Chapter 6: Heads-up

Name:Magical Girl Gunslinger Author:
Chapter 6: Heads-up

[Guns are effective,] Selene hedged. [And are generally only employed by the MSDs, the Magical Soldiers who are outfitted with Zenith technology from Magical Guardians. There are only six other Magical Guardians who use firearms as their signature weapons.]

I shrugged. So?

[Guns are generally bad for optics. MGs are supposed to be bringers of hope and peace, to make people feel safe. Swords and magic are of fantastical symbology, the imagery of heroes that gives people something to believe in. Guns conjure more realistic and sober feelings, ones of war and conflict.]

I know, but I dont know how to use a sword or anything like that. Besides, without stat bonuses, would I really be able to effectively use them?

Selene seemed to think about it for a moment.

[I see your point. My only issue is that I have some concerns about certain things I am not telling you, and the addition of guns will almost certainly make some of those issues worse. Knowing this, are you sure this is the path you want to choose? I know the idea of branding is the least of your concerns right now, but I assure you, I wouldnt recommend a path if I didnt believe it was possible. Stat bonuses or not, the melee weapons you have available will most certainly be capable of getting you to the shelter safely.]

I chewed on my lip as I thought about it. If I saw a Magical Girl running around with a magic staff or sword, it definitely wouldnt look out of place. But a gun? It wouldnt look natural, sure, but I dont think it would scare me either. In fact, something about the juxtaposition of a frilly dress and a gun made it seem less militant and more supernatural.

If its just the image youre worried about, I said. I dont think the image of a Magical Girl running around in a dress and gun would be that bad.

[No, in fact there is a fairly distinct market for the asymmetrical imagery of cuteness combined with guns. Moreover, the girls with guns genre is quite popular in itself. In fact, I believe the general population would look favorably upon the imagery alone, but it will still cause complications that involve things I am keeping from you.]

I let out a frustrated sigh. It was getting to the point where I just wanted to make Selene tell me everything now, consequences be damned. Still, she was the advisor. Ignoring her decision to keep secrets after seeing how uncomfortable it made her would be incredibly stupid. Whatever it was, it would have to wait, and Id just have to take her word for the possible effects it was having.

Okay, I finally said. Thats... frustrating, but okay. I guess my question is why cant I just use guns for now and then decide on something else later? I cant transform, so its not like Im committing anything to my image anyway.

[That is certainly an option. Just be aware you would be spending a significant amount of points to unlock the Vault and purchase any weapons plus ammunition.]

How much are we talking about?

[Unlocking the Kinetic Handguns (Common) Vault would cost 100 points. Then, depending on the weapon and ammunition choice, it varies]

What would be the cheapest option?

[For two points, you can get a five-shot revolver loaded with normal ammunition.]

Only two points? I recoiled. Shouldnt a gun cost more?

[No. Keep in mind this is an unattuned and unaligned firearm, a mundane item you could purchase in the real world for a relatively low cost. Beyond the lowest level Anathema, it would hardly make a dent.]

Unattuned and unaligned? I asked.

[Unattuned items mean they can not be enchanted, they are utterly mundane and capable of being produced by humanity without Zenith technology. Any item that is not Magitech is most likely unattuned. Unaligned means it would not benefit from your stats. Most Vault weapons are aligned by default, meaning as you grow stronger, they will as well depending what stats they are aligned with. For example, buying a strength-aligned sword would make it grow sharper, sturdier, and heavier to offset your strength bonus. It would essentially always feel the same weight to you, but in reality, it would be heavier and therefore more potent as you swung it at opponents.]

How would that work for guns?

[Same as for a bow and arrow. Faster and stronger projectiles with more kinetic power. The weapon itself would also gain some benefits to durability, but this is a digression.]

Right, I shook my head. What kind of gun would you recommend?

[Before finalizing your weapon choice, could we take a look at your Unique Augment? Depending on its effects, you may reconsider your decision.]

I sighed. It was obvious Selene really felt uncomfortable in handing me a gun and was trying to get me to choose anything else. I wanted to respect her opinions, but I also wasnt keen on fighting a supernatural monster up close and personal again. She had a point, though, that depending on what special bonus the System decided I should have, it could change things.

Alright. What exactly does my Unique Augment do?

