Delaina, who had been talking for a while, stopped. The same goes for Duke Hyman. He put down his cooled tea cup and nodded to the escort driver. It's an important meeting, so I told you not to disturb anyone..

They walked to the door, holding their swords at their waists..

“what's going on?”

“This is Chielonia from the administration. I have come to deliver to Delina the order passed at the general meeting..”


Delaina muttered unconsciously and stood up. Wasn't the Prime Minister's meeting for the purpose of restoring the imperial palace? But he said it was an order given to him. Unable to guess, he was puzzled and anxious. Arsene glanced at his mother's complexion and whispered:.

“It would be better if you move your seat and listen..”

It was an opportunity to join forces with Duke Hyman and plan for the future. However, if an order unfavorable to Delaina suddenly comes from the imperial palace, problems may arise..

Delaina nodded and asked Hyman and Melania for understanding..

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“no. Don't mind it..”

Arsene also smiled and followed his mother..

Cielonia, an administrative official who mainly conveys the emperor's orders. She was bending over and holding a golden letter. The emperor is lying frozen, so it must have been made by the prime minister acting on his behalf..

This is an order that uses the authority of the emperor, not the authority of the prime minister. Delaina took a lead, struggling to catch her breath..

“Follow me. I will receive it in a separate room..”


Arriving in the separate room, Delaina turned gracefully and looked at Cielonia. Well, it looks like he wants to hear what the orders were from the grand council..

“This is an order restricting some of Jin’s parental rights..”


As Chielonia spoke carefully, Delaina's mouth suddenly hardened. Her chin dropped from her haughty lift, and the knuckles of her fingers stood out as she held the hem of her dress. Her embarrassment was clearly felt, but Cielonia read her letter regardless..

-Concubine Delaina was able to recognize that the main culprits who disturbed the imperial family were Prince Marib and Gayle. It is also possible to judge that this is a crisis for the imperial family, and it is obvious that it was a mistake to hand over Prince Qin's new recruit, whatever the reason, in this situation..


-Accordingly, at the request of Prince Jin and the attendees of the competition, some of the parental rights given to Delina are temporarily restricted indefinitely. The details are as follows. Right to protection and identity. Property management. Power of attorney, etc. These are the nine main provisions. Additionally, any authority that may affect the prince's health will be immediately restricted..


Chielonia bowed after reading the entire letter. She suddenly noticed that Arsene was staring at me, but it seemed like he was smiling, so it was difficult to face him..

Delaina, who was shaking her hands, couldn't hold back and screamed..

“It can't be like this.!”

“Please fix it. Dear Delina.”

“Jin, Jin is my son! Who, and by what authority, can take my parental rights away from me? It can't be like this! Call a general meeting immediately! Order to regroup!”

“I'm sorry, but you cannot object..”

“Where is the Prime Minister now??!”

Someone who knows that His Majesty is frozen makes this decision.?!

Delaina felt as if her senses were about to disappear due to the anger rising to the top of her head. This is my child who was born with a stomach ache. This is my son, whom I have embraced since the moment he was born.!


Delina eventually sat down and covered her face. If possible, I would like to turn back time. Before I let go of Jin's hand, before I met Mariv in the backyard, or even before, to the days when the emperor was healthy..


Arsene gave Cielonia a look telling her to go out and hugged his mother. Although he is a child, he somehow looks very adult, which is strange. Cielonia quietly walked out the door, collecting her letters..


If blood is mixed with lies to color the truth, it cannot be easily erased. Because it is a very strong paint that has caught someone's breath..

Delaina was silent as she looked at her son's face shining in the sunlight..

“And there is no greater acknowledgment of power than giving the power to dispose of Marib and Gale to Sir Ian. Let us kill him before he kills us..”


“yes. mother.”

How on earth did you come up with such a thought?.

I couldn't bear to ask. How could the words of killing her brother come out of the mouth of a ten-year-old child so easily? It's all a tragedy created by circumstances..

Delaina hugged Arsene and made a promise..

“Let's finish. Let's finish it quickly and save Jin..”

“of course. mother.”

Arsene was smiling even brighter as he answered that. The warm sun shone down, but the inside of the wall sparkled coldly..

* * *

“Ian. A magic seal stone was found in the abode of Emperor Mariv. There are two of them, one of 3 grams and one of 5 grams each. It is consistent with the computer data registered with the administration. Next, we collected letters exchanged with the top. There is quite a lot of it so it will take some time to analyze it..”

“how much?”

“Since they were connected to caravans that traveled to and from Bariel, a list of about 50 names was compiled based on a rough guess. The acquisition route of the amber gemstone is still being tracked..”

Ian nodded in satisfaction and made the payment. The office door had been wide open for several hours with no sign of closing. There was an endless number of people coming in and out, so Ian sorted out a mountain of documents in the cold wind..

“Where have I seen that before?.”

Unlike Ian, who was distracted, Beric lay on one side of the sofa and watched. Romandro, who had been playing with his pen so much that his arm was not visible, cried out loudly..

“I'm so busy, please help me!”

“Ah, I remembered! Sometimes, when a famous traveling band comes by, everyone lines up to get their autographs. That's it, that's it. Kyakya.”

“That guy is really!”

“I can't read. I just laid down after carrying my luggage.?”

“What is baggage? Is a pile of paper a burden to you??”

Beric stuck out his tongue and lied down. At that time, I heard a voice confirming with Ian from a distance in the hallway..

“Ian! Is the gate opening at 5pm today??”

“okay. right.”

Five o'clock. It's just past ten in the morning, so I have some time. Ian pointed a pen at Beric, who was lying down, and gave an order..

“Don't lie down, try standing up. Berwick.”

“me? why?”

“The gates open at 5 o'clock, so go out first and say hello to Vivianna before then, and pass this on to her. Then she will ask Vivianna to go to the press office, and she will be escorted well so that there are no problems..”

Ian threw a short note, and Beric caught it lightly with one hand. I don't know what's written because I can't read the text..

“What is this??”

“You don't have to know. Go to Vivianna first..”

“Um, okay, okay. I was already bored, but it turned out well..”

Romandro, who was listening next to me, frowned as if he was distrustful..

“You know the way?”

“Ah, then! I may not know anything else, but I know home.!”

“Still, I'll give you an expense..”

Beric grinned, drawing circles with his fingers. Through the gaps between his hands, he caught a glimpse of the contents of the note Ian had written, but Romandro just rubbed his eyes as if he had made a mistake..