Chapter 76 Strength

76 Strength

"Don't move!!"

"Stay your hand!!"

"Drop your weapon"

Immediately, the guards of the kentow family surrounded Leon and Carlson. Leon had gone too far by killing the warlock, it was but a match, that's what they told themselves.

But deep down, they knew this was a death match.

"This is bad!! What are we going to do?" Carlson visibly panicked. But his hand was firmly gripped on his spear. He was battle hardened didn't mean that he couldn't feel fear.

From his observations, the kentow family had at least 3 peak level 1 mages and several middle stage level 1, they were unable to take them even if they tried.

"Uhhh I don't really have a plan to be honest..." Leon held on to his chin like he was deep in thought. Then all of a sudden, he had a bright idea.....

"Pridefulheart!!!!!" Leon shouted out loud like a crazy person. This made Carlson frown and looked over at Arian's figure.

She gently shook her head in embarrassment while watching this sight. Then in the next second, she gently floated into the air, causing Carlson's eyes to widen.

His eyes followed her from the ground all the way to the ceiling, where she floated in midair.

Seeing this shocked expression on Carlson face, the guards and other members of the kentow family followed his line of sight until.....


"This can't be"

"I'm seeing things, right?"

They couldn't believe it, this was flight. How in heaven's name did Peri get a level 3 mage on her side?

They thought with their purchase of a level 2 warlock they could win against Peri, but reality showed otherwise, now they were seeing that they had no chance at all from the get go.

A level 3 mage. This was a disaster for them.

"Storm Area: Crackling lightening"

Arian pointed her hand outwards and all of a sudden, several bolts of lightening simultaneously struck out from beneath her and barreled towards the guard



Each bolt carried enough energy that they were all easily shocked to unconsciousness. In but a few seconds, Arian had knocked out all of the kentow family's armed personnel.

"Hehe," Leon looked over at Peri and gave her a thumbs up. This mission was as good as done. In fact, he had solved a larger problem for her, the problem of the schemes of the kentow family. The presence of a level 3 mage completely dashed their hopes of ever getting back at Peri.

It was a done deal.

A few hours later, Peri came back from her late husband's grave with a gigantic suitcase filled with memories. If it were before, the kentow family would not let her leave with any of her husband's belongings. However now they had no choice.

"The old one brings us power, the old one brings us strength and most of all, he keeps us steady. A hundred faces a hundred natures.....but essentially, we are one" the leader of the ritual chanted....

About 30 minutes later.

"We can't have the enforcing event with no hiccups. Just make sure not to go more than a 500 meters down." The leader of the ritual urged a number of men, among which was Embers father, Half-moon and several others.

"Yes leader!!" They all echoed in unison.

"Good" the leader nodded in approval then proceeded to walk off.

Meanwhile, deep inside the pool, the statue of a humanoid sat at the bottom of the pool. This statue looked entirely human except for its non-existent face.

Yes, it was faceless.


Back at Duan city.

Leon And Arian could be seen walking down a random alleyway. They didn't have Ember with them right now. The Mission was over and this was a personal matter, so they didn't take her along.

"Is that you?" Leon's voice sounded in the alleyway, startling a dodgy youth not too far away.

"Ahhh!!" The youth was shocked as he jumped back from the sudden scare. But when he looked at where the voice had come from, he was elated.

"Boss!!!" The dodgy youth ran towards Leon hand, gave him a big fat hug.

"Ahhh" Leon couldn't help but feel strange. He didn't see a need for affection, this was just plain out weird. But then he remembered that Gunta was but a kid.

That's right, the dodgy youth was Gunta.

"Did you find it?" Leon asked gunta.

"Yes, yes, it's right inside this building." Gunta said hurriedly.

Leon had tasked him with several things. He was to gain information on where the Warlocks in the city were based, the rumors being spread in the warlock community, and so many more.

But for today what Leon wanted from his was the location of an auction house where he could get the best materials with life-energy.

Life energy herbs and materials have been banned from being sold on the streets for a while now. The city administration and royalty didn't want warlocks becoming stronger. Unfortunately, this was what Leon required the most.

To become stronger.

To that effect, he had to seek out an illegal auction house.

"Good, then let's go inside" Leon smiled and walked into the back door of the auction house.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to valerian auction House. We bring you the most valuable items' money can buy. An immortal sword had shown up here before. A death magic golem was sold here before. Even a petal of the Purple Heart eternal flower once rared its head here."

"If you need it, we got it and if we don't have it we will find it, for a price of course"

Inside the "auction house" were several booths with auctioneers on the inside auctioning goods.

One only needed to take a ticket to join them.