Volume 1 - CH 6

Chapter 6 - My Little Sister's Can Judge

On my way from school to kindergarten, I stopped my bike when I heard a ring.

|| "Hello, is this Onii-chan?"


|| "then hurry up and pick me up! Don't wear it long! Bye!"

Omw (Ony my Way!)

It's been two days since I gave Soyoka the phone, and she's already able to use it optimally. It's because I've prepared a shortcut so she can call me, and he's able to operate it with

I feel different today. Because cute Soyoka had asked me to do something, so of course I had to. Then, I put my phone in my bag and pedal my bike go to kindergarten.

"She called me because he wanted me to pick him up ASAP, right? Ugh, I'm so excited!"

She had practiced a lot yesterday. Even though she can talk to me directly, but she always calls me whenever she gets a chance. Thanks to that, my calling history was filled with the name Soyoka. Well, I don't need another name anyway, and I don't want anyone to call me but him either.

I really wanted to pick him up right away without making him wait long, but it was difficult because I still had school to go.

Why do I have to be a high school student? Why can't I just be the exclusive brother to Soyoka?

My little sister came home from kindergarten at 2 pm, but she still had to stay there until almost 4 pm because I was still in school. Luckily, child care was not too expensive, and they also took very good care of my little sister.

Besides, it's safer there. There were other children who were also left there, so Soyoka seemed to be able to have fun playing with them.

"It's very hot and humid today, isn't it?

"But when it's time to pick you up, you'll feel refreshed right away, won't you?"

I ran into Akiyama, who I happened to meet just before arriving at the kindergarten gate, and entered the courtyard together.

She never spoke a word at school, but when she was in kindergarten, she seemed like she was in a good mood. I think her here is better than her always sharp tongue at school.

Since I'm in the same class as Akiyama, so the time where we pick up is also the same. Maybe that's why Soyoka and Iku get to know each other because they often play together while waiting to be picked up.

Today, they played mud. Oops, Soyoka's whole body was covered in mud. That means I have to bathe him when I get home.

“Hey, your little sister is too close to Iku, right? I don't want your little sister to get too close to Iku just because he's handsome."

"It was Soyoka who had to be careful. She's very cute, so it's possible that your little brother misunderstood her actions. ……Men are wolves, you know?”

Our current exchange is not a normal topic anymore. When we greeted the teacher, Soyoka noticed us and quickly raised her hand.


"Soyoka! I miss you!"

"Look, mud dango! I'll give it to you!"

She wrapped the mud dango in my hand so it wouldn't break. Moist soil feels cool and pleasant. The shape is slightly deformed, but skillfully crafted.

This dango makes me nostalgic. If I harden and polish it well, then the surface will be shiny blue. I remember that I used to make it often.

"Thank you…… I will take care of it for the rest of my life. Yeah, I'll put it in the display case when we get home."

"Itu Iku yang memberikannya padaku!"

"Okay, I'll destroy it now."

A gift from Iku, huh?

Iku, he's really aiming for my little sister! Soyoka was still innocent, so of course he would be happy when he was given a mud dango. So that's how you try to win her heart, huh?!

"You're too childish......"

"That's because I have to make sure that Soyoka won't get infected by the bad bugs."

"Who are you calling an insect, hmm?"

"Sorry, I meant wolf. I thought you were too childish too..."

"Ah, I just realized… Iku must be dissatisfied with an ordinary woman like your sister because she has an overly beautiful sister. I'm sorry for distorting her beauty, but what can I do

"Wow, so confident."

I wonder where his confidence comes from? ……By the way, Iku has the same good face as Akiyama. He would definitely be a very handsome boy in the future. What a terrible gene.

By the way, Soyoka was a miracle in this world, so it was unethical to compare the two of them.

Soyoka held the cell phone from her neck with her muddy hands. Because it's built to last, so the phone will be safe even if it gets dirty.

"Look, I've exchanged contacts with Iku!"

"No! You're still not ready for a phone call with a man!"

If you exchange contact, he will try to approach you by saying, "I miss you." or "I want to hear your voice." or "Let's go to sleep call." As your big brother, of course I don't allow it.

I hastily checked Soyoka's cell phone and found an unknown number listed there. Who taught him how to use the phone, huh?

"Iku, I'm glad that you two can exchange contacts."


Akiyama patted Iku's head. She looks like a good big brother while doing that.

