Chapter 685: Citizen Roth
Alex fought the panic rising in his chest.
His face remained a mask of calm, but dread stalked through every fibre of his being.
The council had asked no questions.
Not one.
Hed had no opportunity to defend himself, explain his position, or even try to bargain.
They were ready to decide his fate, and from the way they were acting, it was clear which direction they were leaning toward. In desperation, he prayed to the Traveller, watching each member of the council, trying to pierce their masks, searching for any hint of their true feelings.
Of course, he found nothing. They were masters at concealing what they were thinking and he was a novice compared to these ancient wizards.
Professor Jules suddenly leapt from her seat. Councillors! she cried. Councillor Kartika! Shouldnt we discuss this
The councillor held up two of six hands. My fellow honourable councillors have the right of it, she said grimly. We have considered the evidence youve brought before us, the petitions on Mr. Roths behalfas well as those against himour relationship with Thameland, our need for dungeon cores, and the development of Generasi in the future. This hearing was more of a courtesy, than anything; to see if you or Mr. Roth had new information that would shift our opinions.
But we have heard nothing to make us do so, Councillor Solaris said, his voice as deep as the crack of doom. The information you brought before us today was either already known to the council, or only served to enhance what we knew. The matter is settled, now our will can be done.
But Alex started.
The wizard-council of Generasis rulings are absolute in this city, Mr. Roth, Councillor Ebenhad said. As you are about to learn. Listen to our verdict with dignity, at least.
Before Alex could continue, Councillor Firenza raised her hand.
We will now vote on the following issue: Is the Thameish wizard known as Alexander Roth, also known as the Fool of Thameland or the Fool of Uldar, to be extradited to the custody of the crown of Thameland and the church of Uldar? she asked. Or will he be allowed to stay in the City of Generasi. Is the question understood?
It is, the council echoed.
Rage burned hot in Alex like boiling lava, eating away his earlier fear and panic.
After everything hed done.
After all hed sacrificed.
This was how it was going to end?
Everything hed done to get to Generasi, the battles hed fought within its walls, all the time hed spent researching, finding solutionsin the end, was this all it was worth? Was hedespite everything hed given to this city, his name, his reputationstill nothing more than a useless Fool?
A tool of a dead god?
It was not going to end this way.
Not if he could help it.
If he teleported away, he could grab some supplies from home and be in the Rhinean Empire in no time.
Then let us cast our votes, Councillor Firenza said. All those in favour of extraditing Alex Roth to Thameland, voice your vote.
Guards tensed below the platform.
Alex reached for the Travellers power in his soul
The council chamber was silent.
It remained so.
It was overwhelming, and the Thameish wizardssoon also Generasian wizardsreeling brain could barely keep up.
Things had moved so quickly, Alex was still stunned.
After the verdict, Theresa and Claygon had joined him, Professor Jules and the twelve councillors for a leisurely lunch in the private dining hall overlooking the city on the top floor of the building. Glass walls allowed for a perfect view of the city, the Prinean, and the countryside. Comfortable chairsgilded, silken, and stuffedinvited one to sink down in them and never leave. At the very centre of the room stood a graceful fountain carved in the shapes of the four dragon statues outside.
They were all seated around ovular tables, enjoying a lunch of grilled seafood, wild rice, blackened red peppers, and smoked root vegetables.
The food was excellent, of course, the city had standards to uphold, after all, but the richest part of the meal wasnt the food, it was the lively interaction between various councillors, Alex, Theresa, and Claygon. Business offers flew throughout the meal. After introducing themselves, these wizards quickly revealed what they were truly after, a connection with the Roth family and new opportunities and partnerships. Many eyed Claygon, their admiration plain. They grilled Theresa about hunting dungeon cores, and building security teams. They asked Alex about dungeon core essence and applications for it, about aeld trees and his staff. All of the attention almost made Alexs knees buckle.
For the better part of an hour, hed barely managed to exchange a word with Theresa, Claygon or Professor Jules, butfinallyhe managed to slip away and get Councillor Kartika alone.
What happened? he choked out, bewildered. Theresa and Claygon were near the fountain surrounded by the rest of the council. I thought you were going to send me away?
