Chapter 77

Are these the people?

Yes, Count.

It was the kind of weather where it seemed that if God breathed just a little, snow would fall. Count Merellof scanned the people standing in front of the mansion. Besides the conscripted soldiers, there were residents who volunteered to go to Sherion, standing awkwardly grouped together.

The butler covered the list and explained briefly.

They are of good conduct and have large families.

The road to and from Sherion was isolated. Like a sea on the vast ocean, if a problem arose, it would certainly be troublesome. As survival was directly involved, the members were selected based on their morality and responsibility.

Additionally, as a reward for enduring hardships, they were to be given a modest remuneration and permitted to trade food individually. Count Merellof was inspecting everything when suddenly:

Count! Count!


Someone evaded the guards and ran from the main gate towards them. The man threw himself at Count Merellofs feet and began pleading desperately. The sudden situation furrowed the counts brow.

Whats this? Since when has the mansions gate been so easily breached?

Im Collin from Hyfentown below! Please include me in the temporary trade delegation! I beg of you!

Collins groveling posture, with his head touching the ground, made Count Merellof look at the butler questioningly, wondering what this was all about.

Sorry, Count. Guards! Take him away!

Count, Im really useful, youve seen. Im confident in running, and, and my strength is better than it looks. If you add even one young man like me, you can bring several more sacks of grain. No, perhaps even seven. Please, please

Count Merellof crossed his arms and looked down at the back of Collins head, who was prostrated on the ground. The man seemed eager and young, so why was he excluded?

The butler frantically added while searching through the list.

He has a large family but no credibility due to frequenting illegal gambling dens. Hes a small-time criminal with a record.

That was just foolishness in my youth. I have four siblings, and my parents chop wood and sell it daily. Honestly, Im the only one not pulling my weight at home. If given the chance, Ill work hard!

Count Merellof pondered for a moment before asking.

Have you always lived in Merellofs territory?


Fine. Include him.

Count! That might be

What trouble can he cause, trembling and begging for work? Soldiers will be with them, so theres no need to worry. However, his remuneration will be halved. You have no objections, right?

No, none. Thank you!

It was a time when every person was needed. Adding one more person like him would increase the number of sacks they could bring, so there was no reason to refuse. Plus, the cost of his remuneration was halved. It was a win-win!

Thank you! Thank you!

Thats enough. Butler, finish up and lets go inside.

Yes, Count.

Collin, relieved as if he had been saved, bowed his head to the ground again. Count Merellof mistook his actions as mere desperation born of hunger.

I survived. F*ck, I survived. If I hadnt gotten in here, those bastards wouldve

Watching him clasp his hands in apparent gratitude, the count felt a bit of contempt. What kind of family situation must it be for someone to be so happy about getting a job?

Looking at him, he seems capable of doing the job. Right?

Well train him well.

At the counts words, the butler replied reluctantly. No matter that it was his masters decision, he couldnt understand why things were being handled this way. It must be folly born of greed.

He was frustrated by the inability to calculate which was more valuable: the benefits of including this person or the stability of not doing so.

You there. Collin, was it?

Yes, thats right.

Come this way.


The butler sighed deeply, leading the cheering Collin. Collin followed, genuinely happy about the chance to fulfill Ians orders and the extension of his own life.

Ill call you one by one to write a contract. We will pay part of the remuneration in advance.

The butler gestured to the temporary trade delegation while opening the list again. Collin awkwardly smiled as he wrote the contract and received his advance payment, then quickly left the mansion.

Sounds like youre hoping for that. Hehe.

Collin tuned out the idle chatter. These were new revelations to him. He had joined without knowing the full story, just hearing that he would be paid

Lets stop here for today. That cave looks suitable.

Yeah, if we go any further, itll be dark.

Tsk. Short days in winter. Cant move much.

They set up sleeping bags in a small cave, blocking the entrance with carts. Though it was inconvenient to have the entrance blocked, it did stop the cold wind. Once the fire was lit and wood piled in the middle, everyone, exhausted, sprawled out around it.

What if it snows during the night?

What can we do? Just bear it

Ah, move over a bit.

Theres no space here. You want me to get burned by the fire?

Ill move back a bit.

Thump, thump. Collin moved away from the crowded area towards the entrance. It was cold, but this was the best spot for his plan.

And a few hours later


Grunt, snore

As the sounds of snoring filled the air, Collin stealthily got up, picked up a torch, and stepped outside. The night was pitch black.

Sorry, everyone. But if I dont do this, Ill die.

He took an oil pouch from his pocket and threw it onto the empty cart. Hesitating, he contemplated whether to throw the torch onto the oil when suddenly

What are you doing there?


He was startled by a sudden noise from behind.

Though Collin was surprised, he didnt drop the torch. A man approached him with a calm expression, looking alternately at the cart, the torch, and Collin.

I, I wasnt doing anything.

Not doing anything? Collin, you! Were you trying to start a fire for the gold? Despicable! Unbelievable!


It seemed like a performance. The man shouted loudly as if he was in a play, then snatched the torch from Collin and threw it without hesitation. The fire engulfed Collin.

What, what, whats happening


In an instant, a blade slashed across Collins neck. His vision slowly lifted, then all he saw was the murky night sky. Stirred by the commotion, people rose one by one and rushed out of the cave.

Whats happening, Clark? Ah! Fire! Theres a fire!

Is there no water? Damn it! Throw dirt on it!

Fire! Fire! Everyone, wake up!

Ahh! Crazy!

He started the fire!

Even amidst the chaos, Collins eyes just blinked. He couldnt speak. The sky, sprinkled with white spots, was filled with snowflakes falling amongst the stars.

Who is that? A stranger, but they know my name.

Blood spurted from Collins throat, soaking the soil. The mysterious man who looked down at the twitching Collin. Collin met death with his eyes wide open.

Meanwhile, Romandros subordinate was hidden in the nearby bushes, witnessing the entire scene.

No, damn it. Whats happening here? Who the hell is that guy?

It wasnt a hallucination from the cold, was it? The mysterious man who suddenly appeared, killed Collin, and set the cart on fire. There was nothing more to see. Romandros subordinate cautiously turned around and retraced his steps.

Clark glanced briefly at the rustling bushes, then calmly continued to shovel dirt.

Save the cart!

Damn, this crazy bastard!

Ah, its all burning! Its burning!

In the dead of night, the peoples screams echoed more fiercely than the wind.