[I dont know.]

I stared at Selene. Her tails swished back and forth innocently.

What do you mean you dont know? I squinted.

[I mean that due to some of your starting bonuses, you get an entirely unique augment. Unique, as in, specific only to you. Unique items, Skills, Vaults, Grimoires, and spells are highly coveted. Your special circumstances have netted you both a unique Augment and Grimoire. The only problem with that uniqueness is the description provided by the System is well, see for yourself.]

A second later, a text box appeared in my vision.

[Demonic Eye of the Sable Waif]

[Oh, ye whom hath suffered, be at ease. Forsaken, spurned, ostracized thy trials hast not been in vain. In thy heart, the Sloth Sin trills the song of slumber, eternal and sacrosanct. Yet, thou hast persevered and carried on through reproach and barb, through worry and woe. O Waif of Sable, awaken now the power that hath whispered truth and lie. Sing now thy song of sorrow, thy haunting melody. Open thy forbidden eye, the accursed source of scorn and enmity and SEE. Become in part the demon thou hast been painted, and find wretched aspect turned to peerless power.]

I squinted, then reread the description.

Then I read it again.

And again.

Selene, I don't even...

[Yes,] Selene sighed. [More or less my thoughts as well. This would appear to be one of those oddities I mentioned the Arcane System having before. Due to the unique aspect of the Augment, it seems to have taken liberties in its description.]

Liberties? Selene, it doesnt even say what it does. Also, whats with the bold text? What does it mean by Sloth Sin and Waif of Sable?

[Sloth Sin could pertain to a number of things, but is most likely referencing something you have done or experienced. Contextually, it would appear to be something unfortunate and major that you have suffered but persevered through.]Follow current novels at

I thought about it for a second, and then realization hit me. A sudden, cold shiver went down my spine. I found myself grabbing my left forearm reflexively even as my mouth went dry.

[Regardless,] Selene continued, seeming not to notice. [Waif of Sable is, of course, something I wont explain right now, but it will make more sense in time. As for the Augment itself, it seems to pertain to your red-colored eye. Even not knowing what exactly it does, I would recommend accepting it.]

Wait, what? I recoiled. Its called Demonic and says to become in part the demon. What part of that sounds like a good idea?

[It is colorful language but is nothing to be worried about. No augment has ever been detrimental to its user. I believe the proper term for its description would be flavor text.]

Still I trailed off. Looking over the description again, I was uncomfortable with how much it knew about me. Sure, it was the Arcane System that knew these things and not a person, but it still felt wrong, like it had pried into my life and secrets without asking. I also didnt like that it was centered on my eye, the stupid thing that had made me stick out in the first place and caused me so much oh. Oh, that description was eerily accurate.

[The Unique Augment is one of your starting bonuses,] Selene interrupted my thoughts. [Less than 5% of Magical Guardians receive this particular boon, putting you in a rare and enviable position in this regard. There is no merit in declining the Augment, even if the description is unusual. In time, I expect the description will even make more sense as more information is made available to you. Besides, once you have taken the Augment, I will have full access to its actual capabilities and can explain them to you.]

I sighed. She was right, as usual. If it was a tool specifically tailored to me, then there was no reason to shy away from it.

Alright. How do I accept it?

[Think about accepting it with some measure of will. Be warned the transition might be difficult as it seems the Augment is magically modifying your eye. The sensation may be uncomfortable. I would also remove your eyepatch, as it may only work while using your right eye.]

I shivered, and forced myself to reorient on Selene.

[According to Zenith records, you may have played relatively few, but you did spend a fairly prolonged period of time focusing on just first-person shooter games online and even tried a few on your phone. During that period, you even had a fairly extensive search history on guns. May I ask what prompted your interest?]

Um I started, feeling a blush come to my face. I guess it started when Lily showed me a movie series. This guy loses his dog and I dont know, it was just the first time I had really seen a movie like that. I remember thinking how cool it was that he could just pick up any gun and be powerful, maybe? I havent really seen movies or shows beyond what Lilys shown me, and that was my first real experience seeing guns in action. It was just cool. I dont know, it sounds stupid when I say it out loud.

