"It's not. The mouth (beak) of the sheikh giant bird, the horn of the first giant (cyclops), and the armor (like this) of the snake giant turtle (Aspidochelon) - I tried everything I could think of from one end." But even the seven-piece chip was broken in the battle against Augur. I gave up because I had irreparably injured the knight I was trying to test..... "

Everyone shut up in a dizzy, bitter voice.

After a moment of silence, Volff was the first to open his mouth.

"Even if Darya slashes twenty or more Iwayama snakes, there is no chip in this street." If it was a sword, it would have been replaced by about five swords, but there was no need to replace it. I'm an amateur for giving, but I can't say that this sword is good for defeating monsters. ”

That was because they were part of the Monster Crusade - Darya spoke over and over again.

"Since my magic power is not high, I had to carve out numbers and stack them on top of each other, thinly and repeatedly -- it was like milfeuille, so it just happened to be empty, so I thought,"

"[Granting milfeuille]...?"

I thought the crushing of the carmine seemed a bit tasty.

Uros remains wrinkled between his eyebrows, so it's not a very mouth-watering atmosphere.

― Chairman Darya, is this the only sword you've ever made?

Yes, it is.

Lord Volff, do you know Lord Jonas?

Yes, I've already seen it.

The vermilion eyes looked like they were confirming themselves.

Chairman Darya, since we are building for the Monster Crusade, what should we do if I tell you to give me the specifications?

Just a moment please.

And Darya hastened to open the bag of papers, and drew a piece of paper out of it.

For the time being, it is roughly written, but the specifications are written.

Next to it was One day with the Wind Dragon! 'There is also a note from my dream, but I would like to have it flushed.

"This is it. I don't have a clear book, so I think it's hard to read."

"Wait, Chairman Darya. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is the Scarfarot Armory Workshop. No, as a magician Rossetti, do I have to keep it a secret?"

When Uros said something unexpected, Darya couldn't make sense.

In doing so, he also thinks in a hurry.

This is the magicians of the royal castle. No, I must have mistaken it for someone with high magic power.

"Director Uros, I appreciate your concern, but I don't need it." A common magician with little magic power is accustomed to granting light magic power. With less magic power, if you use a waterproof cloth on the entire magic tool, some people use magic power seven to finish a roll. "

"Seven magic power rolls... is that right..."

Carmine was more surprised than Uros.

The magic tools were not only large and powerful.

Some things require a certain amount of thinness, like waterproof cloth. It takes time to draw magic circuits, but there are many household electronics magic tools that do not require magic itself.

"If you have any tips for [Granting Millefeuille], could you please tell me?"

"Well, as a trick, at first, I narrowed down my magic power to a weaker level, and from there, I prayed for it to become usable, as if I were putting a thin cloth on top of it as much as possible."

I once had Oswald teach me about the double of entrenchment magic.

"With a little higher magic power than the previous one, you can slide the magic power from the top and push it into the caught place." It's best to do the numbers. '

If I had kept practicing while remembering such things, Darya would have been able to do it.

If I was a master magician at the Imperial Castle, I could practise it for a while.

”Without weakening my magic power... put on a thin cloth... and pray...”

While saying that Carmine is bumpy in her mouth, she has an indescribable expression.

Correction, on the contrary, may be difficult.

It was possible that the magic power was too strong to be thinly applied.

Is there no better way to give milfeuille?

Darya's current magic power is between ten and eleven.

The magic power of Carmine was greater than nineteen.

In the meantime, if you could just stack all of the magic power in the meantime--

"Ah! How about we do it together?" If a magician with weak magic power hangs it upward from the beginning, it might be easier to give it over again. "

I see! If you do it well with magic, you may be able to do it!

Ryuishi and the deputy director of the Royal Castle Magic Tool Production Department were quick to talk.

But there was just one thing that bothered me.

"Excuse me, hasn't there ever been such a thing?"

Probably he was thinking the same thing.

Volff, who had been silent for so long, had asked me first.

"The higher the magic power, the more characteristic of magic power -- something like lewdness comes out easily." In addition, when granting endurance boosts to weapons, the person in charge is responsible for putting his/her name in the document, even if it takes human life. Therefore, there is a rule of one person per bottle. but it was completely out of the way.... "

Speaking of bureaucratic work until then, I think we need to clarify where the responsibility lies.

