Chapter 365 "Y-You can continue if you prefer it a bit more bloody"

Name:Manipulative Harem God Author:
Chapter 365 "Y-You can continue if you prefer it a bit more bloody"

"I-It sure is...." Lisa's voice quivered, her lips curling into an awkward smile. She attempted to withdraw, but her efforts were in vain.

Zhang Wei's grip tightened, playful yet firm. "The car is automatic, girl. What need have you for free hands?"

Rolling her eyes, Lisa retorted, "Oh, please spare me, boss. I promise to be the picture of obedience from here on." Her words were a performance, a script learned from watching Xiong Mei and him, yet tinged with her own desperate hope for escape.

Zhang Wei, momentarily taken aback, regained his composure, shaking his head with feigned solemnity. "Uh-Huh, now that it's awake, you must face the consequences."

"Mhm.." Lisa's response was a mere breath, a silent acknowledgement of her defeat.

She sighed, a sound of resignation and reluctant acceptance.

In that moment, she understood a harsh truth – to tease Zhang Wei was to play with fire, and she was all too easily burned.


Lisa wrinkled her nose in slight disgust, her fingers oozing with an unidentifiable, white sticky substance. "Ugh... Why is it so sticky?" she muttered, vigorously scrubbing her hand with tissues.

"So you can lick it clean," Zhang Wei chuckled, thoroughly amused by her exaggerated reaction.

Lisa shot him a glare, her annoyance vividly displayed in her eyes. "It's not funny, okay?"

With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Zhang Wei leaned in closer, his fingers gently cupping her cheeks as he planted a sudden, soft kiss on her lips. "Then let's make it amusing," he whispered, pulling her from her seat and drawing her nearer.

Lisa's eyes widened in surprise and protest. "W-Wait, you can't!" she stammered, but her lips were already enveloped, her resistance swiftly succumbing to the unexpected sensation.

Zhang Wei shook his head, a bitter smile playing on his lips. "Someone's kidnapped Wu Xue."

"Kidnapped?" Lisa's eyes widened, searching his face for signs of a joke. But Zhang Wei's expression was grave, etched with worry.

Zhang Wei's mind raced, thoughts tumbling like dominoes. "Who is my enemy now?" he murmured, more to himself than to Lisa. In the sprawling cityscape of Qingyun, he couldn't recall making any direct enemies. "Could it be... Wang Haoran? Has he dared to revolt?"

Zhang Wei's fingers infused with calm fury as he punched the numbers into his phone. "Old bastard, don't you want to live? Do you think I'm a joke?" he spoke the moment Wang Liang answered, his voice thunderous and raw.

On the other end, Wang Liang jolted, nearly tumbling off his bed in shock. "W-What happened, Lord?" he stammered, confusion lacing his voice.

Zhang Wei didn't mince words, explaining the situation in terse, clipped sentences. There was a pause on the line, a heavy silence, before Wang Liang responded. "It shouldn't be anyone from my family, Lord. After witnessing your powers, they wouldn't dare. Give me a few minutes. I'll investigate if anyone has been prying into your affairs. Once we find the inquirer, we'll uncover your target."

"Thirty minutes, Wang Liang. That's all you have. Or I'll be sending people to your house," Zhang Wei threatened, his voice cold as steel.

Wang Liang's agreement came through the phone, tinged with bitterness.

Wang Liang, wondered, 'Since when did villains start getting blackmailed?'

Little did he know, in this twisted game of playing villain, Zhang Wei was a more formidable villain than him!

Meanwhile, Zhang Wei stepped out of the car, craving the bite of fresh air against his skin.

The morning was quiet, a stark contrast to the storm brewing within him.

Lisa quietly followed, leaning against the car beside him. She understood that in moments like these, silence was the best companion.

Under the faint sunlight, Zhang Wei's silhouette was a study in contemplation as he leaned against the cool metal of the car. His mind was a whirlwind of strategies, each thought sharper than a blade. "How many points do I have now?" he asked, his voice a calm anchor amidst the internal tempest.

The system responded with a mechanical tone, [2291 points...]