v8 Chapter 273: Will cause chaos in the world

After turning over the family chat, Li Yi put away his smile. The four beauties and Gong You Hyuk also knew that Li Yi's ultimate goal of coming here this time began immediately.

"Qiudao, sit down too! Don't stand up all the time, or the four beauties will think you are my bodyguard!" The originally serious Li Yi suddenly turned his head to look at Yu Qiudao beside him, and continued to laugh: "I I can't afford such a bodyguard, it's too expensive, haha."

Yu Qiudao smiled stupidly, and Yiyan sat beside Li Yi without saying a word. His eyes never stayed on the four beauties for a second. To be precise, he had never looked at them.

"I'm here this time, I will mainly tell you two things."

Li Yi stopped talking nonsense, went straight to the subject, and continued: "The first thing, this intelligence department can be withdrawn. The second thing, you dissolve the company in America, and donate all the remaining funds to the poor mountainous areas in China."

"There are two purposes for this. One is to hit the economic markets of the Americas and make their economies go into depression again. The second purpose is simple, that is charity."

"How did the board decide?" Gong Youhe asked solemnly. Of course, there is a reason for him to ask such a question. A big company that stands among the world's top companies will be dissolved at once. This is not a game.

"The board of directors has agreed to my point of view. Once your company is dissolved, especially in the branch of Meidi, once it is dissolved, the company's employees will have all their careers. This is a big blow to Meidi."

"As for the compatriots of our company, we brought them back to the headquarters to arrange new tasks for them."

"Understand," Gong Youhe nodded immediately.

"By the way, how many employees in the group worldwide—"

"Total? Microsoft has nearly 15 million employees worldwide. Our group is twice as large as their company. The American subsidiary alone has nearly five million employees."

"Very well, five million people are unemployed at once. It's spectacular!" Li Yi smiled wickedly and continued: "Don't doubt if I am crazy. The group was built to impact the world economy. "

"The dissolution of companies in the Americas is only the first step. Subsidiaries around the world will be gradually dissolved in the future. Of course, domestic reservations."

A horrifying move, in this small office, under the command of Li Yi, under the actual operation of Gong Youhe, gradually unfolded. A conspiracy that swept the world and broke the net was opened. Curtain.

The next day, Gongyou He hurried back to the headquarters of the Americas branch to start arranging the company's dissolution plan. Dissolution, two simple words, is not so easy to do. The company's huge number of employees, as well as the intricate relationships among them, need to be implemented step by step.

The emergence of a group of liquidation teams indicates that the company will soon be dissolved. The entire Americas became restless with the appearance of the liquidation team of the Li Group's Americas branch, especially those working in the company.

With the cancellation of registration and the final procedure for dissolution of the company, the announcement will be made after the dissolution of the company. The entire Americas boiled up all at once. Although all those who worked in the company received subsidies, the dissolution of the company meant that they were laid off. A new job hunting climax was instantly boiling in America.


Especially for the American Emperor, the Li Group’s employees in the American Emperor’s company amounted to more than one million. Such a large number of people lost their jobs and flocked to the streets to protest. For a while, the American government was in a state of anxiety. The Li Group posed a problem for them, and they did not expect that such a large company that had risen like the sky would suddenly disband while climbing to a high place. This really caught them by surprise.

And all the procedures for dissolution of the company originally took about three months, but they were completed within one month by Gongyou He's thunderous tactics, and the US authorities were too late to respond.

Not only the US imperialism, but also more than a dozen countries in the Americas, including Canada, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. The most shocking thing to these countries is that the funds after the dissolution of the Lee Group disappeared miraculously. Since the Lee Group entered the Americas, their company's funds have not been deposited in any bank in the Americas.

This, I have to say, is an amazing discovery. Could it be that the people of the Li Group carried away such a large amount of cash?

Due to the Li Group’s unreasonable playing cards, once again aroused the anger of American countries, a secret team composed of multiple countries quietly came to the headquarters of the Li Group, Greece.

Because of this operation of the Li Group, the countries where Li Group branches are located all over the world became vigilant, and they were afraid that the next company to be dissolved would be the Li subsidiary in their country. And began to prepare everything secretly, so as to cope with the layoff frenzy that happened. Of course, their hearts also hope that this will not happen. After all, Li's subsidiaries have solved a large number of employment problems for these companies and also paid a considerable tax to the authorities.

Obviously, this move of the Li Group has touched the interests of many countries. Western developed countries do not allow this kind of purely retaliatory action, and they have firmly resisted it. Relevant departments in many countries in the Americas agree that the existence of this Li Group will definitely cause chaos in the world.

According to their preliminary investigation, the Li Group's subsidiaries have covered almost the entire planet in just five years. This is a bad sight for them. Once the Li Group dissolves its subsidiaries all over the world, it is hard to imagine what a chaotic situation this is.

Resolutely not allow the Li Group to continue like this. This is the voice of many countries in the Americas.

And at this critical moment, a top-secret file from the U.S. White House drifted into the hands of many departments in the Americas. When the person in charge of the incident in these countries saw this file, everyone was shocked.

The behind-the-scenes president of the Li Group is Li Yi, who has a **** storm in Japan——

While everyone was shocked, they also understood a truth. It was impossible to suppress the Li Group by normal means. It's only possible with abnormal means.

After these persons in charge learned of this file, the Pentagon once again sent a confidential document to these people.

The document records that there have been multiple countries composed of supernaturalists to kill the high-level of the Li group, but these members will not come back once they go. After ruling out all possibilities, it was concluded that the superpowers sent out by that tribe were wiped out.

When the US imperial intelligence continued to send out information about Li Yi, the Japanese Prime Minister suddenly spoke internationally. Because China did not cooperate with the Japanese to capture Li Yi, they would personally use military force to attack or destroy Li Yi and his forces. . Once China intervenes during this period, it will start a war against China.

When the Japanese announced the news, the U.S. White House spokesperson also immediately announced military suppression against Li Yi and his forces. Following the U.S. emperor’s speech, a member of the Y’s royal family named Andre also jumped out, adhering to The unchanging truth that the American emperor will fight whatever they fight declares that Li Yi will be his enemy.

