Chapter 605: Victory, Spoils and Celebrations

Name:Mark of the Fool Author:
Chapter 605: Victory, Spoils and Celebrations

Serving a crushing and total victory to every team who opposed them! Leaving devastation in their wake! Here are our first place victors in the Grand Battle! The Team of Terror! The Masters of Mayhem! The Destroyers of Dreams! The team of Alex Roth; Isolde von Anmut, Khalik Behr-Medr, Thundar, son of Gulbiff, Hogarth of the Rhinean Empire, Svenia of the Rhinean Empire, Grimloch, Najyah, Brutus aaaaand Claaaaaaygooooon! the announcer screamed, his voice rumbling through the air.

The crowds roars seemed almost loud enough to shatter the sky, and Alex felt like he was ready to drop as he stood on the centre podium with the rest of his team.

In one stroke, they had wiped out their closest rivals from last year with a victory so decisive that their point total was quite nearly an order of magnitude higher than that of the second place team.

Meanwhile, the team to his right whod claimed second place, was the very team Alex thought would do so; their elated friends from first year of the Art of the Wizard in Combat had taken second place

and theyd done it by using a strategy Baelin would have likely encouraged; picking their battles, destroying remaining members of any team that Alexs wrecking crew had already rolled over, and making short work of those weakened teamslike a proper, opportunistic wizard would.

Malcolm, Rhea and Eyvinder looked particularly smug, and the fire wielding elven wizard gave Alexs group a wink, while Malcolm mimed buying them a drink.

Alex and Khalik caught each other's eye, bursting into laughter as officials approached them with gold medals and congratulations ready to drape on them.

Well, we did it. The prince grinned through his beard.

We sure did! Alex cried.

We will have to drink to this later, Khalik clapped him on the shoulder.

Maybe until we burst, Alex agreed, high on victory.

Their teamfilled with giddy energyfell silent as the announcer continued.

And now, lets welcome Geminileader of the Watchers of Roalto offer a few final words summing up the Grand Battle!

As he drifted down, Gemini floated up, meeting him in mid-air, her single eye fixed on the crowd like an eagle.

And so this concludes the Grand Battle, the final event in the Games of Roal, she said, raising her hands to quiet the crowd. All around, the audiences voices lowered, soon falling to a rapt silence.

She nodded in the stillness. Thanks to each one of you for coming out to support our Games and helping to make them, and our final test of skillthe Grand Battlea rousing success. As all good things must come to an end, its time to turn our attention to the closing ceremony for the Grand Battle, but I have a few words to say, if I may.

Gemini gestured to an illusion of Orecas Fall floating above her. The Games of Roal are both fun, and gamesliterally, as it states in the name. But now, more than ever, we cannot forget what the Grand Battle represents: an exciting mock battle between wizards, their companions, guards and minions. In the course of the Battle, we may be fortunate enough to witness great victories, the likes of which we saw today.

Above her, the image shifted away from an aerial view of Orecas Fall to a close up of the monument to the fallen whod fought and lost their lives repelling demons the previous year.

But we can never forget that, though there are glorious victories in warthere are also crushing losses. Or often victories that cost lives. The warriors path has a price, and even for those who do not take the sword, spear and battle-spell into their arsenal, they can also be part of the price that is paid. Keep this in mind, young competitors. We must always pay attention to those who fell yesterday to help to preserve the lives of those living today.

She bowed her head. Their sacrifices are the greatest gifts that they could give, and that we could receive. May they know peace.

She looked back at the crowd. But today is not a day of losstoday is a day of victory! Let us celebrate and enjoy the fruits of the fine displays of arms, might and skill that we witnessed. Heres to the victors of the Grand Battle! She bowed her head to the podium where the winners were assembled.

To the victors! the crowd roared.

The audiences voices and applause thundered through the air, and Alex beamed as he drank in their appreciation.

Well, if you have a mind to grab me and bring me back to Thameland, oh hidden church, I think youre going to get some pushback from folks who object, he thought to himself.

Alex closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the audience cheering his teams names.

It was the most beautiful sound hed heard in a long time.

So, we made hundreds of thousands, Kybas whispered, making the crowds roar the second most beautiful sound Alex had heard, at least today. If we total our winnings from all the bets we made, then its well into the hundreds of thousands. This is a lot better than winning the Games grand prize! I was sad I didnt enter enough events, but who cares!

