Chapter 18: A Clear Miracle

Ao Yu reached out and pushed Yun Zhao, who had been shrinking back, saying, "Why are you hiding?"

Glancing at the group of youngsters, he turned his head and instructed, "They will also make a few sets of human-shaped ones later."

Xiaguang nodded in agreement.

She clapped her hands, and several equally beautiful fairies entered, each holding a rabbit that seemed lifeless.

Ao Yu was already accustomed to such things. They were fairy spirits specially tasked with making clothes for the divine beings of the immortal realm. Faced with the pickiness of various immortal families, they were under tremendous pressure and could only relieve their exhaustion by playing with cats and rabbits.

Yun Zhao understood the suffering of the fairies tormented by the client, so he looked at Wu Mu and the rabbits sitting nearby and could only work hard to entertain the guests. .

"Let's take the measurements first."

Xiaguang circled around Yun Zhao, quickly using a soft tape measure to compare and report the measurements.

When she reached the waist measurement, Yun Zhao discreetly took a breath, but unexpectedly, Ao Yu poked his finger into his belly, ruining the act.

Mockingly, Ao Yu said, "Why are you breathing in? Didn't you think about getting fat when you were eating and drinking?"

Yun Zhao's face instantly turned red. "You ate a lot too..."

"But I won't get fat."

After Ao Yu finished retorting, he extended his hand and gestured twice at Yun Zhao's waist, informing Xiaguang of the numbers.

Xiaguang happily noted it down with a brush and comforted Yun Zhao, tilting her head, "Your figure is great, no need to worry. When combined with the clothes personally tailored by Little Fairy, they will definitely look good."

Yun Zhao blushed and murmured a "thank you."

Once the measurements were complete, Xiaguang signaled with a glance, and two yellow-robed fairies approached from behind.

They took out a pile of fabric and accessories from their storage bags and filled the table.

Xiaguang introduced, "I have brought silk from heavenly silkworms, sea silk, and cloud light brocade... The woolen fabric for the cloak is decent, but if the adult wants something better, we'll have to wait..."

Ao Yu raised his eyes, his displeasure causing Xiaguang's voice to unconsciously stop.

He lightly tapped his fingers on the table and examined the subpar fabric beside him, his tone cooling down. "What's the matter? Reluctant to bring out the Silver Crane Velvet?"

Xiaguang's temples moistened with a thin sweat. She had gotten too excited playing with the cats and momentarily forgot that this adult had a rather bad temper.

She slightly bowed, suppressing her anxious explanation. "Some time ago, there were celestial beings who wanted clothes for the celebration, so they took them all..."

Seeing that Ao Yu's expression hadn't improved, Yun Zhao could only smile and mediate, "If we don't have it, we don't have it. The ones on the table are not bad either!"

Ao Yu clicked his tongue and raised his hand to beckon Yun Zhao to sit beside him. He muttered in a low voice, displeased, "So lacking in ambition."

Yun Zhao chuckled foolishly. As long as he had new clothes, he wasn't demanding.

Ao Yu made a gesture signaling Xiaguang to continue speaking, and finally, her tense nerves relaxed.

She didn't expect that Yun Zhao could turn the page so easily. It seemed that this newly-wedded Dao companion held quite a weight in Ao Yu's heart!

"Oh, by the way!" Xiaguang took out a glass box and opened it. Inside, it was divided into dozens of small compartments, each containing accessory samples.

Xiaguang picked them up one by one and showed them to Ao Yu in detail. "My Lord, these are all newly arrived high-quality goods. In addition to gold and silver threads, we have pearls from the Fuyin Lake, multicolored silk from the Spider Lady, and scales and shells from the South Sea..."

Yun Zhao was dazzled by the variety, but Ao Yu began matching without hesitation.

He asked Yun Zhao to stand up and pulled at the sleeve hem, making the youth bewildered as he turned around.

Then, he gave a calm instruction, "Make six sets of clothes for each season, three capes, and make a few extra pairs of shoes for him to use in the fields."

