Chapter 60

Why is Fukuyama-kun here……thinking about it normally. Thinking about it normally, he probably also went through those staircase ruins, then came to 1F but……

Mhm~, mhm~……was he, smart enough to break through the staircase ruins on his own?

……I wasn’t involved at all since I threw the exploration to everyone else, but I’ve seen it by borrowing Hagasaki-kun’s vision through [Share], so I know.

The ruins that fulfill the role of the staircase. Those ruins would make even a certain famous puzzle-solving adventure game with that sesame sauce~♪ SE turn pale.

(T/N: is it actually sesame sauce? It seems to be referring to zelda, ごまだれ~♪なSE, I don’t know zelda.)

Do not underestimate it as just some staircase, that amount and level of puzzles as well as the continuously appearing monsters are a menace.

Even if it is a ruin that everyone has already cleared and the puzzles are solved, it doesn’t change the fact that it is full of monsters, so even if it is one where we had passed through, it’s a little doubtful…… ah, no, that guy kind of had high fighting strength in a way, so well, it’s not impossible, but it somehow doesn’t feel right……

……eei, never mind that, what do we do about this! We are broke, we can’t give money we don’t have, but if we leave him it feels like we might not be able to sleep well at night, or……

……actually it’s fine, mhm.

But it’s better to at least know which noble buys him, so we decided to watch the auction before going back.

Just in case, Toriumi went to trade for the two foreign slaves we won the bid for so we can return immediately once he returns.

“I think you can understand why he is our final exhibit of the day! Even for a foreign slave, such handsome features are rare!”

Ah oi, Hagasaki-kun, don’t point your middle finger just because of that! I know it’s irritating but!

“And this slave is not only good-looking! If you give this slave a sword, he shall split the seas and the land for you!”

That’s some weird selling line. Well, I know he’s harder to sell than a magician though.

But looking at Fukuyama-kun who is being sold with those weird lines……he’s looking around like he’s looking for something. Hm, is he looking for someone?

I tried following his gaze, but I had to give up on that.

As for why, it’s because the instant I accidentally met his gaze, he keeps staring this way.

Oou, what is it, what is it, you surprised me. I’m Rosemary-san okay? Not Maito……I won’t deny our physique is similar though!

And Fukuyama-kun gaze didn’t stay on me, it quickly moved to my surroundings.

……meaning, mhm. The chemistry club members.

Even if I can be passed off as someone else……these people……even with masks, mhm, it won’t work.

Fukuyama-kun suddenly broke the various chains binding him and charged this way in an instant.


I was instantly pulled to the side and somehow avoided that.

“Mai……no, err, Mary, you okay?”

Seems like that avoidance was thanks to Kadomi-kun.

“I’m fine. Thanks.”

Just, please don’t pull on my arm. I thought my arm was going to be pulled off!

Seems like everyone else also somehow dodged. Well, since that charge was something I was barely able to see, there’s no way they can’t dodge.

“Oi! What’re you doing!”

“Get back on the stage!”

2 of the facilitators that look like guards tried to return Fukuyama-kun to the stage, but that won’t work on a foreigner.

“Shut up! How dare you guys do something so inhumane like selling people!”

Seeing how he easily sent 2 muscular men flying, he really is an otherworlder too, he probably has corrections as well.

And after taking a candle stand that was by the wall, he probably activated [Energy Sword]. I’ve seen Kadomi-kun’s a few times so there should be no mistake.

And of course, it appeared as a sword of light.

Fukuyama-kun brandished that sword of light and said.

“I am the hero that has gained the trust of the goddess! Now that I have come, I won’t let there be slave trading!

Ho, how did this happen!

Fukuyama-kun seems to have a few screws loose in his head, but the reaction of the people around was slightly different from expected.

“Wha, what, the hero!?”

“Oi, you! Aren’t you Suzumoto-kun from the chemistry club!”

Oh, Suzumoto has been nominated. Come to think of it, they were in the same class in year 1.

“Who is that girl next to you? Why is she wearing a collar?”

Hey, stop pointing that sword here, it’s dangerous.

“Our slave, so?”

Yeah, Suzumoto is currently tired from the MP interval running. He isn’t in a very good mood.

“You……! How dare you do something so horrible like making someone a slave!”

Come on, Fukuyama-kun, won’t you stop saying such troublesome things.

Also, stop extending [Energy Sword], it’s going to reach here, it’s dangerous.

“……isn’t kidnapping and leaving Maito to die horrible?”

See, now Suzumoto’s mad and accurately digging at your wound. This is your fault, Fukuyama-kun.

“This and that are……different! Maito-san……in the first place, if you guys weren’t treating Maito-san so badly!”

“Don’t shift the blame, did Maito ask you save her because she was being treated badly?”

“Maito-san couldn’t say that with the position she was in! So I……”

“Kidnapped her, then left her to die?”

Somehow, Suzumoto is taunting Fukuyama-kun……and seems to be having a little fun.

Mhm, well……I understand how he feels.

“……I certainly let, Maito-san, Maito-san die!”

Fukuyama-kun attacked with [Energy Sword], aiming at Suzumoto.

But, he’s not the kind of person to be done it by that.

The same instant he drew his sword at a speed that can’t be seen, he had sliced through the candle stand that was the medium for [Energy Sword] and already had his katana at Fukuyama-kun’s neck.

“You, got stronger? With this?……don’t make me laugh.”

While Fukuyama-kun was stunned, Suzumoto did not do anything more and just returned his katana to its sheath.

“Do you get it? This isn’t enough. Even with the 8 of us, it isn’t enough. Don’t, you believe that, you got stronger.”

Somehow, I feel like Suzumoto glanced at my right leg. The spot that got melted and was gone once.

……there’s no need, to mind it.

“……hey, Suzumoto-kun, is that girl, a replacement for Maito? ……she looks similar, to Maito.”

Just as I thought you became docile, what’re you saying.

Even Suzumoto’s head looks like it’s shorting out so give him a break.

Or more like, as Rosemary-san what kind of expression am I supposed to make.

And Fukuyama-kun’s head finally exploded.

“Did you, also like Maito-san?”

And so, we moved to the Deichemoore pawnshop.

“Ou, good work, seems you managed to win the bids……o, oi, you guys okay? Did something happen? You all seem extremely tired……”

The uncle’s congratulations really soothes the heart, seriously!

“……a little, ah, we met……something, something beyond human imagination……”

……just in case, just in case, after teleporting everyone checked.

Even though we definitely have the [Translation] skill on our dog tags…… what language was that……