v2 Chapter 83: Too much nonsense idiot!

Saki froze in place, her heart that was dead still resurrected again. Although she knew that she was wrong, she still couldn't control her excitement.

"It seems that he is not partial, but I think too much. Am I going to hand this important task to me from the beginning?"

Saki thought this in her heart, and forgot what Uzumaki Mito had said.

Seeing Saki standing there silently, Li Yi and Uzumaki looked at each other. Li Yi coughed and asked, "Is it hard to think?"

"Not difficult, not difficult!"

Saki shook his head quickly, and then murmured: "As long as it has a special meaning and does not repeat with other ninja village patterns, if our village is called Konoha, then the pattern..."

"If you have it, how about using leaves suddenly?" Saki clenched a fist with his right hand, struck her left palm, and said happily.

As soon as he looked up, Li Yi and Uzumaki Meidu’s smiles were far-fetched, and Saki instantly understood that his creativity was not good.

"I'm not very good at this kind of thing, let Li Yi and Missy make up your mind!" Saki was a little disappointed, but not depressed. After all, she already understood that Li Yi still cares about her.

Li Yi drew a sudden suddenly under his feet, and said in a low voice: "We are in the country of fire, and we must bear the will of fire. Let's use this!"

"This one.."

Uzumaki Meidu and Saki looked at the patterns on the ground and nodded slightly, especially Li Yi's will to carry fire, which made the two women extremely satisfied.

"Don't pay attention to these, ready to fight!" Li Yi got up, looked at the wall in the distance and said.

"Someone came in quietly through the warning barrier?" Uzumaki Mei asked in surprise.

Li Yi nodded and asked the two women to be more careful.

"The enemy has about 100 tree eyes and attacked in four directions. Give me these on the left and nine of you on the right. The only one of the other side is on my side. If you can’t stand this, then the nine of you Kill yourself!"

Li Yi's voice came from far away, and Feng Lie and others looked happy. They had waited for a long time, and finally it was their turn to play!

"Listen well, this time we will not only win, but we must win beautifully, otherwise we will never be able to raise our heads in this village, let alone be promoted." Feng Lie said solemnly.

The other eight people nodded their heads. They all knew the meaning of this first official battle. Even if Feng Lie didn't emphasize it, they would use all their strength.

"set off!"

When Feng Lie and the others faced the enemy, Li Yi had already met with the enemy. When he realized that the number of people in front of him was much more than expected, Li Yi narrowed his eyes and whispered: "All of them practice puppetry, this group of people has some meaning. !"

In front of Li Yi, a group of many ninjas wearing cloaks and hiding themselves completely, each controlling a puppet, quickly came back to Li Yi.

"Mu Dun's multiple wooden clones!"

Bang bang bang

auzw.com Dozens of Li Yi appeared out of nowhere. The other party apparently knew little about Li Yi’s intelligence. After seeing Li Yi using multiple wooden clones, there was obviously some confusion on the opposite side of the forward dash. The only Shinobu also stopped in a little suspicion and kept looking at Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't stop at all. When the opponent was observing him, his wooden clone had already rushed into the enemy's formation and began to attack frantically.

"It's not an illusion, each one is an entity, it's a multi-wood avatar of the Thousand-Hand Clan!"

As soon as the battle started, someone from the enemy camp already exclaimed.

"What? Is the other party Senjujuan?" Several of them couldn't help but step back a little, and stood beside the Shangren, and said with some uncertainty.

"It can't be the Qianshou Zhujian. With the strength of the Qianshou Zhujian, I'm afraid we will be wiped out as soon as the two sides touch each other." Shangren said with certainty after carefully viewing Li Yi for a moment.

"With the Dance of Hundred Puppets, although we are insufficient in number, there is only one person on the other side. Even if there are more wooden clones, they will be killed by the Dance of Hundred Puppets!" This Shangren was obviously a decisive person when he discovered Li Yi After continuously destroying their puppets, the clone said decisively.


After everyone answered, they dispersed, leaving only the puppet and Li Yi's clone entangled.

Soon, the puppet masters had formed a circle, and each quickly took out a scroll, crushed his thumb, and quickly wiped it on the scroll, although his hands pressed the scroll to the ground.

"The Dance of the Secret Technique Hundred Puppets!"

Bang bang bang

A large number of spells stretched out on the scroll, and after quickly connecting them into a circle, the densely packed spells suddenly rushed towards the puppets in the center. When all the spells came to Faithful, a huge burst of white smoke burst out instantly.


A huge white smoke rose up, engulfing all Li Yi and the puppets in an instant, and in the smoke, the sound of intensive clicks was repeatedly remembered.

"It's interesting. This technique is a bit like psychic technique. After the technique is applied, the puppet can fight on its own without being controlled by anyone. There is a little research value."

The name Shangren on the side of the puppet master stiffened, and he did not dare to make the slightest movement, because this voice sounded in his ears, and a kunai was also on his neck at the same time.

"Who on earth are you? Why do you want to frame me Wan Puppets?" Wan Puppets said, secretly forming a seal in his hands.

"Ten thousand puppets? Good tone, if you really have ten thousand puppets, wouldn't my little Konoha village be destroyed in an instant?" After Li Yi sneered and said, he suddenly said coldly: "Take the initiative to attack. In my village, there is still the face that I designed to frame you? With your ability to reverse right and wrong, I will not keep you!"


Suffering from a touch of Shangren's throat, no blood flew out, only a violent metal rubbing sound.


There was a sound of cymbals, and the back of Shangren who was held hostage by Li Yi suddenly split, and Li Yi was buckled in.

"You talk too much nonsense, if you do it directly, maybe it's really me who will die!" Amidst a burst of wanton laughter, Shangren of the Wan Puppet clan said triumphantly.

Li Yi looked at each other silently, his face showing no fear, but after a sneer, he said faintly: "Idiot who talks too much!"..