v6 Chapter 53: Only to win, not to lose


"Despicable!" Mie Soul flew out more than ten meters like a kite with a broken line, and fell on the ground, spouting blood.

Li Yi didn't get much better. Before the two fought, Li Yi never used the internal force stored in the two arms, but relied on bird crossing technique to swim with each other. What is waiting is a crucial opportunity, a showdown.

Seeing that Mie Hun had lost combat power, Li Yi staggered to Mie Hun, drew out the short knife from his lower abdomen, and placed it on Mie Hun’s neck, then rushed and shouted: "You do a trick, I will be there. She stabbed her in the neck."

Seeing this, his face struggled, and finally, after hesitating for a while, the short sword in his hand was still on the ground.

"Li Yi, what are you going to do with them?" Da Si Ming asked Li Yi after sealing the acupuncture point of Zhuanpo.

"Take it back and lock it up first." Although he caught the two assassins, Li Yi was not in a good mood.

In the empire, you can command Skynet or indirectly, and definitely no more than three people. But whoever sent these three people is enough to show that the situation in Xianyang is not optimistic.

After returning to the camp, Li Yiqiang controlled himself and did not bring his troops back to Xianyang, because he knew that even if he went back, it would not help.

"Li Yi, Zhuan Po and Destroy Soul belonged directly to Zhao Gao, the commander of CRRC. Zhao Gao only listened to two people." Knowing that Li Yi was worried about his family, the chief commander said again: "However, you can rest assured in Xianyang City. Before we left, Shao Si Ming and I had arranged arrangements. What's more, your wife, after all, is also Ying Zheng's daughter. Tiger poison does not eat children. What are your concerns."

"Tiger poison does not eat children?" Li Yi sneered: "In the eyes of the emperor, there are only monarchs and ministers, no father and son!"

That said, but Li Yi is confident that his arrangement in Xianyang City can ensure that his family has no worries. He is still mainly concerned about the situation in Baiyue.

It is worth mentioning that the general Tu Sui was still not advancing, and he was frightened by the suspicion of soldiers from Baiyue. Since Li Yiyunliang left, no Baiyue people came to harass him. After tentatively advancing for dozens of miles, he did not encounter any ambush.

In this case, Tu Sui retreated decisively. He has'see through' the tricks of the Baiyue people, which is nothing more than a strategy to lure the enemy into deep.

"What? You said Li Yi annihilated the 30,000 army of Baiyue and captured the princess of Xiou?"

The news from the West Route Army made Tu Sui feel that he was a clown. The so-called lure the enemy deep in his own judgment was that Li Yi had actually removed all the Baiyue forces nearby.

At the same time, Tu Sui is not a fool. The matter has passed for so long. He just received the news from the West Route Army. In other words, after Li Yi eliminated so many people in Xiou, he was not the first. Time passed a letter to him, which caused him to miss the opportunity. Such a long time was enough for him to capture more than half of Xiou.


But the current situation is indeed, the 200,000 army in the middle road, afraid of the enemy.

Even though he knew that the best fighter had been lost, Tu Sui had to order the 200,000 army to advance forcibly. If he flinched, he would face Ying Zheng's anger, which was not fun.

However, the forward's 30,000 army, only advancing for dozens of miles, encountered the tenacious resistance of Baiyue. Daqin's military force is indeed number one in the world, but the Baiyue people did not fight face to face with Tu Sui, and used some tactics.

In fact, the number of Baiyue people who made trouble was less than 1,000, but they caused nearly 2,000 casualties to an army of 30,000 forwards.

Fortunately, this point of casualties was a drop in the bucket for the 200,000 army, so Tu Sui ordered to move on.

But at this moment, a bad news made Tu Sui's heart completely cool. The grain and grass that should have arrived three days ago was burned by the people of Baiyue. It is said that the fire burned for three hours, and the grain and grass of the 200,000 army a month were destroyed.

Although this is not fatal to the 200,000 army, it was enough to cause the failure of the Central Route Army’s southern expedition, and it made the other two armies difficult to handle, especially the West Route Army, which was tantamount to being in Surrounded by the various ministries of Baiyue.

You know, the six countries have just been unified, and the people's livelihoods have not yet recovered. The food and grass used in the Southern Expedition are all saved from the reduction of food and clothing, and Yingzheng has no extra food to provide him.

Without food and grass, he can only withdraw his troops. Although Tu Sui is not a little courageous, he still dare not make fun of the life of the 200,000 army.

The atmosphere in the military account was very depressing. Xu Cang, the commander of the West Route Army, had already dropped several cups one after another, yelling at Tu Sui for mistaking the country and the people.

Of course, anyone who is a little smarter knows that the reason why Xu Cang behaved in this way was that he had made up his mind to shirk all the responsibility for the failure of the Southern Campaign on Tu Sui.

Xu Cang is not stupid. In addition to the East Route Army’s slight accomplishments, the other two armies were completely plunged into the vast ocean of the Baiyue People’s War. No one had imagined that Baiyue's determination to resist would be so great. Originally thought that Baiyue would not be able to surrender under the pressure of a 500,000 army?

It's no wonder that Tu Sui and Xu Cang are incapable. Baiyue is really a place that is really not suitable for large-scale operations. There are many mountains, many water networks, not even a decent road, and all the bridges have been destroyed. Along the way, we have to build mountains and bridges. The difficulty can be imagined.

Li Yi was also lucky enough to be invited into the military account by Xu Cang, along with Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, Shao Si Ming was the West Route Army station that arrived five days ago with the Yin and Yang family and brought them at the same time. There is also the military order of Yingzheng. The content of the military order is only six words: only to win, not to lose!

After losing his temper for a while, Xu Cang sat down in the main seat and said: "Everyone, your majesty's army has made me think everyone has seen it. But now Tu Suipifu has missed the country and retreated without authorization, causing our army to fall into it. Embarrassing situation. Enter, there are hundreds of thousands of elites ahead, and retreat, you will face the anger of your majesty. Let's talk about it, what can be done!"

Li Yi slandered in his heart, hundreds of thousands of elite? All the people in Baiyue add up to only hundreds of thousands, right? The real combatable soldiers, but six to seven thousand.
