384 383. Wangcheng Magic Tool Production Department Section 3

The Grand Duke's invitation cannot be refused.

Darya and Volff headed to Section 3 of the Royal Castle Magic Tools Production Department.

As a matter of course, Zanardi and Darya each prepared two carriages.

However, Xanardi said that she wouldn't mind riding alone, and she would go with her.

In the carriage of the Imperial Castle, even if you shut your mouth unless you are spoken to, you can't help but wonder where to look.

Volff, who was sitting next to him, had a well-defined expression, but the sign was like a stone.

Zanardi loosened his mouth across the street to see if he cared for them.

"I'm a famous title too, and I'm younger than Guido, so it's easier to say that."

The Grand Duke's form alone was probably because he had left his house and was studying magic tools in the Royal Castle.

Nevertheless, being younger than Guido means you're still in your twenties.

However, because of the pale skin and the glasses with black frames, I feel that it is difficult to understand the age.

Behind the pale ash lens, the blue eyes narrowed toward Volff.

"Mr. Volfford, I had a sense of closeness to you." It's the same [without five elements], isn't it? "

Eh, Darya stops her voice from going out.

Zanardi, who holds the position of Grand Duke, didn't think he had five-factor magic power.

Five Factor Magic is Fire Magic, Water Magic, Wind Magic, Earth Magic, and Healing Magic.

It was a magic that was easily valued by the nobility, and it would be fatal if it weren't for succession-that's what Volff told me.

"Lady Zanardi has contributed to the Kingdom." I'm just a knight-- "

"I think you're much more of a contributor to Scarlet Armor." I'm the only one with bloodline. My uncle gave me a room in the royal castle because I was only disturbed when I was in the mansion. You know Volfred, don't you? "

― ― Due to Mr. Zanardi's rich talent, I heard that King Ordine wanted him nearby.

Volff is suspended well, but he has no place in the house because he has no external magic power. I can also claim to live in the Royal Castle for that reason.

But 'my uncle gave me a room in the Imperial Castle '--

"My mother is only the king's sister." For my part, I'd like to pass on the title of form only. "

The knight next to him coughed to cover his words.

Zanardi switches his gaze to Darya without looking at you.

"You mustn't be disrespectful, Rossetti. Isn't that what makes you nervous?"

"... yes"

I don't think this reply is disrespectful, but I nod my head somehow, so I'm doing my best.

It's better to be quick.

Zanardi pulls out a black leather notebook from his inner pocket and writes something down.

Tear two pages with your hands and hand them to the side knights.

The knight gave it to Volff, and he gave it to himself.

For Volff, in the carriage, I stand up halfway and take it.

I will not disrespect Darya Rossetti's words and deeds.

Serafino Ordine Zanardi "

The text is short, but the name is heavy.

And it reminds me.

Shortly after I met Volff, I was notarized with a document stating, "Make Darya Rossetti an equal friend, allow her to speak freely, and show no disrespect whatsoever."

It was not mentioned in the nobleman's manners book, but perhaps these things are common.

But that thought was shattered by Volff's frozen smile on the side.

"It is a great honor."

Tension comes from both your voice and your attitude.

I know because I'm sitting next to it without having to look at it. The texts are the same because of the difference in names.

“Feel free to talk from here. Because it is for that purpose. I have written everything I need in relation to the work of Section 3. I also gave it to Guido."

Is this your brother?

"Yes. When I first met with Guido, he explained the water and ice magic stones to me, but I was nervous and I bit them - I didn't hear about them." It looks like you'll be able to reduce the icy magic stone with a smile. "


Volff's nervousness escalated.

Apparently, Zanardi would often give it away. Besides, I was a little relieved.

"If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to ask Rossetti." Division 3, in my name, has no reproach for words or deeds. There's no way you can make a good product in an environment where you can't say what you want to say freely in the first place. ”

"Yes, thank you...!"

Why the Grand Duke? More than that, you're the ideal boss for development!

I remembered the walls of each department and the memories of my previous life with a total mobilizer, and clenched my fist.

Zanardi's words are fresher because he has a royal government and an identity system in this world.

However, it is possible that it was before the establishment of the High Nobility, so it should not be used as a swallow.

Darya carefully put the pages of the notebook she got into the paper case.

Eventually, the carriage stopped, and the guard knight, Xanardi, descended, accompanied by Volff.

This is close to the back gate of the Royal Castle.

It was lower than the other buildings, but there was still a tower the size of one in front of it.

It is not covered by a tree like a green tower, but its surface is mossy.