"Soyoka-chan, let's swap with me too, okay?"

"Of course!"

Soyoka was in a happy mood when Akiyama asked her. Iku also smiled while holding the phone to his chest.

I'm sorry that I thought about the strange things earlier.


Akiyama, who was standing after a light high five with Soyoka, pointed his phone at me.




For some reason, she looks a little embarrassed, agitated and looks away.

"Oh, so you want to swap with me too?"

"I mean, I think we should. This is for Iku and Soyoka's sake. I don't plan to contact you personally. I also want to send you the photos I took during the mas ceremony."


I quickly operated the QR code from the messaging app and scanned it. I also sent him my phone number via the app.

"Iku, can you teach me how to swap phone numbers too?"

"Sure......! Here I teach..."

He must have put a lot of effort into teaching Soyoka. Even if he can't read yet, he would still be able to do it as long as he remembered the order. Although still stammering, but in the end he was able to do his job well.

I love her courage, but I can't support her love!

"Okay, let's go home first. ......Hmm, Akiyama?"

I'm happy when I see Akiyama looking cheerfully at his phone screen, but when I talk to him, his face immediately returns to normal. She was quite skilled at playing with his facial expressions. And as he did that, the phone in my hand jumped into the air and fell to the ground.


C-Could it be that I'm starting to like him?! No, no. Don't think about weird things!

"By the way, how many contacts from your peers do you have?"

"......Maybe only one, that's a cousin too."

This girl has no friends…… come to think of it, I also never saw him friendly with anyone at school. I feel sorry for him. It made me want to be his friend.

"Iku, let's go home."


Akiyama wiped Iku's hand with a wet tissue. Unlike Soyoka, her clothes are still clean, which shows the difference in personality between them.

Soyoka's imagination is very strong! Ah, by the way, Iku's mud dango has cracked and crumbled. Pity...

"Iku, what are you doing?"

Just as Soyoka said, Iku looked uninspired. Even when her brother pulled her by the arm, her steps were heavy and her expression stiff. I guess he had too much fun in kindergarten and didn't want to back to home.

Did he not want to leave Soyoka?

Well, my little sister is indeed very popular, so it must be hard for her. I wonder how many men will be crazy about her in the future?

"No, I'm fine. ……I'm completely fine.”

"Today her mother is working late, so he's feeling lonely. Right, Iku?"

Iku looked down and his mouth closed. Iku's current attitude was a little worrying. Iku's tone of voice annoys me quite a bit too. I don't think that's the only thing he's worried about, but it's not for me to think about it.

"Onee-chan's food is not good......"


Iku's words made me couldn't help but laugh. It was because his words sounded convincing. Moreover, the one who said that was Iku, a person who was very sensitive to his surroundings.

I glanced at Akiyama and saw that he had the gaze of a skilled assassin.

"It's true that I made a few mistakes last time, but this time it will be perfect, Iku."

Akiyama said so, while looking up diagonally.

"......Does your mother usually make food for you?"


"What about your big sister?"


Children are very honest. And since Akiyama couldn't be angry with Iku, so I sacrificed myself to replace him.

"That's surprising. I thought you could do anything, Akiyama."

“Yes I can. It's just that the recipe is a little too difficult.

"Even though I really can't."

My image of her as a perfect woman had vanished.

"I wonder if you can cook, Kyota?"

"Hey, do you think I'll compromise on Soyoka's food, huh?"

My parents have worked constantly since I was very young. So since elementary school, I've been doing all the chores around the house. And I can cook not the result of practice, but because of being forced by circumstances. Thanks to that, now I can do all the housework without any problems. And besides, I'm willing to do anything as long as it can make Soyoka smile.

"Onii-chan's homemade food tastes good!"

"Good job, Soyoka!"

"But green peppers don't taste good."

Do you still not like eating green peppers, Soyoka……?

Next time, I'll try another recipe that even kids who don't like peppers will love. Moreover, I heard that there are also those who sell sweet peppers that taste not too bitter.

"Iku, let's go home. I'll cook food for you later."


Iku looks so reluctant to do it, I wonder how bad it feels.

Akiyama, who ranked first in the class, was actually a bad cook. If she were to share his homemade cooking in class, it would definitely be a big news.

"I'm so rebellious now, yeah. ……I can't believe he's so rebellious to his brother now.”