Thundar and Alex gaped at the small goblin, mouths hanging open like they were welcoming flies as the group gathered in a forest some distance from the stadium grounds. Isolde kept looking around, making sure they hadnt been followed; since after the closing ceremony, a massive crowd had formed around them, asking for autographs, demanding interviews and trying to involve them in all sorts of ventures.

It took the combined intimidation factor and might of Grimloch and Claygon, to help them get through the crowd and make their escape. After meeting up with Selina and Kybas, Khalik had greeted his parents and Sinope before gathering around Alex and the other wagerers so they could teleport across campus in a series of short bursts of teleportation.

Now, they were surrounding the goblin, waiting for news of their winnings.

And the news he had?

Everyone was there.

The king and queen were sitting at the top of a long table beside their son and Sinope. Further down, sat Alex and Theresa with Selina on her brothers right side, while Claygon stood behind them, chatting with the dryad.

Their friends were spread out on both sides of the table.

Thundar passed a bowl of gravy to Isolde, who sat between Svenia and Hogarth.

Grimloch was practically inhaling an entire basket of lobsters, shell and all. Kybas was happily sucking out the sweet flesh from a blue crabs shell.

Their other friends were there too, joining in the celebration.

Toraka Shale and Sim sat across from Lucia, whod been in the stands for the Grand Battle, though Alex hadnt seen her. Friends theyd made in first year Art of the Wizard in Combat, including Nua-Oge and Shiani were celebrating, though, the fire mage seemed somewhat distracted by all of the opulence around them.

And finally, Carey, who Alex had spotted in the stadium.

The air was filled with warmth and cheer, as well as the excitement of victory.

Alex, was grinning, explaining to Selina just how theyd achieved that victory.

You remember that thing Ive been working on? he asked her, pulling out a pendant, forged in the shape of a lantern. The Travellers symbol sparkled at the end of a chain.

Yeah, she said, taking a pendant with a similar symbol from the neckline of her blouse. But likehow did you teleport around like that? I didnt even see you casting spells! And you did it so many times!

Hah! I know, right? he said excitedly. Well, you know what I figured out? Using it is a bit like using a muscle. Each time I practised with it and pushed it a little further toward its limit, the more that limit expanded. Its been taking less energy to use, and Ive been able to teleport further and further each time Ive practised with it.

So thats why youve been hiding out in your lab? Theresa asked. Practising?

Yes, Alex said. Ive been trying to explore the power. If I manage it, then Ill be able to get to the empire pretty soon.

Great, thats great news, Theresa beamed.

Yeah He looked at her sidelong. It is.

The young man thought about Brutus, Harmless and Najyah, who were, no doubt, being spoiled in a room designated for familiars.

In the next day or two, he thought. Ill propose and give her my engagement present. Then after that? Its Irtsyhenan Empire time.

Sinope, I just want to say that you have been wonderful during the tournament, Queen Ishtar said softly, drawing Alexs attention. Meeting someone who has supported my son so well, someone who makes him smile as much as he does, and who brings her own wisdom to your partnership, has been a joy.

Khalik suddenly looked embarrassed.

You are good for our son, the king agreed, And I hope you will always take care of him. We were always going to give your pairing our blessing, unless you proved to benot who you seemed.

Aksuma looked at Sinope closely, almost as though he was seeing through her, and something clicked in Alex. The whole time, Khaliks parents had been watching her, seeing if she was genuine, looking to see if she was sincere.

Theyd been cautious, measuring her, quietly observant, trying to see if her intentions toward their son were honest.

Sinope beamed, kissing Khaliks cheek. You are both wonderful as well; fine trees to my mighty oak flower. Though, I will tell you that even if you had said no, I would have never let him go.

We know, Ishtar said. We know that well, and thats one of the reasons why we accepted you.

Khaliks shoulders shook. Thank you, mother and father. Thank you!

His relief touched Alex to the core. What a momentby the Traveller, I wish I could preserve it foreverHuhmaybe I can!

Digging into his pouch, he retrieved Hannahs artefact. Listen up everyone, theres something I want us to do together!

With her phone, he could capture this moment forever.

Though he had no way of knowing just how important that decision would be.