Chapter 629: Everything.
You have to let me out! Carey cried.
Standing on her bed, the young woman gripped the bars on the window, transfixed by the carnage outside. In the village, all traces of idyllic peace were gone, replaced by a bloody deluge of death.
Panic surged through Carey, guilt followed soon after.
She knew why her friends had come; they were there to rescue her.
And because of her, they could all die.
She had to get out, so they could get away.
Our friends are here and these evil, wicked fiends are going to kill them! Merzhin you have to let me out of here!
The Saint of Uldar was staring at her in shock, his eyes unfocused. Therewhat isI dont understandUldar
Suddenly, his holy symbol began singing. Whatthethe Fool?
Carey had heard what the First Apostle had said outside. The revelation that Alex was the Fool. In other circumstances, she might have been shocked. She might possibly have felt betrayed.
Now, she didnt have the luxury of time for any of that. And neither did the Saint. Merzhin! Carey cried. Focus! Our friends are going to die!
In the distance, the tiny form of Alex teleported from place to place, moving statues of Uldar away from the battle, and taking his friends to positions where they could deal the most damage.
He touched Cedric, teleporting him to the injuredChampion then shouted something, teleported to the wall and grabbed two priests, then disappeared with them.
Through some miracle, he could still teleport around, despite the First Apostle blocking everyones mana except the priests. Carey couldnt feel her own magical energies, so then how was Alex able to trave
Like a flame springing to life in a dark room, she suddenly saw it.
It must be the Traveller!
There was hope!
Carey leapt off the bed and rushed to the cell door, seizing the bars and shaking them. Merzhin! Let me out! We haveto go!
Butfightingthe Heroesfightingwhat is happeningFirst ApostleChosen He raked his fingers through his hair, squeezing his eyes shut. Uldar, help me.
Merzhin! Carey snapped. Are you not a Hero of Thameland?
He winced, looking up at her. What?
Are you not a Hero of Thameland? she demanded again. I wont ask you to choose sides, but you must admit this slaughter is monstrous! You can stop it, Merzhin! Go out there and bring peace, for the sake of Thameland, dont let the Heroes die. Build bonds, like Uldar did! Please!
Another explosion rocked the village.
Please, we have to go! she begged, praying to the Traveller that she could believe in Merzhin.
The Saint shook, swallowing hard.
Finally, he squared his narrow shoulders. If I am wrong, then Uldar forgive me. He pressed his hands to the door. Step back!
In a blink, Carey fled from the door.
Uldar, I call upon your divine fury! As you smote down the rebel fortress of Calvinar, smite this barrier so that we may go forward!
There came a thrumming sound and a glow from beyond the door that was immediately followed by the cracking of rupturing wood. Metal shards and splintered wood exploded, shooting across the room, striking the opposite wall.
Carey suddenly found herself very glad indeed that she hadnt been standing beside it.
She rushed through the smoking hole where the door once stood, and into the hallway where a paler than normal Merzhin stood shaking.
TheI know where the closest exit is, he stammered, staring at the mounds of debris scattered across Careys cell floor. It might be guarded, but I think we can get through.
Wait, wait! I need to fetch my bag before we go! she said. It has something very dangerous in it that we cant just leave lying around.
What? Merzhin asked. How dangerous?
Carey flung her arms up. Boom! Thats how dangerous! We mustn't leave it here, we absolutely mustn't!
How big of a boom? Merzhin asked.
It could annihilate this place! she shouted. Merzhin, people are dying, we have to hurry!
Rightright His eyes darted around. They um he paused. Our things are actually in my room. Come on. I had no idea I was sleeping beside anything so dangerous.
Carey was stunned, watching him for a moment, before following him. You had our things this entire time and you didnt tell me?
Theythey let me have them after they looked through everything.
Careys blood went cold; then they were lucky that they werent all dead. The thought of some ignorant priests pawing through the dungeon core substance and chaos essence sent a chill through her. If theyd combined the samples by accident
She shuddered as they ran along the halls of Uldars Rise. The escarpment shook; the death and destruction happening outside seemed to be intensifying.
