Chapter 175 Finally my turn

Name:Manaless Mage Author:
Chapter 175 Finally my turn

This particular group caused the audience to erupt into another round of cheers and murmurings, every person eager to see the rank one Elementalist in the academy fight.

—"Who do you think will qualify among this group?"

—"Of course it's Susan! None of them could even stand a chance against her!

Discussions rose up quickly among the students watching the fight, all of them convinced that Susan would easily win.

Among the students in group two, there was also another elite student. It was a blonde haired Elementalist, with thick brows and brown eyes.

His name was Jones Gaffer, and he was a peak stage two Elementalist, rank sixteenth on the elite rankings.

The presence of two elite Elementalist in one free-for-all fight was what excited the audience the most.

While majority of them were sure Susan would win, after all, they had witnessed her strength many times before, and it wasn't by sheer luck that she was able to hold her rank one position even after three years.

There were still a few who felt like an unexpected turn of events could happen, and Jones could end up being the only one to qualify from the group.


A few minutes later,

The students finally arrived on the stage, each of them taking a position.

Susan positioned herself at the left end of the group. She took on a lax stance, and with an indifferent expression on her face, she slowly stared at the other students standing around her.

Cold sweat dripped on the back of the other Elementalists when they felt Susan's gaze on them, and they subconsciously took a step back.

Despite her not actively releasing her mana pressure, just being in her presence alone was rather intimidating for them.

Jones, the other elite student in the group gnashed his teeth together in frustration.

'I managed to advance to this stage.. only to meet Susan Grey in my team, just great. What an unlucky day.' He thought, with a deep frown on his face.

However, he still didn't plan on giving up right away. Whether he liked it or not, he was going to give it his best.

[And with all the group members ready! Let the fight begin!]

The instructors voice rang out across the stage.

The moment the announcement was heard, the Elementalists suddenly turned their gazes on Susan.

"Arrr!!!" They all shouted, immediately charging towards her, while also channeling their spells.

Jones tailed behind them, hoping to get an opportunity to land an attack on the grey-haired Elementalist, using the group of students as distractions.

Susan simply remained in the same position, as if she couldn't care less about the people running towards her.

"Light arrows!" She mumbled, without even stretching her hand or making any hand signs.

Instantly, four bright white arrows materialized in front of her, before suddenly shooting towards the Elementalists with astonishing speed.

Out of all the arrows, one of them was a little larger than the others, and the light around it shined brighter also.

That particular arrow shot towards Jones, the stage two Elementalist in the group.

Within the blink of an eye, the arrows closed in on all the Elementalists.

It pierced through their abdomens easily, and the force behind the hit sent them flying backwards.


Group 7

Farhen Tumbler

Dan Hills

Harry Ainsworth

Will Conrad

Zer Jalen


'Wow, two elite students.' Harry thought, before slowly standing up from his seat, heading for the stage.


Harry stood on the stage with a slight smile on his face, as he made a few stretches.

Standing around his were four other students, of which included Farhen and also Dan.

After the duels, Dan's elite rank had finally rose up to 20th, while Farhen's had dropped to 13th, as he lost the 12th rank to Nathan.

From the amount of mana oozing from Dan, it seemed like he had finally managed to break through to the second stage.

"Wipe that grin off your face, don't think you'll win easily." Farhen said with a frown on his face as he stared at Harry.

He felt like Harry was mocking him, especially with how lax he seemed.

Since his loss to Nathan, he had been very frustrated, and to make things worse, everything in the academy just seemed to remind him about his loss, and failure.

'First everyone kept talking about my loss to Nathan, and now this stage one Elementalist thinks he could defeat me because he got lucky against Ria... frustrating... I'll put you in your place soon.' He thought, as he gnashed his teeth against each other.

Dan's thoughts were also similar, but he was still wary of Harry. 'He managed to beat Ria... I can't take him lightly.'

However, unknown to the two elites, the reason Harry was smiling was completely different from what they thought.

Harry was smiling, because of the notification that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.


[Optional Quest]

—Win the Free-for-all Event

—Reward For Completion:

+30 Skill points


'Just as I expected, a quest.' Harry mumbled inwardly, the smile on his face widening slightly.

Farhen and Dan didn't know why, but they felt a slight chill run down their spine at the sight of Harry's smile.

[And let the free-for-all fight begin!]
