Even as the future started to feel a little uncertain, first, registration.

maid too pretty

“So, what to do?”

“That custom is the greatest problem, but I think it is better to increase the number of participants as much as possible.”

so much team kill

And so we filled up the application form (Writing also worked out somehow with the [Translation] skill. This skill is amazing.) and payed the registration fee.

It’s 3 silver per person per section, so a total of 123 silvers. We also payed for Dalia-san.

……our remaining money is just 47 silvers.

Ah well, when it comes to it, we can just sell one more dress. The dresses are stored in the chemistry lab, so we need to go somewhere without people to set up the room, but with [Teleport] that’s not really a problem.


And so we safely finished registrations and are now free, but here we have a problem.

“Wait, hey, you all, where are you staying?”

Dalia-san’s question is quite right, she needs to know where we are staying, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to contact us if there is a need.

But, we can’t just honestly say, we will be [teleporting] to somewhere without people, setting up a classroom and sleeping there.


……mhm, well, that would be the most optimal answer. Mhm.

“Huh!? Unbelievable! You all, what do you think there are inns for!”

Ah, mhm, there was that.

“But I’ve heard that everywhere is full though.”

“Well, that would be for all the expensive places on the main street. I know a good place. Come on.”


And so, we walked for 10 minutes, following Dalia-san. A few alleyways away from the colosseum, in a narrow, gloomy alleyway, there was a small inn.


Dalia-san immediately entered, so we followed her in.

“Hey, jii-san, I brought guests.”

When Dalia-san called out towards the counter, the ojii-san that was sleeping woke up with a start.

Uwah, is it okay for the receptionist to be sleeping?

“Ooh, welcome, welcome. How many people?”

Upon seeing us, ojii-san grinned broadly and started writing in the register.

“9 people.”

“Hm hm, then 3 rooms for 3.”

Suzumoto hastily stopped the ojii-san who was about to take out room keys from behind the counter.

“Sorry, one is a female. Make it 3 rooms for 3 and add on 1 room for 1.”

Mhm. Honestly, I don’t particularly care about this, but everyone else wants to separate rooms. Well, it would be bad to create false misunderstandings for them.

sex slave?

“Eh, wait wait, you all, you are going to get a room for a slave?”


And, well, how to put it, I was enjoying it like that a little, and that could have been fatal.

……my memories after eating are vague.

Yes. When I woke up, there was an unfamiliar ceiling.

For an instant, I thought it was the inn’s room, but it’s somehow different.

When I tried to get up for now, something tugged on my neck.

It seems a new collar has been put on me and the chain attached to it is connected to the wall.

…….seems I’ve been kidnapped. Yes.