[Nonsense,] Selenes tails bristled. [Do you think other Magical Guardians dont choose their weapons and clothing based on what they feel is cool? Is not all fashion, all trends and societal standards simply what people perceive to be cool? If you like something, you should own it. Nobody has the right to dictate whether you can enjoy something.]

I nodded. Mm they really arent all that girly, though. I hope that doesnt completely ruin the whole Magical Girl image.

[Well,] Selene began dryly, [I guess we can always color them pink.]

A huff of laughter escaped me, and Selene seemed to perk up more.

[Now then. Guns. Do you have any preferences for your first firearm?]

Not pink, I smiled. But otherwise, no not really. I dont think I know enough, so Ill trust whatever you think would be best.

[Very well. For 100 points, you can unlock the Kinetic Handguns (Common) Vault. I would then suggest the Umbra P30 Model A. It holds fifteen nine-millimeter rounds, offering a high capacity with little to no recoil. Capable of being enchanted and already Dexterity aligned, it is capable of handling a variety of ammunition types. I would recommend the silverbane bullets for now, costing one point per 15-round magazine.]

Silverbane? I frowned. What do they do?

[Silverbane bullets are made of special alloys that are complete poison to Anathema. Simply put, Anathema form their bodies of corrupted mana, pulling it into a framework. Silverbane ammunition specifically resonates in a way that rips apart this framework, destroying them at a base level. Even if the bullet does not hit any vital areas, the creature is still destabilized significantly. In other words, with these bullets, almost every hit will still do significant amounts of damage.]

That sounds really powerful, my eyes bulged. Why would I use anything else?

[As Anathema get stronger, their core framework increases in sturdiness as well. Think of it as a video game. Even though you are dealing a flat amount of damage, they begin to get defensive values that either reduce or completely negate the damage done. Silverbane rounds need to penetrate inside the Anathema to be effective, so significantly armored targets can prove problematic. This is where different types of silverbane bullets like the armor-piercing variant or enchanted rounds would be used. Some Anathema have different types that are also significantly weaker to metals besides the silverite that makes up silverbane ammunition.]

Oh. So what other types do I have access to?

[Currently, very few. Most enchanted or enhanced rounds are locked behind Vaults. The only reason silverbane rounds are offered at all is because they are considered the standard for Magitech guns when used for killing Anathema. You could purchase normal nine-millimeter ammunition, but it would be much less effective. The cost would be cheaper, however, at one point for two 15-round magazines. I would still recommend against this as there are very good reasons why silverbane bullets come as the standardized ammunition type and are offered without needing to unlock an additional Vault.]

Yeah, that makes sense, I nodded. So how much is this gun going to cost?

[Ten points, and it will come custom-modified for your hand size and physical strength. With your remaining twenty points, I would recommend purchasing an enchantment for the Umbra.For fifteen points, you can get it enchanted with a lesser rune of sound suppression. Finally, I would recommend five more magazines of ammunition. This would give you a total of ninety bullets to take out Anathema counting the magazine the Umbra comes with.]

I forced myself to think it over for a moment, but didnt find any flaws in her reasoning. Granted, I didnt really know much about guns besides what Id read online and managed to retain, but everything still seemed to make sense.

Okay. Lets do it then.

[Kinetic Handguns (Common) Unlocked!]

[-100 Points

[Purchased: Umbra P30 Model A - Enchanted]

[-25 Points]

[Purchased: 9mm Silverbane Magazine x5]

[-5 Points]

[Remaining Points: 0]

[WARNING: Zero points remaining. Contact nearest Magical Guardian for assistance, code phrase: EMPTY NIGHT.]

A heptagram of violet light bloomed into existence at my feet. In its center, more light condensed into a vaguely box-like shape, and then with a flash, turned into a solid briefcase of carbon fiber, banishing the heptagram into disintegrating motes. I looked at the case as I dismissed the pop-up messages.

What was with that warning? I asked as I got up from my chair and crouched down to the gun case.

[Ignore it,] Selene said with an annoyed tone. [It is just some meddling put in at the request of the human nations. They believe Magical Guardians who reach zero points are in an unusually desperate situation and should seek help. The code phrase triggers a quest to incentivize other Magical Guardians to assist.]

That doesnt sound too bad, I shrugged. I mean, I am kind of in a desperate situation, arent I?

