v11 Chapter 890: quiet place

Chapter 890

It only took three years to climb mountains and hunt with other hunters and meditate at home at night. Li Yi had already reached the nine-level realm of Tianling. And can easily break customs and become a great psychic.

"What's wrong?" Mu Zilun asked: "Are you going to shut up?"

"No, I want to find a place to rob." Li Yi said.

Mu Zilan nodded: "Why don't I take care of you?" Mu Zilang's practice speed is also amazing. Although she is not as strong as Li Yi, she is now a tall and strong person, not much inferior to the true disciples of the Eight Great Sects, and it will not take long for Mu Zilang to become a figure in the kingdom of heaven. Only young masters of that level.

"You stay at home, if the village asks, you can think of a way. We can't let everyone know that we are practitioners and can't disturb their peaceful life." Li Yi then turned and turned left. Before dawn, before the villagers got up, Li Yi went to the mountains to find a quiet place deep in the mountains and survived the disaster. Maybe he will come back before dark.

The sound of the chicken rang, the sky was no longer so dark, and white light appeared in the east. After a while, the sun would illuminate the whole earth.

Suddenly, endless dark clouds appeared in the Northeast. A large piece of black pressure is darker than the bottom of the pot and thicker than the mountain. The appearance of dark clouds eclipsed the whole world. In the dark clouds, golden lightning passed through the clouds like a golden snake.

The villagers got up, and everyone was surprised to see the dark clouds in the northeast.

"Sir, is there a downpour?" a villager asked. He is the most knowledgeable person, of course you need to ask him if he has any questions.

When he stroked his white beard, he said suspiciously: "Why are there such dark clouds and heavy rain at this time of the year?" The old man knew very little. "


"Mr. Mu, do you know what it is?" He asked, beware that Yun would come in and cause harm to the villagers.

"Don't worry, sir, although the clouds seem to be very close to us, they are actually hundreds of miles away from us. They will not float." Mu Zilan comforted, but she was very nervous because she knew That is Li Yi's robbery cloud.

A golden lightning struck suddenly, scaring the villagers hastily covering the children's eyes. But after the lightning, the clouds began to dissipate. After a while, the sky and the earth became clear again, and the soft sunrise illuminated the sleeping earth.

Mu Zilun was a little worried. The robbery cloud only chopped down a bolt of lightning, and then dispersed. Li Yi did not survive the lightning strike. But at the same time, he also believed that Li Yi was originally a clergyman, and with his constitution, such natural disasters should not harm him.

Li Yi is back. Mu Zilu's nervous expression turned into a joyful expression. But Mu Zilun looked at Li Yi, she slowly walked away, and she found that Li Yi was a little different from usual.

Mu Zilun walked forward and took Li Yi home. .

"Li Yi, how are you? Are you injured?" Mu Zilun asked with concern.

Li Yi shook his head and said, "No, I broke the hijacked cloud with every move, without injury."

Muzren was not surprised by the existence of the former divine order, and it is not surprising that after repairing the incarnation of the massacre clouds, this is not surprising.

But Li Yi's abnormal expression made Mu Zilun a little worried. Li Yi's face always has a gentle and calm smile, that is..