Akiyama looked surprised.

Then, Iku gently let go of her hand and jumped at me. What is this?

"I want to try Nii-chan's cooking!"


"You can't, okay?"

His eyes shone dazzlingly. Wait. Could it be... that was just an excuse to get close to Soyoka again?!

But, apparently not. Because what was on his face was a sincere look. He really just wanted to get away from his brother's cooking.

Well, even without them, I'd still be cooking. And even if the number of people increased, it wouldn't have any effect on me.

"It's fine, Onii-chan. We'll cook some food for him

Soyoka, with her hands on her hips, gave her permission with a proud expression on her face. Soyoka really likes my cooking, so it's definitely worth being proud of.

"If you want to eat my cooking, that means you have to come to my house……”

I made eye contact with Akiyama. Then, she averted her gaze and fiddled with her bangs with her fingertips.

Even though it's for the sake of the kids, it's still awkward to invite a girl to my house.

"Nee-chan. Yes, okay?"

Akiyama looked at Iku and said,

"How, well.....? I mean, that would be annoying, wouldn't it?"

Akiyama didn't give him a clear answer.

Well, from her point of view, visiting a man's house she didn't know very well would be a little uncomfortable for her, wouldn't it?

"I'll show you my stuffed animal!"

But, these kids really wanted to do it, regardless of their brother/sister's feelings. And they walked straight home together with their bags in their hands.

"Well, since Iku wants to eat it, so I think it's fine."

"Well, I guess so. Sorry for bothering you."

Me and Akiyama said to each other awkwardly.

Well, come to think of it, isn't it normal for a kindergartner to invite his friends to eat together at his house?

Even though socializing is important, I shouldn't use kids as an excuse to bring a girl over to my house.

I heard Akiyama's house is across from the kindergarten. His house was in the opposite direction, but it wasn't a big deal if he rode a bicycle.

With that, we each placed our sister in the child seat and headed to my house.


""Excuse me...""

"This is Soka's house!"

Akiyama looked a bit nervous as he entered my house. But then, he put his luggage in the living room, took off his blazer, and just wear the uniform. She folded it carefully and put it in his school bag. She also did the same to Iku.

Currently, Akiyama Sumi is at my house, and sitting on the sofa.

My house, which should be familiar to me, seemed like a different place just because of his presence there.

"You can use the bathroom freely."

"Thank you. It's a beautiful house."

"Ah, well. It was a foreigner who built this house."

The house where Soyoka and I live has a fairly spacious layout. Even though our house has a terrace, but there are no plants in the yard because we know that no one will take care of it.

Since we didn't need much space for the two of us to stay, Soyoka and I only used the first floor. The second floor is my parents' room and the storeroom. So there's nothing to be proud of with the size of this house. Moreover, with how large this house is, it will only increase the amount of my homework.

"Is your father abroad? Or maybe your mother too?"

"Only my father. He only comes home once a year. My mother hardly ever comes home because she has to work every day."

"Soyoka must be lonely......"

I'm sure Soyoka must hardly remember anything about her father. ……And because my mother can't do housework, so I'm the one who did everything……Sorry for telling it all of a sudden.”

"No, it's fine. ……After all, we're a bit alike."

It had been more than a year since my father last came home, so I only had a vague memory of him. I don't even remember what he looked like. I also don't remember him ever doing anything like a father at all. The only thing I remember from my conversation with my father was when he told me, "I'll give you as much money as you want. So live as you please."

"Iku, let's wash our hands. Ahem, I borrowed the bathroom first."

"Oh, okay, okay. Oh, Soyoka! You should change your clothes too! Everything is dirty, lol! Hey! Don't take your clothes off in front of man!"

Because she usually changes clothes in the living room, so she asks "Why?" while tilting his head. But, now Iku is here. Fortunately, Iku was a real man, so he averted his gaze.

"She must have done it on purpose to tease Iku, right?"

I ignored the words of that idiotic brother who even had a rivalry with a toddler and left him to change Soyoka's clothes in my room.

I'm not sure if I should put her in pajamas or not. But in the end, I put her in another uniform.

It's true, casual clothes make her look cute. But, a neat suit is no less cute when worn by him!

Back in the living room, I started to prepare dinner.

Our kitchen is an open kitchen, so I can look to the side of the living room while cooking. This is what they call an island kitchen, unobstructed by walls.

