Chapter 160

In the dignified grand council hall, Gales appearance stood out, not just because he was the protagonist of the day. His carefree attitude was not at all what one would expect from someone facing a verdict. He was flaunting it, with his arm around Melanias waist, oozing with honey.

Lady Melania Hayman. Long time no see.

Oh my, hello. Its been a while. This is the first time since the New Years party, right? When Father organizes letters, he sometimes mentions you.

But what brings you here today?

I accompanied Prince Gale as its an important meeting for him.

What? Ah, aha ha! I see. Hmm hmm.

The Hayman family. The great family that held the economy of Bariel in their grasp. Although they had the blood of foreign royal families mixed in, their status was incomparable to ordinary nobles. There was even a saying, The Haymans, between royalty and nobility. The very fact that banks were considered as sacred as temples was proof of that.

Prince Gale, by the way, the atmosphere in the council hall is certainly heavy. I should have worn a more neat outfit.

No. It suits you very well. No need to worry.

Im glad you say that.

Unlike everyone else wearing monochrome uniforms, Melanias dress embodied spring. It was bright and sparkling, and each accessory was eye-catching.

Ian realized that it was a simple yet effective tactic of Gales. He made sure everyone entering the meeting room was aware of Melanias presence.

Gale has captivated the daughter of the Hayman family. In other words, the Haymans support Gale.

Not just any other noble, but the Haymans. It was understandable why he had been busy and secluded. Wasnt everyone in the meeting room watching them?

At that moment, Gale put his arm around Melanias shoulder and glanced back. As soon as his eyes met Ians, he grinned and gestured with his eyes, pointing at Melania. Then he mouthed something.

What do you think?

Thats what he seemed to be saying. Ian remained expressionless and only slightly bowed his head without reacting. Then Gale just shrugged his shoulders and turned his head forward.

Prince Gale is really amazing, seriously.

It wasnt long ago that he was so close with minister Wesleigh then.

How reckless. Watch your tongue.

My apologies. Minister.

Ian ordered his subordinates to keep their mouths shut and waited for the meeting to begin. Not long after, Mariv and his followers entered, and they easily spotted Gale and Melania at the front. Mariv stopped in his tracks and let out an absurd laugh.

Gale. My goodness.

Good morning. Brother.

Gale left Melania and approached to greet him. Instead of holding hands, Mariv slightly turned his head and muttered in a contemptuous voice.

You cant teach an old dog new tricks, still the same. Well, who did you learn it from?

He was referring to Gales birth mother, who was from a lowly noble family in the provinces. A woman who had achieved the highest position that beauty could attain. A woman the emperor could not forget even in his dreams, often calling out for her in his sleep talk.

At Marivs blatant insult, Gales jaw stiffened.


Gale grabbed Marivs arm as he tried to pass by and smiled brightly. His lips were clearly smiling, but his gaze was as cold as could be.

Try saying that in front of Father.

Tell him yourself. Youll soon be kicked out of the palace, so take the chance to ease His Majestys worries too. Father, dont worry about me, the bloodline that clings on is doing well, so theres no concern about making a living.'


Mariv lightly hit his hand away and walked forward. Amidst the atmosphere becoming chaotic, Melania stood with her back straight, staring at Gale.

If he dies, Bariel will be ruined? His Majesty and I will also die? Even nonsense has its limits. Gale, today is the last day you live off the imperial familys name.

Mariv looked at Ian. As if to confirm that he had prepared without any problems. Ian nodded, and then with the appearance of His Majesty the Emperor, the trial that was not a trial began.

His Majesty the Emperor is entering!

Everyone, rise!

The emperor, supported by Dilaina, ascended to the highest podium. Every time one looked at him, his complexion was the color of dirt, to the extent that it seemed difficult for him to move. Humans are powerless in the face of time, but an invisible hand is aiming for his life, so its only natural.


Minister of Magic, Viscount Ian Hielo, step forward.

Tap tap tap!

Ian, I heard the Truth Potion was definitely without problems.

Yes. There are no problems.

But, why-!


Gale calmly blocked him. Although his voice was clearly flat, why did it feel like there was a hint of laughter?

Just because its not the truth you wanted, it doesnt disappear. Or, do you perhaps want to turn your wish into the truth?

The veins on Marivs temples bulged. Seeing that, Ian approached him closely and whispered as if telling him to restrain himself.

His Majesty the Emperor is watching. It is right to calm down and exercise self-control. And I stake my life on it, there are no problems with the potion.

At Ians words, Mariv looked up at the podium. The emperor was slowly moving his pupils, looking down at the friction between his sons. Mariv, unable to take his eyes off the emperor, muttered.

Really? Then we can check it. Is there anyone there!?

Mariv turned around, laughing as if he had regained his composure. However, there was an instinctively threatening atmosphere. Marivs followers hesitated, bewildered.

Anyone, come forward and drink the potion.

Pardon? Your Highness, what do you mean by that?

I said anyone can come forward.

Those who had been flattering as if they would give their liver and gall bladder all froze in embarrassment. The Truth Potion, here at this place?

Your, Your Highness.

Lord Kailot? Wont you come forward? Or Nohrenberg? What about you? Ah, yes. Beckerman! You drink it.

Those who were called out stood there, their lips just moistened with saliva, their faces pale. Wasnt this a place where everyone in the palace, including the emperor, was watching? Moreover, the opposing forces were ready to rip each other apart with their piercing eyes. Even a saint without a speck of dust would find it burdensome.

Your Highness. I will drink it and prove it.

No. I will exclude those related to the Ministry of Magic.

You dont trust me.

Ian frowned as if he was upset. Pretending made chills run down his spine. He had felt it since he was at the frontier, but he really had neither the constitution nor the talent for acting. It seemed Mariv, who was excited, didnt notice much.

He stood there for a moment, as if he was at a loss for words, just catching his breath.

Damn it.

Ian was the Minister of Magic and a useful person in many ways. He was a regrettable card to lose by getting excited like this. He immediately realized he had made a mistake.

Then why dont you drink it, Brother?

Gale slowly twirled the potion with his fingers. The half-remaining liquid made a sloshing sound.

Since you cant trust anyone, isnt it best for you to drink it yourself?

And then he raised the corners of his mouth. As if he only wanted Mariv to drink it quickly.

I also have something to ask you, Brother. Do you know that Father has been unwell recently? Is there a useful merchant group to use abroad? Well, things like that.

At his words, Marivs eyes widened.

What do you think? Will you drink it? How can you force only your subordinates to do what you cant even eat yourself? Its unsightly.


Their whispers were so soft that only Ian could hear them. In the end, unable to endure the ambiguous silence, the emperor himself stepped in.

Mariv. Thats enough.

Your Majesty.

As the emperors order fell, Marivs expression changed quite remarkably. The opposite of the triumphant Gale.

Then, may I continue with the report?

Minister Ian Hielo. What report do you mean?


Ian took the Truth Potion from Marivs hand and placed it on the table. Mariv gave Ian a peculiar look. Wasnt it proper to support the other side as well if he had supported one side?

About the curse of forbidden magic. No matter how powerful the magic, a curse is a curse. Just as every problem has an answer, shouldnt there be a way to break the curse?