Xiaguang's hand, which was swiftly taking notes, froze for a moment, surprised. "Fields?"

Yun Zhao pointed shyly in the direction of the back mountain. "I usually go to the field to take a look..."

Xiaguang suddenly realized and nodded, showing respect.

During the remaining two incense sticks' time, Ao Yu explained every detail of Yun Zhao's clothes, from patterns to the materials for accessories.

The fairies busied themselves, taking out fabrics and coordinating them on Yun Zhao's body, but Ao Yu swiftly shook his head, rejecting all of their proposals.

Helplessly, Luo Xue looked at the growing list the fairies were making and whispered to Wu Mu, "Lord Ao Yu's requirements are too meticulous."

Wu Mu and Sun yang nodded in agreement, their heads bobbing earnestly.

Yun Zhao didn't expect that even hair accessories and belts were included in the new designs. He couldn't help but sigh, "Isn't this a bit too much?"

Ao Yu glanced at him and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat. "It's better to make new ones. When the time comes, throw away those ugly clothes of yours."

Yun Zhao pouted. They weren't that ugly...

Finally, when Ao Yu finished his instructions, the fairies breathed a sigh of relief.

Ao Yu took out a jade box from his storage bag. Xiaguang curiously leaned over to take a look and exclaimed, "Wujin Feathers!"

This item was the Wujin Bird's closest down feathers, capable of warding off all poisonous miasma. It was a rare treasure in the entire Lingxu (Immortal) Realm, and any immortal who possessed it would use it to make their ceremonial robes and garments.

Ao Yu felt they were making too much noise and handed the jade box to Xiaguang, instructing her, "Use it to trim the edges of the capes' hoods. Don't mix it with other fur, it won't look good."

Xiaguang: "..."

She tremblingly took the jade box and carefully stored it away, inwardly lamenting the wastage of such precious materials.

Just when Wu Mu and the others thought it was over, they heard Ao Yu continue, "Make five sets of human clothes for the two spirit cats each. As for Sun yang... make two aprons for him, so he won't dirty his fur too much when eating."

Sun yang: "..."

Wu Mu transformed into a human form and walked over despondently, allowing the fairies to manipulate him. Luo Xue didn't dare to approach and wiggled behind Sun Yang, attempting to cover herself with the fur of a little dog.

The fairies surrounded them, whispering and cooing softly. As a result, Luo Xue got lost in the sweet words of "little cutie," half-pushing and half-reluctantly standing next to Wu Mu.

Yun Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that they would be busy for a while. He rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, there were a bunch of rabbits hiding. When they saw Yun Zhao, they couldn't help but pat their chests in relief.

Yun Zhao chuckled, "What are you afraid of?"

The rabbits looked exhausted. "Master, being manipulated is also tiring."

Yun Zhao: "..."

So, he bought some baking ingredients from the system mall and rolled up his sleeves, planning to make some cookies.

The rabbits, having nothing else to do, gathered around and helped Yun Zhao beat the butter and powdered sugar.

One of the rabbits asked, "Master, are you making small bread?"

"No," Yun Zhao poured in the egg mixture and continued mixing, "this time we're making cookies, and they're delicious too."

The rabbits became even more enthusiastic upon hearing this. After all, Yun Zhao's culinary skills had never failed before.

When the mixing was nearly done, Yun Zhao sifted in the flour and continued mixing. Then, he rolled up his sleeves and started kneading the dough.

Seeing a few rabbits staring intently, Yun Zhao pulled out a few clumps and let them take turns kneading and playing with it.

Once the dough became smooth without any lumps, Yun Zhao took out a rolling pin and flattened the dough, using various molds that he had prepared.

There were molds in the shapes of little chicks, kittens, and rabbits, and Yun Zhao pressed the dough into each of them.

He kneaded the remaining dough scraps together, rolled it into a long strip, and cut it into small pieces, pressing them down randomly.

