Chapter 566: A Sacred Bond
The prince was clad in clothing of green, woven from leaves of what looked to be scores of trees. Wreaths of summer berries were entwined throughout his beard, and vibrant red vines were twisted through his plaits.
A garland of dried fruit lay around his neck and a crown of blossoms encircled his brow. Even Najyah had been adorned with wide cuffs of ivy just above her talons.
The prince looked as though lightning had just struck him.
His eyes were unfocused, and though he walked with purpose, it almost seemed like he didnt quite know where he was going.
As one, his cabal rushed to meet him, with Claygons footsteps shaking the floor.
Khalik! Alex said, seizing his friend by the shoulders. Youre alive.
The prince looked at him. Iam.
What in the worlds happening? Thundar demanded. You look likeI dont know.
Why do you have blood on your hands? Isolde asked.
I am fine, Khalik said, as though just waking from a dream. First things first. Your reward. He raised his hand toward the bartender. Barkeep, my friend, open a tab under the name of Khalik.
The barkeep gave him an incredulous look. We only have a few more minutes until last call.
Not a problem. The prince spread both arms. Broach a mini-kegno, make that three mini-kegs of oat and apple honey mead. Also bring three bottles of ardenian fortified wine to our table. A twenty year vintage, if you have it. Then some dwarven fire vodka. I will not only settle with you immediately, but tip you handsomely.
Iyoure the boss! the barkeep sprang into action, reaching for a bottle of wine from one of the higher shelves.
What is happening, Khalik? Isolde demanded. We were worried sick. I was ready to go to war with half of Generasi if you did not walk through that door.
Khalik looked at her in surprise. Truly?
Yes! Claygon, Alex, Isolde and Thundar yelled at the same time.
Najyah pecked at her masters head.
Well, that is touching, but no war is necessary, he smiled. And come, I owe you all an explanation.
Leading the bewildered group back to their own table, Khalik threw himself into a chair and let out a groan as though all the worlds weight was sliding off him. Najyah hopped from his shoulder and perched on the edge of the table.
As the others settled in around him, the prince suddenly burst out laughing.
Whats so funny? Alex demanded. Have you completely lost it?
Yesnoperhaps, Khalik said. Alright, I am sure you are wondering where I was and what I was doing. First, I must thank you for your patience and trust. What I had to do, I had to do alone.
And what the hell was that? Thundar demanded. What did you do, go fight some evil tree for the dryads or something?
No, Khalik said. I asked Sinope to marry me.
Dead silence filled the Brass Grapes, only broken by the bartender scrambling to grab the last of their drinks.
What? Alex murmured.
Did I hear you correctly? Isolde asked.
I think I had something in my ear. Thundars jaw dropped.
Congratulations Claygon said.
Yeah, I can see that, Alex said, trying to imagine the faraway royals. The idea of meeting a king and queen made him nervous, which was odd, when he thought about it.
Baelin was arguably more powerful than any monarch in the world, and he called the ancient goatman by his first name. Khalika princewas one of his best friendsbut there was still a part of him, the part that was still the commoner from a small town, that shuddered at the idea of meeting kings and queens in person.
He tried to imagine the encounter. Would there be lots of guards? Bards with brass horns to announce them? War golems to serve as bodyguards? Battle wizards and war priests ready to rain hell down on any would be assassin?
That would be something to see.
He wondered how they would get to Generasi.
His imagination conjured a ship of gold sailing into the Generasi harbour.
Thats ridiculous, he chastised himself.
Hm? Khalik looked at him, puzzled.
Oh, its nothing.
Aaaaahhh. Khalik wagged a finger at him. Oh no, my friend, anyone who says its nothing definitely means its something, but I am too nervous or embarrassed to speak of it. We are all friends here. Speak, friend, and have no fear.
Okay, okay. Its really not a big deal. I was wondering how theyd get to Generasi. I imagined a golden ship. Like one made out of gold. Seems like something you crazy rich folk would have.
Alex, it would sink.
Thats why I said it was ridiculous, but you wanted to know!
Khalik nearly choked on his mead. Alright, alright. Fair enough. Well, since you are so curious: they hired a wizard skilled in teleportation, one who has travelled between Tekezash and Generasi. According to my brother, the wizard in question was not available until recently.
Couldnt they have just hired another teleporter?
Aaaaah, but there are few who would be suited to such a job. Khalik tapped the side of his nose. You see, not just any teleporter is bonded to work with royalty and other great powers of the world. To be selected for such positions, they must be bound by oath, have an impeccable record of service, great discretion, and an unquestionable relationship with security. Sometimes, they work with lesser nobles for decades before their names are even put forward to work with royals in any kingdom. Sometimes, even magicallyenforced oathsareinvolved. After all, the relationship is significant with much at stake, since one willingly travels with a teleporter and puts their life completely in their hands.
Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense, Alex said, thinking of all the times Baelin had teleported them. The ancient wizard could have easily teleported them to the bottom of the ocean, if he wanted to. Hed never really given much thought to just how much trust hed been putting in the chancellor right from the beginning.
He paused, thinking of his own future.
The Travellers power burned inside him andif he mastered it as Hannah and Kelda hadhed be one of the most skilled teleporters in the world. Perhaps in many worlds. And, he already had a connection to royalty.
Teleporting folk could be another career for him down the road.
How much do these trusted teleporters get paid? Alex asked.
You do not want to know. It is a fortune. Hiring a ship would be far more reasonable, Khalik admitted. And they are in very high demand from various monarchs, high priests, and the wealthiest powers in the world. It is one of the reasons why I travelled to Generasi the hard way.
He paused, giving a little shrug. Also, my parents thought the journey would build my character. They thought that seeing more of the worldwhile accompanied by a contingent of guardswould be good for developing it.
Well, you have enough character for everybody, my friend, Alex said, clapping him on the shoulder.
Thank you, my friend. The prince smiled contentedly.
Thats why Im sure, youre going to make Sinope happy, she just better make you happy. Alex drained his tankard. Or else.
Khalik, Thundar and Claygon burst out laughing, though the golems mirth sounded stilted. Threatsnow that is a joke I understand.
However, Isolde was not laughing. Instead, she looked troubled. Very troubled.
KhalikI am happy for you, but was your timing wise? she asked. Your parentscould they not demand an end to your engagement if they disapprove? I worry that would break Sinopes heart.
Solving that is simple, Isolde. Khalik took a long sip from his tankard. I would simply tell them no.