There is plenty of storage space on the walls, which makes it look spacious and easy to use. So it's safe for me to cook while watching the kids.

Akiyama and I stood in the kitchen. Even though there's a lot of space here, but somehow I feel uncomfortable.

"Would you like to join in the cooking too, Akiyama?

"Well, it's not like I can't cook. After all, there's nothing I can't do."

"Really? .....Yes, yes, whatever. Here's the apron."

I gave her the apron that my mother bought even though she didn't cook.

Iku looked at us anxiously from another room. Apparently, Iku didn't have any faith in his big sister at all.

Akiyama quickly put on the apron over his uniform with a mysterious expression on his face.

The apron looks good on her. She looks like a skilled cook when combined with her confident expression. That's if we see it from the clothes alone.

In the living room, Iku and Soyoka started playing together. They were playing house with Soyoka's favorite doll.

"Neko-chan is Inu-san's wife. However, Neko-chan is having an affair with Kuma-san."

"Having an affair......?"

"Yes. And Iku is the dog."


I think the anime "Minisuka-chan" has a bad effect on children. Iku, who was designated a victim of NTR, played with the teddy bear in his hand in depression.

Can he follow Soyoka's storyline?

"Kyota, I'll do it!"

Akiyama, with a motivated expression on his face, stood in front of the gas stove. She's holding a knife sharpener, but I don't know what she's holding it for. 

"We'll just make curry. Because we can make it all at once for all four of us."

"You can make curry? That's amazing......"

"Ordinary. After all this is food that even elementary school kids can make."

I had planned on making this from the start because food for multiple people to eat had to be something that could be cooked all at once.

The ingredients I prepared were the same as usual: carrots, pork, potatoes, and onions. The rest are roux

TL/N: Roux = Flavoring ingredient.

Akiyama leaned forward and stared intently at the ingredients I took out from the refrigerator.

She took out a notebook from somewhere and tapped a pen with his chin. She ran his pen with a serious expression on his face.

However, I reached over and snatched the notebook from him and placed it on the edge of the table.

"Yup, confiscated."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't need notes. I'm not a professional, I just followed the recipe on the box. It would be better if you learn to do it with your own hands."

The key to cooking is experience. I used to start as a beginner. And I managed to master it through the many mistakes I made since elementary school.

Of course, there are times when you have to learn it. However, in this day and age, you just need to find a recipe and a way to make it. The key is the ability to follow the recipe. You don't have to do research or develop new dishes.

"Alright, let me ask you, can you really use a knife?"

"It's embarrassing to be teased by Kyota......"

"Oh, sorry. You are right. It's not good to mock others. Then can you cut the potatoes for me? Peeler is in the second drawer."

TL/N: Peeler = Pengupas.

Iku's words and the testimony from her were proof enough that she couldn't cook. Although I've never seen it in person.

"Yes, leave it to me. I'll take care of it. ……By the way, what should I do?”

"It's the only time I've seen anyone so proud of themselves admit that they didn't know what they were going to do."

"Ignorance will only lead to stupidity."

How could there be a girl who was said to be perfect and ranked first in the class but couldn't actually cook……?

"Peeler. I know what a peeler is. ……It's a tool for peeling skin, isn't it?”

"I wish I had as much confidence as you..."

TL/N: Again sarcastic because Akiyama is so confident in showing his ignorance about cooking.

Akiyama took the peeler with his fingertips and looked it up and down.

Even though my heart flutters at being able to cook with a beautiful girl, but it feels like teaching a child. In a sense, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Akiyama put the peeler on the potato and started peeling it. He calmly stated, "Why is it so hard?"

I wonder if this will really be okay?

After getting used to it, he finally carefully started peeling the potatoes.

“You can remove the potato buds by using the angle of the knife…… like this.”

“That's Solanine, right? Solanine is a very dangerous poison for children, so we need to get rid of it properly."

"You know a lot of things, well……but, you don't have to take it too seriously.”

She's good at studying, but why can't she cook? ......Well, since we're cooking together now, even if it's just for a little while, I can understand some of the reasons why he can't cook.

The main factor is that she is not very flexible.

There are many raw materials, and each of them has a different form. Therefore, in cooking, flexibility is needed. Even when you cut a potato into several pieces, you have to cut it into pieces of the same size. 