In this case, is it possible to use a joint name? When I thought so, my eyes met with Eurus.

"The authority of the general manager shall be abolished. If I put my name in the joint name and say that I am ultimately responsible, I will pass."

"Director, at that time, so am I."

"Carmine, that's not going to happen." In the unlikely event, I'll have to ask you to carry on and do the rest. "

Uros, who laughed furiously, looked at the sword again.

"Aren't you going to make something worthwhile in a long time..."

If it works, I'm sure you'll make a strong sword for the Monster Crusade.

Maybe I don't need to make Volff's magic sword anymore - but maybe I can give him the weakest bonus.

If you give it to everyone in the Royal Castle Magic Tools Production Department, we'll soon be able to do the 16 magic swords that have no shortage of magic power.

"I'm sorry, but I can't make it in the magic tool production department." I would like to ask you to do so individually -- we can't hold the upper armor from the 15th of the magic power, except for those in the Kingsguard. The lower limit of Konoe's sword was fifteen. The other three are also for Konjuku. "

Even if the knights' sword passes through the enemy's hands, the guards' sword that protects the king will not be broken.

My expectations have been lightly broken. It was impossible to apply more than fifteen magic powers.

When I made the 16 magic swords, I thought they were all-you-can-cut monsters, but it was a pity.

However, if you give it a layer like milfeel, even if it has less magic power, it becomes quite tough.

That means...

"In other words, if it's less than 14, how many times can it be stacked on the sword of the Monster Crusade?"

"Chairman Darya, that's right..."

"Chairman Darya, about that...."

When I asked my mind, they stared at me and subtly suspended me.

"... a demon sword stacked on top of each other...!"

In addition, I was relieved that my point of view was the same as that of my neighbor Volff.

I finally realized that the silence that lasted was cold and that it might be a bit bad.

"--Oh, that's right. There is no provision for how to make it. Don't make any mistakes."

It was Uros who laughed from his shoes and throat.

"I thought it would be good to give the red blood exclusively to each member of the squad." All of a sudden, the 14th stands out, and there are problems with budget and handling, so let's start practicing and researching for this eleven. "

"Um, are there any complaints from above?" Director Uros's position is going to get worse. "

It may be too late, but I caught up with my thoughts.

If the Royal Castle Magicians worked together to make it, wouldn't it be better than the swords for the guards now?

"At that time, it is enough to store fifteen or more swords with multiple grants in the guards." Of course, I'll give you plenty of budget for prototypes and materials. ”

After all, he is the department manager standing on top. I didn't have to worry about it.

When I relaxed my shoulders with such relief, Uros suddenly opened his mouth.

Well then, let's announce the milfeuille grant in Rossetti's name ─

No! I've been awarding multiplexes for a long time, so please refrain from giving me my name.

The name Millefeuille is cute, but it's hard to be credited with multiple granting.

If it's a thinner, broader grant, there are many other mages that can give my father, Osvald, and my brothers and sisters.

"The baron is also awarded, so it's windy... I wonder if you'll be the magician of the royal castle this time?" I'll match you with Chairman Rossetti. "

It's an honor, but I don't have enough magic or technology.

"Even if you're not so humble..."

"With all due respect, Darya is also a counsellor at the Armory Workshop of the House of Skalfarot." Please refrain from pulling out. For authentic consultation and request, please contact Workshop Manager Jonas Dratzi. "

"That's right, you were also part of the Scalfarot Armament Workshop..."

Thanks to Volff.

I was sorry to be invited by the Royal Castle Magician just because I happened to try a lot of awards.

Also, what I want to make is an electronics magic tool, not a weapon.

With the exception of Volff's Demon Sword.

"But I'm sure Darya taught me." Isn't there something you want instead? "

"No, a good sword would be enough for the Monster Crusade." Besides, there are many professors. I saw the granting today as well. "

"There's no substitute for that." If you want, you can definitely educate me for about three years. "

Uros made a ridiculously fascinating joke.

I want to say, "Definitely!", but I've had a shallow cough from the carmine twice.

If the deputy director gets overwhelmed by himself, he'll probably be the one who's worried the most.

It's okay because I understand it's a joke, and Darya laughed with that in mind.

─ ― Well, how about returning it to the Monster Crusade?

To my squad, is that it?

In response to Carmine's unexpected suggestion, Volff rounded his eyes on the gold.