[Yes, but with most forms of communication being down when within a Usurpation Zone, it is sort of a useless message. That, and usually the message is a suggestion, not a command. Just ignore it for now.]

I frowned, wondering what she meant about it usually being a suggestion, but I continued with opening the box. Inside was a matte black pistol and six magazines, all set into dark foam indentations. The pistol looked well, it looked pretty much like other guns I had seen. Sleek, metal, and if I was being honest with myself, cool. Something about its heavy but streamlined design did give it a more advanced look than some of the other guns Id seen, however. The only other thing I noticed was Umbra embossed along the slide in silver along with a crescent moon symbol between the grip and the guns slide.

[And now to reveal the other half of your Augments power. Please pick up the gun and point it at the wall. It is unloaded with the safety on, but please handle it carefully.]

I reached down and gingerly lifted the gun. It was heavy wasnt necessarily the right word, but maybe weighty? I could feel how solid the gun was, how dense and compact it was built. More than just the physical weight, something about holding the pistol made me nervous. In the back of my mind, something seemed to click that what I was holding was a dangerous weapon, something that could take a life with just the pull of a trigger. Click, boom, and then death. That simple.

I forced my grip tighter, willing my hands not to shake as I pointed the gun at the wall, being hyper aware of where the muzzle was aimed. I couldnt completely suppress the small tremors as I held a gun for my very first time. Following Selenes instructions, I aimed at the wall.

New images popped up in my vision, on my HUD, and I blinked in surprise as I took them in. Slowly, my heart began to beat faster in excitement as I realized what I was looking at. In the bottom right of my vision, an outline of my pistol appeared along with the numbers 0/15. That, however, was secondary to what took up the middle of my vision. There was a small circle with a dot in the middle, sort of like a minimalistic bullseye, and I stared in shocked recognition as I moved the gun slightly. The image followed along wherever I pointed the pistol, separate from where I looked with my eyes.

I have a targeting reticle? I exclaimed, blinking.

[Indeed!] Selene replied cheerfully. [As I said, your Augment predicted your affinity for firearms. While the real-time status functions are nice, the targeting reticle is invaluable. With it, it will matter much less that you have no experience in actually using firearms. Your accuracy will be drastically increased, and target acquisition will be trivialized. As the reticle is directly linked to your stats and weapon, it will even change in size to give a prediction where your bullet has potential to hit.]

I stared, waving the gun a few times and watching as the outer circle of the bullseye-style reticle expanded with my quick movements and shrunk when I held the gun steady. It was literally like I was in a shooting game now. I almost felt stupid that I hadnt realized it before, that HUDs in video games always had crosshairs or targeting reticles to use even when not aiming down the guns sights.

[To say this has optimized your combat potential would be an understatement. While it wont automatically make you a perfect marksman, it will allow you to effectively use guns with supernatural proficiency.]

I kind of feel like Im cheating, I said, my voice quivering in hesitant awe.

[Exactly!] Selenes tails swished back and forth. [This Augment is part of your special starting bonus, one less than 5% of MGs gain. While other Augments can provide similar targeting functions, none have the full functionality that yours has or are as accurate. I would also like to remind you that the Arcane System decided this was your most optimal and completely unique choice, a manifestation of your very self brought out. It wasnt the Zenith that chose this for you, it is what the System recognized in your personality, magic, and your very sense of self. Trust me when I say there is nothing to be ashamed of. This is part of what makes you unique, and in time, you will understand just how special of a Magical Girl you really are.]

My cheeks flushed at her words, and I lowered the gun. Something rose in my chest, warm and powerful, and my throat tightened slightly. This Augment it offered such small and simple bonuses, but that was what also made it so powerful. Instead of having to spend years of practice learning to use a gun, drilling for countless hours just to accurately hit a target, I could just point and shoot. I didnt even have to look down the sights to see where I was going to hit!

And all of that was mine. My power, my strength. It was part of my soul made manifest by magic.

The warm feeling in my chest bloomed stronger, and, for the first time in a long time, I felt something very much like hope.

[Now then,] Selene said. [Lets get you familiar with handling a gun, and then we can begin to make our way to the next shelter.]

I nodded firmly, and focused all my attention on my Familiar. She let out a small cough as if clearing her throat.

[Very well, lets start with the basics. First of all: guns are not toys]