Really? Kartikas eyebrows rose in surprise. Whatever for?
Because you saidthatyou all weighed the weight of a kingdom against an individual or something like that. You talked about the dungeon coresI was even told to listen to your verdict with dignity! Alex hissed.
Kartika laughed quietly. We did weigh the possibilities, and we found the value of yourself as an individual far outweighed the value of your kingdom.
Alex flinched, not knowing whether to be insulted on behalf of his people, or to feel complimented.
Kartika continued. I mean this with no offence, butaside from the dungeon coresThameland has little to offer us. Nothing, actually, Mr. Roth. Its far less advanced than we are in magic and in many other areas, their natural resourcesagain, aside from the dungeon coresare not unique. While the realm does have excellent farmland, we do not need new sources of food in the cityin short, if your king loses his temper with us, we lose little of value.
But what about the dungeon cores? Alex asked.
She chuckled darkly. We have the right to harvest them under our treaty, and that contract says nothing about needing to extradite a Fool of Thameland to preserve it. If your king tries to block us from our research or harvest, he will be in direct violation of our agreement, and all the funding we have been sending his way will dry up. We have been feeding and armouring Thamelands soldiers, keeping King Athelstans treasury full, and providing equipment for his vassals. If he wants to financially devastate Thameland, he is free to go against us. Further, if he tries to block us from our activitieswell
The councillors smile was decidedly evil. We would be authorised to use our military might to protect our own interests. And naturally, we have analysed that scenario; Thameland loses all military conflict with Generasi about ninety-nine times out of one hundred. Occupying their land would invite unruly actions like guerilla warfare against usbut crushing a few armies that are trying to block us from harvesting dungeons? Childs play.
She placed two hands on his shoulder. But you, Mr. Roth? You have value. You have a lot of value. Your businesses are improving Generasis culinary culture andin timemight prove to be a fine point for tourism across the Prinean. Not to mention must of us get our breakfasts from you each morning. She winked, giving him a broad smile. Youve succeeded in making significant alchemical breakthroughs
The councillor gestured to Claygon. and theyve already proven that they could change the course of history. You have developed new golems, an exceptionally fine staff, and even new developments in nautical travel. Andif I understand this Mark of the Fool correctlythats only the beginning. You are progressing your talent at this early stage of your life. But once you fully come into your own and have finished your training in alchemy? Your situation will only improve. We have great expectations for you, Mr. Roth; we can see that youand your cabalare talents worth having around. Your young sisters potential for fire magic could prove a great boon to our cityletting such a family go would be absolutely foolish. And since we are all too old to be that foolish, we were never going to let you go. That wily bastard Solaris even decided to suggest your citizenship firstwhich was my idea, by the wayto get you to owe him something.
Alex could barely understand the depth of what had happened, it was far more than hed ever expected. Him, a bakers assistant from Alric, had more value than his entire realm to one of the most powerful ruling councils in the world.
Was he dreaming?
Had he hit his head on something?
After hed been interrogated by Ferrero and Gustavo last year, hed vowed to build his reputation in Generasi to have value to the city, but was he worth this much? So much that his entire country could be cast aside as no more than a bump on the road to dungeon cores?
Whenwhen did you decide all this? Alex asked.
Two days after I sent you the letter inviting you to council, she chuckled. This was mostly a formality; and thats why you were told to have dignity. If we are going to have connections with you, we cant have you breaking down in the middle of council.
She extended two hands toward Alex to shake his. So, welcome to Generasi, new citizen. Im sure well be able to help each other a great deal. Oh, and on that point, I have a wonderful property in the city with a fantastic view. It was an investment property, but Id be willing to part with it at a reasonable price, in exchange for a golem or two. Perhaps even a trade would work. Oh, and by the way, well need to get your citizenship finalised before any meetings with King Athelstan take place.
Alex stared at her, hardly hearing her words.
He should be ecstatic.
Hed won.
But, what if he hadnt developed the worth that the council found so desirable.
Would he have been dragged off in chains?
As conflict touched his spirit, he could only wonder.