Chapter 267 Got you bitch.

Chapter 267 Got you bitch.

"Would you look at that, I didn't think I would see my junior come knocking at my door, how surprising."

Declan spoke with a big smile on his face as he saw Vaan walking into his room. New n0vel chapters are published on

Vaan, on the other hand, didn't react to his words and glanced at Declan's secretory who was standing in front of him, and from the expressionless look on her face, it was clear that she had no intention of moving away.

Declan wanted him to move aside and walk past his secretory.

Vaan, obviously had no clue what this was supposed to do, however...

A big smile appeared on his face as he glanced at the woman in front of him.

Once again, he didn't know why she was standing in front of him and what Declan planned to achieve through this, in no world, would Vaan lose anything if he did what Declan wanted and gave him the sense of victory he seemed to want so much.


The thing was... that Vaan had been a good boy for a long time now... probably ever since he had joined the Academy.

Sure, what he did with the sword dude who entered his class couldn't exactly be considered 'good', however, in the events after that, Vaan had been rather tamed.

Of course, the main reason behind this was that he was maturing. He wasn't the rash gangster anymore, actually, he never was, the only reason he acted rashly before was because he knew his mother was a big shot and he actually had the freedom to go wild.

Yes, a hateful attitude but... well, the man was free to use the resources he was provided, no?

What's the point of having a strong mommy if you aren't going to make use of it to your advantage?

Anyways, after spending time with Elara, while Vaan had indeed corrupted the woman, the woman had rubbed him off quite a lot as well, taming him down and turning him into more of a planner than a rash person who deals with everything using his fists.

Today, however, things were different.

Today, Vaan had decided to give in to his base instincts again.

Since the kid was trying to bully him using his influence, he decided to take the matters into his own, or Christopher's hands.

And unlike the current Vaan, Christopher was a petty bastard.

An action that would give a sense of victory to his enemy, he would never do it.


Vaan spoke as he glanced at the woman in front of him.


The secretory, however, showed no reaction to his words, which made Declan smile but more than Declan, it was Vaan who was enjoying this situation.

Suddenly, the Mana around Vaan moved and suddenly, three Advanced Circles formed in front of him,


He repeated, his golden eyes shining with a crazed light.

This bastard... he was serious...

Heck, he was already drawing the Magic Pattern...

And it was no simple spell either.

It was the Flame Bomb.

A spell that almost every student in the Academy knew.


Declan spoke, trying to rile Vaan up. The man, however, just chuckled,

"I just didn't bring her here. You see, Elara is quick to freak out. She wouldn't like what I plan to do."

"Oh? What do you plan to do?"

Declan questioned with a curious look on his face.

Vaan however, just laughed,

"Now now, don't act like I didn't see how you pretty much pissed your pants the moment I summoned my circles. Of course, I don't plan on revealing anything outside but... come on man."

"I was just worried for my secretary. Unlike others, I actually do care about my subordinates."

"Is that so...? Maybe that's why they are all a bunch of scardy cats. The two swordsmen you sent to duel with me and Elara were pretty much the same, the moment Elara started firing some more serious spells, they started trembling.

One even shouted in fear as he started blaming his God.

It was quite a funny sight, not going to lie."

Vaan laughed again, seeing Declan clenching his fists in frustration, he relished the long-lost joy of bullying others.

Of course, he wasn't planning to hold back his punches here.

Declan wanted something from him, and no matter how he acted, the man would make sure to use the advantage he had and force him to make an unfair deal.

Since the outcome wouldn't change depending on how he acted, Vaan decided to at least take a psychological advantage.

"You speak quite a lot for someone who cannot even deal with a simple problem and is now asking the entire student body for help." Declan snorted.

"Well, I can't do anything about it. The Headmaster told me to do it, I don't make the rules."

Vaan just shrugged. Then, he decided to stop playing around and,

"Anyways, say what you want."

He spoke up.

Hearing those words, a smile appeared on Declan's face, knowing exactly what Vaan was talking about, he however, just to enjoy the situation for a little longer, feigned ignorance, and,

"What do you mean? You are the one who came here. Tell me what you want."

"Look, kid, stop with all the games, okay? Just say what is it that you want for you to take back your words and tell your subordinates to vote for me instead?"

"What makes you think that I will change my mind if you give me something? What if I do not want you to win at all? What are you going to do then?"

Hearing those words, Vaan just shrugged and stood up,

"Well, then I guess I made a mistake by coming here. I probably would need to wait a few months before I settle the matter."

Saying those words, Vaan turned around, ready to leave.

However, right before he reached the door,

"There is something."

Declan spoke and Vaan's smile widened.

'Got you bitch.'

He spoke as he turned around.