Well the thing is, Akiyama thinks too much and is not good at it. She is too stubborn and inflexible.

At this rate, the sun will set before the food is cooked.

"Hey, we have to work on it faster…… ah, we also have to make the pieces smaller to make it easier for the kids to eat. After that, put the chopped potatoes into a bowl and wash thoroughly then strain until dry."

"Don't say many things at once. Right now, I'm focusing on cutting the potatoes."

She seemed to have focused all his attention on one potato. Very slow. But……it seems I have misunderstood it.

I think Akiyama Sumi is a genius who can do anything without a hitch.

At school, she always maintained her impeccable appearance and I never saw her fail at anything. But, when I got to know him more closely, I found something else surprising besides the fact that she was a good big sister to be found anywhere.

I believe that her perfect figure is the result of her hard work. Actually, she's not a genius, because there are things she can't master. However, she was able to cover it up by studying, not only in class, but also during recess.

It was no small feat to maintain good grades while taking care of Iku. I know that because I've experienced it too.

But even so, I felt very happy with the way he was willing to work so hard for his sister, even though he wasn't very good at it.

I felt sympathy for him and wanted to comfort him.

"I'll teach you how to do it properly, so pay attention."

"Of course. I'm not Iku's brother if I can't do it."

......Mm, what's that got to do with it, huh?

Then, I started chopping the onion next to it. At times like this I feel grateful because we have a spacious kitchen.

It's just my personal obsession, so I prepared two kinds of onions that I chopped and diced to put in the curry.

I need onions to give the curry a rich flavor, and I also don't want to feel the texture of onions when I eat them.

Once the ingredients have been cut, it's time to cook them. All that was left was sauteing and boiling, but this person next to me was bothering me.

"Why do we cook it in a frying pan? The box says we have to do it in a pan.

“That's because it's easier and faster if we cook it in a pan. Also, the pan's coating keeps the ingredients from sticking, which makes the taste a lot better when it's browned.

Notebook in hand, she asked enthusiastically.

"Hmmm, the onions are burnt. I've never seen onions that brown. Kyota tastes pretty bad."

"That's still reasonable."

She looked making fun of me when he saw the onions I was cooking.

"Look. Iku is watching me. Wait there, well, Iku. This big sister of yours will make you a delicious curry!"

She said that to Iku with a proud expression on his face.

"Hey, I'm the only one who made it."

As usual, she was very excited when his sister got involved in it. She immediately became noisy because of it, probably because she enjoyed the situation where he was cooking for Iku.

Since her mother was busy doing all the housework, so this was the perfect opportunity for her to show off her "cool big sister" image. Unfortunately, she only peeked at her from the back room.

Soyoka, who might have been interested when she saw us cooking, stopped her game and came over to us.

"Onii-chan, are you and Sumi-chan getting married?!"

TL/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


"Because it's Sumi-chan, so she's going to be Mama Soka!"

Soyoka looked at me from behind the table and said so.

"Soyoka-chan, I'm not your Mama......"

Akiyama suddenly spoke up, trying to deny it. She lowered his eyebrows awkwardly.

The reason Soyoka said that was because Akiyama, who was cooking at home, reflected the figure of a mother. Because that's the image of a mother that is known to the world in general.

In this day and age, a mother's job doesn't always have to be cooking. However, for Soyoka, having never had the experience of being cooked by her parents, of course she thought that was what a mother usually does usually done for their children.

"I think it would be great if Sumi-chan became Mama Soyoka!"

That's why she refers to Akiyama as "Mama" because of what she sees on TV and other media.

My chest felt tight because I understood what Soyoka was feeling.

"...Don't call her that, she can't even cook, you know."

"Hey, I can cook. Right, Iku?"

"Soyoka, did you forget? Your big brother is a super Onii-chan who is both your Papa and Mama!!!"

I comforted her and held Soyoka in my arms.

"Oke, Soyoka, bantu aku. Aku akan membuktikannya padamu."

I put on her pink apron and rolled up her sleeves. Then, I put the ladder in front of the stove and gave him a wooden spatula.


"Yes. Be careful, the pot is hot because."


I did believe in him, but I was also worried about him, so I stood right behind him, ready to help him at any time.

……If his hand slipped and dropped the pot, then it would be a disaster!

