Chapter 159 More strength than expected

Name:Manaless Mage Author:
Chapter 159 More strength than expected

Without wasting any time, Harry immediately descended the whip down on the beast.


The lightning whip crackled as it sliced in the air, quickly closing in on the mana beast.

Before the black goat could even remove its horns completely from the tree it was stuck in, the whip suddenly descended on its back.


The sound of the whip lashing against the beast's back reverberated in the hair, the pain causing it to bleat loudly in annoyance.

Since the whip was made of lightning, the attack also caused a shock to run through the beast's body, further agitating it.


It bleated again, as it was finally able to remove its horns from the tree they were stuck in before.

Immediately, it charged at Harry once more, with his horns pointed at him.

'This skill is pretty good.' Harry thought, a slight smile appearing on his face, as he swung the lightning whip around.

[-40 Energy points]

A system notification appeared in front of him, but he ignored it, already used to seeing such notifications whenever he used an active skill.

[Lightning Whip] was a skill he rarely used, not because he couldn't activate it or anything, but because handling the whip was quite difficult.

Whenever he was facing mana beasts, the beasts usually charged at him with great speed, and [Lightning whip] was usually ineffective in those situations the beasts would descend on him before he could even swing the whip.

The only reason he was able to use it against this particular beast was because the beast's speed was quite slow, and following the beast's movements didn't pose much problems for him since it was always so predictable.

Just as the beast's horns were about to close in on him, Harry hurriedly channeled his energy into his legs once more.

This time, he channeled a little more energy to his legs, causing his speed and the power in his legs to increase even more than the last time.

Using the energy channeled into his legs to boost his speed, Harry immediately moved to the side, dodging the mana beast again.

However, as he moved to the side, he stretched one of his hands towards the beast, and activated another skill.

"Wind Slash." Harry mumbled, and following his words, a large amount of wind rapidly gathered in front of his palms, before forming into a thin sharp slash.

With a simple mental command, the wind slash immediately shot towards the beast.

Swoosh! nove-lB)1n

The sound of the slash slicing through the air reverberated in the surroundings as it rapidly closed in on the side of the beast, leaving a deep cut that ran from the top to just above its abdomen.


The mana beast let out another bleat, as it trashed around, wailing in pain. Blood bled from the wound, staining its black fur with red.

Suddenly, it started hitting the hooves on its back limbs on the ground repeatedly, like it was an horse ready to go for a race.

Harry's eyes squinted when he noticed this, and he felt a strange sense of foreboding from the mana beast's actions alone.

The huge black goat suddenly glared at him, with its corners of its eyes red with anger, however, what surprised Harry the most weren't its eyes, but it's hooves which were currently glowing with a dull yellow colour.

Without needing anyone to tell him, Harry had already realized what the beast was trying to do, and his eyes widened a little in shock.

'Shit.., this beast also has a trait?!' He thought in surprise.


Without giving him any time to think, the mana beast suddenly let out another loud bleat as it dashed at him once more, attempting to stab him with its sharp horns.

Harry's eyes widened in shock when he noticed the beast's speed, its speed was twice... no, almost thrice faster than it was before, to the point that he was barely able to react to it.

Harry instinctively tried to activate [Accelerate], but then he stopped at the last second when he remembered what he promised himself before coming to the beast forest.

Hurriedly channeling more energy to his legs, Harry immediately leapt to the side, narrowly escaping the deadly horns of the goat.

By doing this, he was able to create some distance between him and the beast, but he still didn't let his guard down.

The Lightning whip was still held tightly in his right hand, and just as he landed, he immediately swung the whip towards the beast's neck.

The lightning around the whip crackled as it sliced through the air, before landing on the goat, coiling around the beast's neck.


The beast bleated as it instinctively tried to pull away from the whip coiled around its neck.

Harry however, had already expected this, and immediately grabbed a hold of the whip using his second hand in order to balance himself properly.

He gritted his teeth in annoyance and hurriedly channeled some of his mana into his hands.

