Chapter 899

Su Yan in front of the director and his favorite people, let himself lose face, let himself embarrassed, Zhao ChuChu how can give up, how can be reconciled.

Think of Su Yan at that time, all people protected her. Han Junyi loved her, she was angry, angry and resentful. Why could Han Junyi not see his love for him? She was a family member. Why did she seduce others.

Zhao ChuChu didn't want to swallow this tone. She would not let Su Yan oppress herself again. She wanted to make su Yan disappear, so that Han Junyi could only see herself in her eyes.

The only person she can think of is Feng Ying. Maybe she can join hands with herself to kill Su Yan. No one else will help her.

Zhao ChuChu finds Feng Ying, because there is no intersection. When Feng Ying sees that Zhao ChuChu doesn't know the purpose of her coming, she says, "yo. This belongs to a noble person. How can you come to a small place like me? What can I do for your assistant to come to me and I can find you? How can you come to me in person

Zhao ChuChu said: "Ben is in a crew, there is no difference in size. We are all sisters. Although we don't walk around, I have paid attention to you. Your play is very good."

"The effect you shot is much better than that Su Yan. What is Su Yan? It's a shame to be in front of you. You can be much better than her, just need someone to push you Zhao ChuChu said.

Feng Ying felt more and more wrong when he heard it. He said, "you don't come here today just to praise how good my play is. What do you want to say to me? I don't like to cover up. You can tell me what you have to say."

"However, no matter what the purpose of your praise is, whether it's true or not, I'll thank you for your affirmation. Even if it's a lie, I'll like it. There's nothing good about me. The only thing that makes people look up to me is to be frank and have my attitude towards work. This may also be my shortcoming. I have worked for so many years without any achievements." Feng Ying said.

Zhao ChuChu said: "Sister Feng Ying, if she is as straightforward as she said, I like people like you. I don't like the kind of things that need to be protected by others. Maybe it's really a different way and don't conspire against each other."

"Since you said that, I don't cover it up. I'll tell you what I'm here for. If I'm right, you like Fang Mulin, but because of Su Yan's identity, you haven't got any response from Fang Mulin. I don't know how you feel about Su Yan. I've never had a good feeling for Su Yan." Zhao ChuChu said.

Feng Ying didn't know how Zhao ChuChu saw it, but she didn't show too much at ordinary times. How could she know that? If she had guessed, then Su Yan had already known.

The more she thought about it, the more confused she felt that she had been in the trap of Su Yan. She didn't say it directly, but she didn't give herself the chance to contact Fang Mulin alone. It seems that she has known for a long time.

Zhao ChuChu said, "you think you and I don't walk around often. I can see it. What about Su Yan? I'm afraid she's seen it for a long time. She's been testing your next move. "

"I like Han Junyi, but she is already a married man, or want to seduce Han Junyi, can only show one problem, she is not sincere to these two men, then you are willing to let Fang Mu Lin's sincerity exchange her such attitude, so irresponsible?" Zhao ChuChu said.

Feng Ying said: "no, why does Fang Mulin love her so much? Why does she have to seduce other men everywhere? This is unfair to him. If she really doesn't love him, why not let go?"

Zhao ChuChu said, "how could she let go? She relied on Fang Mulin to make it to this day. How could she let go? Her reputation and her rights were all lost?"

"If, you can let Fang Mu Lin see her sincerity, if you can let Fang Mulin die and see your true heart to her, then now it's you who is in Su Yan's position." Zhao ChuChu said.

Feng Ying did not do anything else, just to let Fang Mu Lin see that her sincerity was worth it. She said, "then what should I do and what countermeasures do you have?"

Zhao ChuChu said: "when a person is most desperate, when is the most likely to expose his nature, only when she is in danger is most likely to expose her nature. You are so smart, I think you should understand without me saying anything more. Don't worry about it. I will bear anything if anything happens."

Feng Ying said: "why do you think I will believe you, why do you think I will do what you say? Why can you be sure that I will do harm to others because of Fang Mulin."

Zhao ChuChu said: "there are not so many why, because we have common enemies. No one can believe it except me, can you? If you stick to it for so long, you won't want to give up all your previous achievements, which is beneficial to you. I don't think you can refuse. "

Zhao ChuChu said: "I know what you are worried about, but if you don't do it, how can you know whether you can succeed or not. If you don't do it, how can you know whether you and Fang Mulin are possible, whether he will fall in love with you, and whether you will become the next Su Yan. These unknowns are worth doing, so you won't regret it. If you miss this time, I won't protect you the next time you want to act. "Feng Ying understood Liu Yiyi's meaning. She had thought of it for a long time, but she didn't have the courage all the time. Now that she has said that she will bear it, why don't you believe her once and do it bravely, and the success or failure can be saved in this time.

Feng Ying secretly spent a lot of money looking for underworld gangsters, deliberately looking for trouble, to distract Fang Mulin's attention and find someone to deal with Su Yan secretly. Although Fang Mulin has some doubts, he has seen a lot of such things, so he doesn't pay much attention to it.

Feng Ying wants someone to follow Su Yan. She wanted to wait for her alone, but she always has someone to accompany her every time she goes out. Feng Ying doesn't want to hurt Fang Mulin, so she has to take advantage of Fang Mulin's absence.

Feng Ying deliberately made a car accident and deliberately collided with Su Yan's car. However, she told her that she didn't want to make too much noise and noise, so the people handling the matter carefully.

Feng Ying's people kidnap Su Yan and moloro, who happened to be involved in the car accident quietly. She doesn't want to involve more people in, but she can't wait. She has to take action.