Chapter 386 Warm Welcome? Committing Crime?

Name:Manipulative Harem God Author:
Chapter 386 Warm Welcome? Committing Crime?

?Zhang Wei shook his head in frustration, his dark eyes filled with disappointment. "There's a cigarette stuck in the lock and a lighter. Can you please light it for me?" he asked, his voice tinged with irritation.

Chen Yulan's heart sank as guilt gnawed at her conscience.


Without a word, she reluctantly obeyed his request. As she carefully took the cigarette and placed it between his lips, their faces grew dangerously close.

With trembling fingers, she ignited the lighter, casting a flickering flame that illuminated the intense, electrifying tension between them.

In that fleeting moment, her heart raced, unsure of what was to come.

After finishing the task, she returned to her seat and slumped against it, unable to hide the crimson blush creeping across her cheeks.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and curiosity, she whispered, "Do... Do I need to do it all over again?"

Her voice quivered with uncertainty as she avoided his gaze.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei hit the brakes abruptly, causing her to jolt forward. "No way!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with both relief and admiration.

Perplexed, Chen Yulan questioned, "Eh, why?" nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Didn't I mess it up—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Zhang Wei glanced at her, grinning broadly as he gave her a thumbs up. "No, it was more than acceptable.... Our agreement is complete! Just don't faint on me again."

Before them stood Yu Lei, her white padded jacket hugging her figure like a second skin, contrasting starkly against the dull background. Nearby, Feng Xinyue casually sipped juice from a paper can, her nonchalance almost theatrical.

Flicking a stray hair from her face with a practiced air, Yu Lei flourished her phone like a magician revealing a trick. "Husband will be here in exactly one minute," she announced with a warm smile, her tone a blend of mystery and certainty.

Xie Meirong and Lin Ruoxi exchanged a glance, their confusion unspoken yet palpable. 'What is she talking about?' the thought echoed in their minds. Zhang Wei wasn't known for his punctuality, and he certainly wasn't the type to send advanced notices.

As their confusion swirled, the distant growl of an engine sliced through the air. An SUV was approaching, its presence commanding. Instantly, their heads swiveled towards Yu Lei, eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

"How... Did she?" Lin Ruoxi's voice trailed off into the thick air, a mix of awe and confusion.

Yu Lei met her gaze, her eyes glinting with a secret. "GPS," she revealed, her voice flat, yet loaded with implications. "I placed them in all the cars on my first day here." The casualness of her confession, bordering on criminal act, made Xie Meirong and Lin Ruoxi's faces twitch in disbelief.


Simultaneously, they shook their heads, a silent agreement passing between them.

Anticipating Zhang Wei's imminent arrival, they adjusted their demeanors, ready to switch roles and put on a warmer and kinder appearance to welcome him.


As the SUV rolled to a halt, a hush fell over the group. Dust swirled in little tornadoes around the tires, settling slowly as the engine cut off with a final purr.

Chen Dong, his movements rushed, rushed out of villa, his eyes scanning the scene with an urgency that belied his usually composed demeanor.

But his focus quickly shifted to the SUV's interior. In the co-

pilot seat, Chen Yulan lay, her breathing even and peaceful, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. She was the picture of serenity, lost in slumber, oblivious to the whirlwind of chaos around her.

Behind the wheel, Zhang Wei sat motionless, his hands still resting on the steering wheel.

Chen Dong rushed to the vehicle, his voice a mix of concern and frustration. "What happened? Why is Yulan asleep?"