It seemed that the tower, which had a different structure and atmosphere than the first and second sections of magic tool production, was stopping time only here.

“You must be surprised how old it is. It seems that in the past, the royalty with problems was pushed in, but the royalty of the past few generations did not use it for good conduct, so I borrowed it because it was wasteful. It's on the edge of the Royal Castle, so even if it gets a little noisy, I won't complain, so it's a good place to experiment.”

Zanardi explains the brick path leading to the tower.

Coming to the front of the tower, the Guard Knight put his hands on the metal door.

Geez, there's a heavy noise, and the door opens wide.

"Welcome to Division 3."

It was unexpectedly bright inside.

I thought it was light from the window, but a magic lantern was attached to the wall at a certain distance.

All of them glowed brightly from daylight.

To the left and right of the straight aisle were gray brick walls, where several doors reinforced with wood and metal were seen.

The foot is a black carpet with a little furry feet.

The inside of the tower was old, but I was convinced that it was still the Royal Castle Magic Tool Production Department.

Do you know what Section 3 is making?

"--We have heard that talented magicians and alchemists are conducting academic magic tool research."

Darius answers with a desperate choice of words, so as not to be rude.

That's an explanation from my uncle, Deputy General Manager Carmine.

Uncle, is that you?

When Zanardi thought that Carmine was so old, he continued to say things.

"Yes, he is similar in age, but he is the youngest child of the Zanardi family, and I am the eldest son of the ancestors. However, he was much more competent, and on his 16th birthday, he became a magician of the Royal Castle."

It seems that my uncle and nephew are too old, but it is not so strange in the nobility.

Nevertheless, Carmine seems to have been a great talent from a young age.

"I'll go back to the story, but the third section is basically doing research on an individual basis. They can be people who are studying the flight of animals and monsters, people who are raising birds and turtles, people who are studying the language of animals, people who are trying to shape metal by magic with dolls, or people who are studying the improvement of potions.”

This was also heard from Carmine.

Darya weighs on home appliance magic tools in her homemade work.

But I was also very interested in those fantastic magic tools.

"First, I'm doing flight research--"

The door wobbles near Xanardi as he walks through the explanation.

Volff stood in front of Darya as the Guardian Knight stepped forward.


A man with white cotton dust on his head came out rolling.

What's the matter?

"To figure out the force of the jump, I tried to prune the demon sheep's hair a little, and I mixed the sleeping pills into the bait, but I woke up and was kicked along the way..."

The white coat of the young man with his hand on the wall has a clear mark on his hoof.

I'm worried if my bones are broken.

"Because she's very upbeat." Are you hurt? "

“No problem. I'm sorry to bother you when you have a guest.”

Behind the greeting young man came a white demon sheep.

The hair is fluffy and very cute, but its short corners are golden. The shiny black eyes glow with redness.

It was not just a sheep, but a sheep-shaped monster with excellent physical strengthening.

The demon sheep (Mowo) stopped in front of Zanardi and raised his face.

"'Flemish franc', please excuse me when I'm asleep."


Do you understand the words? The sheep called "Flemish francs" sounded small.

Then, if we bypass ourselves, we head for the exit.

"Vega, open the door. If you let her open the door, she'll pay for the repairs."

The Guardian Knight ran silently and opened the entrance.

When the sheep roared again, they left the tower as a matter of course.

Darya and the others fell silent and looked down on their backs.

After that, he finally introduces himself to the young man with the wool on his head.

"I'm doing flight research in Division 3. The demon sheep had strong magic power and jumping power -- before, when I tried to hold it down and mow my hair, I jumped the two knights and shoved my hooves into the metal door...."

I saw him in the distance, and I understood why he opened the door to the white sheep.

She's going back to her residence at the back of the tower. It seems that you are well behaved.

“When you're going to prune, you'll have to call on a shepherd who's used to the sheep. Otherwise, call someone who has defeated the demon sheep in the adventurer's guild--"

Xanadi-sama, I was wondering if you could help me with that sheep pruning.

Volff was the one who called out.

I see, if I was a monster crusade, I would be used to monsters, so I might be fine with haircutting too.

"I appreciate that. Some of you are used to dealing with demon sheep." Speaking of which, I think it was the monster crusaders who named me "Flanders Franc". I will send a request for help via Captain Grout. Of course, I'll pay for the overtime allowance. ”

The head of Section 3 ("Your Highness"), and Zanardi, the Grand Duke, posted the reward for your hard work without paying attention to the work of the team.

It may be a matter of course, but I have a sense of respect.

Then, the shearing of the demon sheep of Section 3 was brought together by a request to the monster crusade team.