"Arrrg!!!" Using the additional strength from the energy channeled into his hands, Harry immediately flung the mana beast to the side with a loud shout.


The goat bleated loudly as its whole body was lifted off the ground before being flung to the side.

The goat crashed into two trees, the force at which it was flying causing the trees to completely break into two.




The two trees fell to the ground with full force, making a loud "thud" sound and causing dust to rise in the air.


The mana beast finally stooped after crashing into a large tree, with thick branches, its back slamming against the trunk of the tree with full force.

A loud cracking sound immediately sounded in the air as the mana beast's spinal cord shattered upon impact.

The goat whimpered in pain, as its body slid down from the stem of the tree unto the ground, leaving a small trail of blackish red blood on the tree bark.

Meanwhile, Harry's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the amount of damage caused by his throw.

He had already deactivated the skill [Lightning Whip] the moment he flung the beast, so the thin whip in his hands had already disappeared.

His breathing was a little heavy, and beads of sweat pooled on his face. Flinging the beast had taken a bit of his stamina.

"Woahhh... i did this..." He mumbled, still in shock. When he threw the mana beast, he wasn't actually planning to throw it that far.

However, he wasn't able to successfully control the amount of strength that was flowing through him, and due to the momentum at which he threw the goat, he ended up using a lot more force than he had expected.

But one thing he didn't notice was the thin white energy that was coating his hands, just moments before he flung the mana beast.

While he was still being shocked at his own strength, a system notification suddenly appeared in front of him, causing his eyes to widen in surprise.

[-110 Energy points]

'What?! Over hundred energy points?!' Harry exclaimed inwardly, shocked at the amount of energy points that was deducted by the system.

He was sure that [Lightning Whip] was the only skill he activated, and the skill didn't even take up to fifty points to activate it.

So how come he lost over hundred points of energy?!

'Host stats.'


[Host Stats]

[Name: Harry Ainsworth]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Novice Manaless Mage]

[Level: 19]

[EXP: 22000/100000]

[H/P: 230/230]

[Energy: 220/340]


'Damn it.' He thought, a slight frown on his face.

However, after thinking about it for a few seconds, he simply brushed it off his mind, feeling that he should go check the mana beast he just flung first.

Harry sighed, and then closed the system tab. The stamina that he lost in flinging the goat had already almost recovered completely, so he didn't even feel the least bit exhausted even after exerting such amount of strength.

Channeling some of his energy into his legs, Harry immediately dashed towards the direction in which the goat flew to.

After running for a few seconds, he finally got to where the goat was. He met the goat lying weakly under a huge tree, with blood oozing out of its mouth, and its back.

The dust in the air was a lot thicker here, but Harry could still see quite clearly. However, that didn't mean it didn't make him uncomfortable.

He let out a light cough, while also moving his hand in the air, in a bid to clear up some of the dust.

His eyes moved back to the mana beast, and seeing as it laid weakly on the ground, letting out low whimpers, even Harry felt a little bit of pity for it.

Harry scanned the beast's stats using [Probe], quite curious to see how many H/P the goat still had left.


[Name: Black Goat]

[Race: Mutated goat]

[H/P: 17/120]

[Beast Core: 2nd Stage]

[Mana: 24/85]

[Strength: 70]

[Agility: 62]

[Stamina: 81]

[Perception: 52]

[Endurance: 85]


Just like he had expected, the beast's high endurance wasn't just for show.

From the way its back was bent unnaturally, it was clear that the goat's spinal cord had been broken by that collision.

Colliding against the tree like that would have killed a lot of other mana beasts, but it still somehow managed to survive, even if it was barely.

'Wind Blade.' Harry mumbled, as he stretched his right hand towards the beast's neck.

The moment he activated the skill, wind gathered in front of his hand, rapidly condensing into a thin blade.

Immediately, the blade shot towards the goat's neck, completely slicing through it and finally ending its life.

A system notification flashed through Harry's eyes, confirming the beast's death.

Harry was about to absorb the beast's mana using [Mana steal], when a low, drawn out growl suddenly drifted into his ears, causing his eyes to widen in shock.