Well, since the pan is quite heavy, so I thought it would be fine. It's not wise if I keep it away from the pot just because it's dangerous. I wanted to satisfy Soyoka's curiosity. But of course, if something suddenly goes wrong, then I'll stop it right away.

"Good job, Soyoka. It's almost done."

"Really? Is Soka a genius?"

"Yes! You are a genius, Soyoka!"

Actually, you're too genius! Even though the spatula wasn't able to reach the bottom of the pot because it was too dangerous for his hands, but it was enough. It was possible that he could become a great chef in the future. Ugh, my little bsister is too talented!


Iku, who had been waiting for a while, looked at Soyoka who was stirring the pot with a dissatisfied expression.

Feeling unnoticed by Soyoka who was too busy stirring her curry pot, he ran to Akiyama and hugged her waist.

Iku was just as arrogant as his brother, especially when it came to children's cell phones at the time. He's usually shy and not the attention-seeking type. But, in it, he had a strong sense of pride and was very clear about his intentions. They really do resemble each other.

"Hmm? I want to do it too?"


And, as usual, he has a troublesome personality. Soyoka was about to give her the spatula she was holding when she suddenly walked away.

It's not nice to refuse a gift from a girl, you know?

Iku, who seemed to be aware of that, finally turned around. However, he only glanced at Soyoka and moved his hand as if he was rejecting her.

Akiyama, who was being hugged by him, put on a bitter smile and patted his head.

When he saw his brother smiling at him, he broke away from Akiyama.

"Hey, look where are those eyes of yours? I was suspicious from the start when you wanted to take me to your house, so this is how it turned out."

"Hey, I didn't see your feet okay......"

TL/N: The MC was actually looking at Iku who was hiding behind his waist.

Akiyama hid behind Iku, using him as a shield.

That's an unreasonable accusation, isn't it?

"Haa....so, is there anything Iku can help you with?"

"Well, I think I need it to put some roux in it."

"Alright Iku, you just need to put it in, okay? Can you do it?

Yes. Can he do it?

Then, I lowered Soyoka from the stairs and put out the fire.

Cooking that should be easy turns out to be complicated just because of the presence of children in the kitchen.

Somehow this even sounds like they are children of Akiyama and I, even though they are both our younger siblings

Iku stood on the stairs in Soyoka's place, and was accompanied by her brother. Iku's smile when he put in the curry roux for the first time was dazzling. Soyoka even clapped her hands and said, "Ah!"

"Did you put a lot of love into it too?!"


"Yes! Onii-chan keeps putting it in every day, you know!"

Hey, don't reveal my embarrassing behavior at home to them! Well, even if I didn't want to, it would still go by itself because it was a testament to how much I love Soyoka.

Once the roux has been added, all we have to do is simmer it for a while on low heat and the broth will be ready.

Then, I tasted it on a small plate. Yes, it's delicious. But I prefer the spicy one.

I put the curry pot on the table for four.

I usually only use one side of the table, so it felt quite refreshing to have someone on the other side.

We never know what will happen in life. Especially at this time, where there is a beautiful classmate who will be eating together with us.

Before I could say "Itadakimasu." Soyoka and Iku had taken a spoonful of curry and put it in their respective mouths.

"It's delicious! It's not like Onee-chan's made!"

With a clang, the spoon he was holding hit the plate.

Iku, don't you feel the pressure from the seat next to you……? How dare he roast his big sister in front of his people.

"Iku, I also helped---"

"Thank you, Kyota Nii-chan!"

Good, Iku seems to know it well. I'm happy because it suits his taste. However, her sister looks disappointed. I'm afraid he'll get in trouble when he gets home.

Besides that, I was also happy to see that Soyoka was also eating her curry with the sound of "Uma, uma" without the slightest hesitation.


"Is it delicious?"

"Yes, it's delicious.....though it frustrates me."

Akiyama furrowed his brows and coughed slightly. However, his hands didn't stop scooping the curry.

"Well, that's good. I'm sure you'll be able to make it too if you keep practicing, maybe..."

"Yes, of course. I'm sure I'll be able to catch up with you soon enough."

"You don't like losing, do you? Ah, I mean, you're a perfectionist."

She wants to be the perfect and cool big sister to Iku. And to be honest, this side of him is much more interesting than him being Takane no Hana at school.

I thought about how strange our relationship was while eating the curry that was on the table.

After that, the two of us washed the dishes quickly and they both returned to their homes.