We have to move faster, Carey whispered.
Uldar, please lend us speed so that we may save those who follow you, Merzhin prayed.
Strength flooded her limbs, and she stumbled, pushing forward as her speed suddenly doubled.
She regained her balance, staying close behind the Saint as they sped down a staircase in Uldars Rise two at a time. So far, theyd been lucky; not a single guard or priest patrolled the halls.
All must have answered the call to defend their home.
Carey Merzhins voice was heavy with regret. Carey, I am so sorry for this. I shouldnt have I shouldnt have followed Eldin; if I hadnt, none of our friends would in this situation. Maybe I could have stayed back, explained to the others that you were safebut you werent safe were you?
His voice wheezed, his words sputtering with every step. You were never safe here. I dont know whats happening anymore. His chest heaved.
Carey prayed to the Traveller for guidance, and searched within herself. All I know, Merzhin, is that you and I are the only ones who can stop this without more bloodshed. That has to be a good thing. May the Traveller guide us.
...but the messenger construct can! she cried. I could set it up, send it to the barrier, and
She looked in the bag, quickly searching for everything she needed to set the bomb, then scowled.
The two sample jars were intactbut the same couldnt be said for the messenger construct. Whoever had examined it must have done so with a metal club and a severe lack of brains.
Its metal wings were bent, and its inner workings had been taken apart and the pieces thrown back in the bottom of her bag.
No, no, no! she cried, taking the jars of chaos essence and dungeon core remains out. You absolute fools! The construct is ruined!
She glanced outside, almost in despair.
Merzhin was fighting off the holy warriors, while pleading with anyone that would hear him to stop. The Generasians were fighting desperately, but more and more of them were falling.
I the young woman started. What can I
A thought occurred to her.
One that should have been obvious from the start.
She had gotten her friends into this mess
Carey removed the lids from the jars.
now she would get them out.
Traveller, she whispered. If you can hear me
She cant.
Burning pain pierced her back and chest.
Carey gasped.
The front of her shirt washed red, a long blade protruding from the centre of it.
Ah, I missed the heart, Edlins voice whispered, his hot breath on her ear. You can thank the misguided Saints protections for that. They threw my aim off."
She turned.
Eldin faced her, behind him, a half dozen holy warriors stood.
Blood trickled from her mouth.
I knew the Saint was beyond help, just as you are, the old priest whispered. But dont worry about that now, child. Just sleep. Sleep in Uldars embrace.
Carey's limbs were growing cold.
But she was calm.
Oh, so very calm.
Even now.
After all, she remembered what shed resolved to do.
What more did she have to fear? She prayed to the Traveller for strength.
Holding the jars, words choked out through blood. For Thameland...I give everything.
She poured the dungeon core remains into the chaos essence.
The reaction was immediate.
The heat of a star burned in her hands.
The world was light.
Sound faded away: cries of battle, the shouts of surprise from behind her, all faded.
All was warm, like a blanket coiling around the world.
She felt Eldin move away.
Her knees were buckling, her body began to fall, her hands burnt away.
Then the detonation.
Light ruptured, a brightness unlike no other.
In an instant, her body was gone. Her spirit catapulted through the light, whirling end over end through what felt like a thousand realms. Hot and cold blended into one.
She was everything.
She was nothing.
Carey London felt herself travelling further and further
and in the distance, she heard something crack.
A vast warmth enveloped her. A familiar warmth.
And then a hand wrapped around hers and she found herself looking into kind eyes as she hurtled toward the after-world.
Whowho are you? her voice stammered.
A dark haired woman smiled. I am St. Hannah Kim, the Traveller the voice was like a warm blanket. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. And now I have an offer for you. I cant give you back your life as youve known it, but youve given me and your friends so much.
Her smile deepened.
And now its my turn to give to all of you.