v11 Chapter 99: Had to board the thief ship

"Is it possible that anyone wants to count on me?" Lu Zhangke is an old gang after all, and he sighed secretly in his heart, but after a while, the **** filled his mind, and he couldn't take care of that much. He doesn’t stop doing it, just as if he didn’t find this person."

Lu Zhangke walked forward with a lewd smile, and kissed his concubine's cheek, "My dear, please have a good time with me tonight."

Just as he was about to get upset, there was a rush of noise outside the door.

"Brother, senior, open the door quickly." He Biweng shouted loudly, obviously a little lackluster.

Lu Zhangke noticed that something was wrong, but there was still this little beauty on his bed. If something went wrong, it would be a big deal, and he scolded in panic, "What the **** is it? It's so late." , I've already fallen asleep, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

"Brother, we are poisoned, please give us the antidote as soon as possible." Crane Bi Weng cried out impatiently.

Seeing the urgency of the matter, if they didn't respond, they would inevitably break in. The Luzhangke quickly took the quilt and completely covered the concubine.

After the Lu Zhangke opened the door, he saw the four of them haggard and asked with all doubts, "What the **** is going on with you? Why are they all weak?"

"Brother, I don't know why, but I was poisoned by Shixiang Ruanjinsan for some reason. Please give us the antidote quickly." He Biweng asked quickly in order to prove his innocence.

"Are you kidding me, aren't those ten fragrant soft tendons in your hands? How can you get poisoned?" Luzhangke heard this from the junior brother and walked forward to help them in.

But just when he met Kutotuo, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"You are not poisoned, who are you?" Lu Zhangke asked in shock.

At this critical moment, Li Yi jumped from the roof with a thunderous force.

After seeing the leader coming, Fan Yao was overjoyed, turned around, knocked the Crane Bi Weng he was supporting to the ground, and tapped his acupuncture points.

The Blue Wing Bat King tapped Er and Ah San at the acupoints with his extremely fast and light power, and knocked them out.

"You...how did you get in?" Seeing Li Yi who suddenly appeared in front of him, Lu Zhangke was panicked.

Knowing that the outside is heavily guarded, how could he rush in single-handedly?

"Haha, just a few prawns, soldiers and crabs, I can say that I am here as if you are in a no-man's world. Come and leave if you want." Li Yi patted his sleeves and said with great emotion.

"Who are you?" Lu Zhangke asked questioningly when he saw Kutoutuo and Li Yi mingling.

"Isn't it obvious? But let me introduce you to it. I am the right envoy of Mingjiao Guangming Fan Yao." Fan Yao said with a smile, and then took off the mask on her face. Come down.

"You...The Second Immortal Xiaoyao is indeed a well-deserved reputation. You can actually endure the humiliation for decades. Even the prince and the princess trust you 100%." ​​Hearing the person in front of him said he was Mingjiao Guangmingyou. Therefore, Lu Zhangke looked at him incredulously.

"In order to sneak into the court, I did everything possible." Fan Yao coldly snorted, how can someone who is right and wrong will cast aside the light?


"What the **** are you doing?" At this point, Lu Zhangke has no other choice. His junior and younger brothers are still in their hands. Moreover, he knows that he is not Li Yi's opponent, not to mention that there is a blue bat next to him. Wang and Kuto Tuo are gone.

"I don't have anything to tell you. If you are a little bit more interested, please give me the antidote for the ten fragrant soft tendons." Li Yi asked straightforwardly, and sat down on the chair without hurried.

"You don't want to take the antidote from my hand." Lu Zhangke was also hardened, and he refused to let go easily.

"If that's the case, how about I make a deal with you?" If you grab it, you won't get the antidote. Besides, it will attract the attention of others, so Li Yi had no choice but to outsmart it.

"Oh, then I would be interested in listening to it." Lu Zhangke said without fear.

"Although I want to rescue the people of the six major sects, if I ask you so many antidote, I must not easily agree to it. I only want to save one person." Li Yi said slowly.

"Could it be the girl of that week?" Lu Zhangke guessed what he was thinking at a glance.

"Hahaha, he is really a smart person. Talking to a smart person is much easier. You don't need to go around." Li Yi smiled.

"Hmph, then what good do I have." Lu Zhangke snorted coldly. In general, he was actually embarrassed to make conditions with Li Yi, but he was so ugly in his heart.

"I can't help but admire Xuan Ming, the second elder is indeed a well-deserved reputation. In this case, you still have to make conditions with me. Do you want the Dongchuang incident to happen?" Li Yi said with a long smile and then rebuked.

This small change of Li Yi really scared the Luzhangke!

"What's the matter what the archbishop said, please speak straight, don't go around like this." The Luzhangke said in a vague voice, staring at the bed with his eyes, obviously a guilty conscience.

"Didn't you know it well? Just want me to say it?" After speaking, Li Yi used a Yang finger to attack the bed.

Suddenly the bed fell apart, and a little beauty fell out of it, but the little beauty could not move.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the deer stick guest is also a man of temperament, and the name of a lascivious person is indeed well-deserved." The Qingyi Bat King laughed from ear to ear.

"It's just that Lu Zhangke is too courageous, even the younger concubine of the elder dared to use it to fool around." Li Yi sternly scolded.

Seeing the sing-along in front of him, Lu Zhangke suddenly understood, pointing at Li Yi and gritted his teeth and said, "I finally understand that all this is a game set by you, just want me to be fooled by you."

"You know now that it's too late, haven't you been fooled?" Li Yi was calm, and then Yin and Yang said strangely, "I don't know, if I tell King Ruyang about this, what will happen? trouble?"

"You..." Seeing that Li Yi is so aggressive, he has no other way. If he doesn't agree to it, then it will be difficult for him to get involved in the court. "If I promise you, you can promise not Be able to tell others about this."

"I Li Yi speaks and believes, how could the dignified leader deceive you?" Li Yi said with a wicked smile.

Knowing that the person in front of him is untrustworthy, the Luzhanger is helpless. ..
