Chapter 767

After listening to Xu Mo's words, moloro put his heart down. After two people said something for a while, moloro said, "you go to see the child, bring him here, I'll have a look." Xu Mo nodded, and told moloro a few words, this just left.

After Xu Mo left, Su Yan sat down. She took moloro's hand and said, "Lolo, what's the matter? Does it still hurt? How do you feel? "

Moloro tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "I'm still afraid, mainly because of the pain. Originally, Xu Mo said that caesarean section, but I heard that natural birth children are more intelligent, so I let the doctor have a natural birth. It's too painful, but it's worth it."

Su Yan looked at the happy look on moloro's face, and was envious. She could not help murmuring: "when can I realize this kind of happiness that is painful but worthwhile? I don't know when I'll have a baby, and I'm really looking forward to the arrival of the baby. "

After listening to Su Yan's words, moloro also knew that Su Yan was bitter in her heart. Mollolo held Su Yan's cool fingers and said, "yes, Yan Yan, you will have children. It's just that time has not arrived. When the time is up, the baby will give you a surprise, so that you can be happy for him and happy for him."

Mollolo went on for a moment: "besides, didn't we agree? My son is your son, and he will call you a godmother in the future. You can't leave him alone

Su Yan chuckled and said, "what are you talking about? The baby is my son, of course! Of course I have to take care of him

Su Yan also knows that moloro is comforting herself, and her heart is warm. Su Yan also really likes moloro's son. When the nurse took her to the incubator, she took a look. It was really lovely! A little one, her skin is still suffused with vermicelli color, her eyes are still unable to open, and Su Yan's heart has melted.

So, Su Yan had something to do next. When she disagreed, she went out shopping and chose gifts for moloro's son, such as small clothes, small hats, baby bottles, toys, cribs and even baby carriages that would take a long time to use. I have to say that women's purchasing power is very strong.

One day, Su Yan just came back from the shopping center, and asked the bodyguard to put the bags on the floor. Fang Mulin saw that Su Yan had bought so many baby's things back. He sat down beside him and held out a small toy. He was puzzled and said, "does the baby just born need these toys?"

Su Yan is sorting out these things. She plans to take some of them to the hospital for a while. After hearing the words, she looks up at the small rattle in Fang Mulin's hand and says, "of course you need it! I went to the hospital to ask obstetrics and pediatrics doctors, the doctor said to show children some bright things, such as pictures and music. All of these can stimulate the brain development of infants "

Fang Mulin shakes the rattle, and the rattle makes a good sound. He laughs and says," OK, Yan Yan Yan has become a child care expert, OK! "

Su Yan puffed up Gu's cheek and said, "that's right. I've made full preparations. When we have children..." Speaking of this, Su Yan suddenly couldn't go on, their children? How long will their children be? Who knows? Su Yan smiles bitterly.

Fang Mulin was stunned when she heard Su Yan's words. Looking at Su Yan's bitter smile, Fang Mulin was also very distressed. She could only pray in her heart again and again that she hoped that their child would come to them quickly. For the sake of her mother's expectation, she would come early.

Fang Mu Lin sighed and said, "tomorrow, let's go to the hospital and have a look. It's been some time since the last examination. And these days, you are also taking medicine to see how your recovery is, OK?" Su Yan gently nodded, and she had already understood that it was not a way to escape. It was better to see a doctor earlier and face the reality earlier.

Two people said for a while, Su Yan packed things, Fang Mulin drove her to the hospital, by the way, also see Su Yan's wonderful son.

Moloro was very happy to see Su Yan and Fang Mulin coming. Seeing Su Yan take so many things again, he said to his son lying beside him: "luoran, you can see how much your father and mother dote on you."

Su Yan went up to look at the baby and asked, "is it called luoran?"

Moloro nodded and said, "yes, it's settled. The name is Xu luoran." Su Yan's eyes are full of small stars. Xiaoluoran has already been fully opened. Her eyes, which were not opened at the moment, are big and bright. Like the best black grapes, she has a soft white face. She holds her fist in her small hand and puts it on her mouth, which makes people feel pity at a glance.

Su Yan gently picked up this tender and boneless baby, and was very satisfied in her heart.

After visiting moloro, Su Yan and Fang Mulin had a check-up in the gynecology department of the hospital. Su Yan's arm had just held moloro's baby. It was self-evident how much she wanted to have a child at this moment. Su Yan felt the cold instruments moving around her abdomen, and her heart was up and down.

After checking, two people sit outside and wait for the result. Fang Mulin looks at Su Yan's tense appearance, takes her into his arms, and whispers, "don't worry, it doesn't matter. The child loves his mother, and certainly won't let you fail." Su Yan nodded, her hands folded, and she prayed."Seventh, Mrs. Fang has come to get the result." Cried the nurse. Su Yan quickly stands up. Fang Mulin also stands up and pulls Su Yan in. The doctor looks up at Su Yan and doesn't speak. This silence makes Su Yan feel helpless.

Just when Fang Mulin was going to ask the doctor about the situation, the doctor said, "I have seen your condition before. The good news is that your body has completely recovered. For me, it is also a miracle. Now you can be pregnant."

After the doctor finished, Su Yan was stunned. She widened her eyes and said, "really Really? My body Am I well? " The doctor nodded, Su Yan suddenly excited to return to the body, hugged Fang Mulin and sobbed: "we will have children! There will be children

When the two men came out of the hospital, Su Yan, like a stimulant, pestered Fang Mulin every day, which she enjoyed. They also actively prepared for pregnancy and hoped to have a baby early.