Yun Zhao placed all the finished cookies on a plate and put them in the oven. After about ten minutes, the kitchen was filled with a sweet aroma.

He took out the baking tray and left two plates for the rabbits to enjoy, while the rest he brought out to the fairies for their afternoon tea.

When he walked into the courtyard, he was dumbfounded.

It seemed that after dealing with the sizes of a few children's clothes, Wu Mu could no longer maintain his obedient facade and stood in the courtyard, looking displeased.

A soft rope was tied around the waist of the little boy, and Yun Zhao followed the rope to find the other end tied around Sun Yang.

The golden little dog sat crouched, with two blushes still lingering on his golden cheeks, clearly the work of the fairies.

Meanwhile, the rabbit jumped and played with the fairies, hopping around the soft rope. Yun Zhao understood that they were playing with a rubber band...

Luo Xue had probably transformed back into a little white cat and sneaked under Ao Yu's robe, only revealing a small white tail to expose her presence.

Yun Zhao helplessly shook his head and walked up to them.

After a few steps, Xiaguang sniffled and sniffed the air, "What's that smell? It smells so good!"

The fairies stopped and turned their attention to Yun Zhao.

Yun Zhao placed several plates of cookies on the table and invited, "These are the freshly baked cookies I made. They're still warm. Come and taste them."

Upon hearing Yun Zhao's invitation, Xiaguang happily approached. Seeing that Ao Yu didn't react, she boldly picked up a piece and fed it into her mouth.

The small cookies were crispy on the outside and buttery on the inside, with a rich aroma of eggs and milk. The pleasant sweetness relaxed Xiaguang, making her want to lie on a rocking chair and savor them slowly.

The other fairies gathered around, holding their faces with satisfaction.

One fairy exclaimed in delight, "Mine is a little rabbit!"

"Oh, mine is a kitty!"

"And a little chick!"

The fairies exchanged glances, reluctant to take another bite for a moment.

Yun Zhao picked up a dog-shaped cookie and fed it to Sun Yang. Sun Yang carefully bit onto it, then crouched on the ground, holding the cookie with its front paws.

The little dog tilted its head left and right, hesitating to eat it.

Yun Zhao patted its head. "There's plenty more, Sun Yang. You can eat this one and then have the others. As long as you want to eat, I'll bake them for you anytime."

Sun Yang whimpered and rubbed against Yun Zhao's palm before taking the cookie into its mouth.

Xiaguang, watching this scene, couldn't help but sigh.

Earlier, when Ao Yu carefully chose clothes for Yun Zhao, everyone envied the young man's luck in having the usually arrogant Dragon King care so much.

She sneakily glanced at Ao Yu, who was quietly drinking tea and eating cookies. She clicked her tongue twice.

Now, it seemed that she should envy this Dragon King for finding a good partner.

Reluctantly bidding farewell after a delightful afternoon tea, Xiaguang wiped away her drool, touched by Yun Zhao's gesture of packing the cookies in a cloth bag for them to take back and enjoy.

Once they left, Yun Zhao suddenly asked, "Ao Yu, have you made the clothes?"

Ao Yu nodded, "Yes, I made them. There's no need to measure the sizes again. They will make them according to the materials I usually use."

Yun Zhao then asked, "But, we haven't paid yet! With so many clothes made, shouldn't there be a deposit?"

Ao Yu lazily yawned, propping his face up with his hand, and lazily replied, "I've procured plenty of precious materials for them before. Whenever I order clothes, they don't charge me, only a small fee for the home visit."

"But... we didn't pay anything either..." Yun Zhao wondered, "Could it be that the cookies are considered payment?"

"Of course not."

Ao Yu pointed his finger at the exhausted Wu Mu, looking at Yun Zhao with a hint of pride in his eyes. "I told them they could play with the cat for free, and they came."

Yun Zhao: "..."

He lowered his head and looked at the black cat covered in lip marks, filled with sympathy.