Yes, I can give you the weapon and armor I gave you as a 'prototype' many times.

"I see, do you have that hand?" The prototype is not a delivery, so I don't care if it's in the accounting books. That said, it may be a little difficult not to let the treasurer take care of you.... "

Certainly, I wonder how it is financially correct.

However, I really wanted good equipment for the Monster Corps.

I hope that you can warm up your personal friendship with Gurut, the leader of the Monster Crusade, Jildo, the manager of the Royal Castle Accounting Department, and Uros.

With a neat smile, Carmine finished speaking.

It sounds like we're going to have to stick together everywhere.

Darya, as a consultant to the monster crusade force, decided to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm very happy to have a good deputy director..."

Uros told me with a sigh, but I kept my mouth shut with Volff.

It is not in the nobleman's courtesy book what kind of facial expression should be used in such a situation.

Therefore, the story became vague, and the meaningful grant tour ended.

Uros and the others said they would meet soon, so they descended to the first floor with Volff.

Then a voice echoed in the hallway calling him.

Ah, Master Scalfarot, are you here!

A young man who looked like an official of the Imperial Castle walked down the hallway quickly.

I had a bunch of papers in my hand.

"I'm sorry for the detail. The holiday application form you received showed that the end date of the date had oozed out, and I would like to have your confirmation--"

“I'm sorry about this. It looks like you didn't dry it enough when you submitted it.”

Volff said he had taken a long vacation before and after the Congregation.

Apparently, the date ink oozed from the document.

"Can you write the period again and just sign the correction? The others are fine as is. I have a standby crew - I'm sorry to bother you, but I'd appreciate it if you could ask the office staff."

"Ok, Darya..."

I'll wait for you here.

I think it will stand out if I follow you to the office.

Darya decided to wait at the end of the corridor.

I'll be right back.

She smiled and nodded to Volff, who seemed worried.

In the first place, right in front of the office, there was a room for the Knights Guard.

There is no danger.

When I saw Volff's back off, I remembered the Uros I had just been awarded.

How much can I give to a royal castle magician who can grant low magic power to a high magic power like Uros?

I shouldn't have to spend 16 times myself.

If they cooperate, we might be able to make a sword twenty times, no, more layers.

I'm looking forward to seeing it when it's finished.

"The Royal Castle Magician must be able to give you such an awesome gift..."

Darya tweeted with admiration and envy.

Uros and Kalmine who remained in the room made a list of all the magicians in the Magic Tools Division, including their approximate magic power and their specialty.

After that, consider the house of origin, the faction, the person's trustworthiness, and so on, and select as a group those who seem to fit.

On top of that, we decided to work with motivated people on the study and practice of multiple giving.

Originally, it was much harder for those with high magic power to apply magic power than those with low magic power.

Pouring a glass of water from the toilet is not the same as pouring it straight from the bathtub.

However, after seeing that sword and knowing the granting of Darya, both the highly magical Uros and Carmine became unforgivable with their own scriptures.

She was a magician outside the Imperial Castle, a junior at her age.

You can't lose, or you can't lose, or you can't lose, or you can't lose to your own skills.

While doing their usual work, Uros and Carmine will continue to practice by sweating on their foreheads.

The magicians who had been invited to conduct the research were stunned, just as the general manager and deputy general manager had been seriously practicing.

I was working in the Imperial Castle, and I was a first-class magician with magic power and considerable skill---that pride turned into dust on the first day.

It is also ominous to compare.

To paraphrase, when they boasted of the thinness of a board on the desk, the director and deputy director were about a piece of parchment.

Moreover, I was practicing with the conviction that such detailed and delicate magic control was possible even if I tried to make it a thin sheet of paper so that it could be seen through.

What ancestors can do is what they can and must do one day ─ ─

Those who participated in the research will correct the collar (Eli) of the aiming magician in the Imperial Castle and put it into practice.

In addition, it was not the size of the magic power, but the [Millefeuille Grant] that used the magic power difference.

There was no magician who couldn't help but be amazed by the number of times we could work together and never heard of it.

From this day on, it was decided to continue the granting practice that was closer to training rather than practicing.

The Imperial Castle Magicians polished their skills and cooperated to impart magic to multiple swords ─ ─

It was given to the Monster Crusade Squad as a prototype some time ago.