Yin Siyan knew that it was meaningless to explain to her how much concession durans group had given and how smoothly the business of Yin's group in Europe would be carried out.

"Of course, I have to apologize. I make my dear wife angry. I have already informed her that durans group will be our opposite home in Europe. Li Xi has calculated many times to prove her feminine charm. This time, I will make the whole durans group pay the price." He said, putting his arms around her waist.

Qiu Xiyun stares big eyes, "right home? Do you mean that in the future, Yin's group will not only cooperate with durans group, but also compete with them, isn't that too much? "

"Not at all. Today is your day. If you have an accident, I'll let Li Xi ruin it completely." The firmness in his eyes let Qiu Xiyun know that what he said will never be false.

After all, Yin's group is a big enterprise with many employees, and its development is also the development of many people.

"I know you are not interested in her. If you think durans group is suitable, or..."

"Inappropriate, I will not miss an opportunity to let everyone know that Qiu Xiyun is more important than anything in my opinion. Xiyun, you are more important to me than the development of the group. Moreover, durans is not the only choice for me. Li Xi's action further shows that even if durans group talks with me with excellent conditions, it is unnecessary." He interrupted her.

He was so firm that the smile from the corner of her eyes betrayed her. He saw, "you are still jealous."

She said directly, "I'm just jealous. Ask other girls if there is such a woman who has been pestering her husband. In order to break us up and stay with you, Li Xi has already done something that 90% of the women can't do. How can I know what she will do later?"

What she said should be taken for granted, but she also felt a little wronged. At the end of the day, there is still a woman who is jealous and has to find a reason to eat. After all, shouldn't a woman like Li Xi be jealous?

Yan Si laughed, hugged her waist and said, "yes, you're right. I'll stay away from her in the future."

When they talked about the mysterious man again, Qiu Xiyun said, "I'd better meet him. I always feel that he will have other actions in the future. Instead of this, I'd better meet him and see what he wants to do."

He didn't even think about it and said, "no, I don't allow you to see him. He just calculated your psychology. Haven't you found out, Xiyun, that his action is aimed at the Yin family, otherwise why should I tell you that you believe the people you shouldn't believe?"

She is also worried. The main reason is that the person behind it is too mysterious. It is impossible to know who she is and what she plans to do.

She frowned. "Well, I'll listen to you."

Li Xi's father and brother returned to country f, and no one even told her. The most devastating thing for her was that her father said that she had stopped all her economy, and she became a poor exile. She had some cash on her body except jewelry, and there was nothing else in Euro. Of course, if she were an ordinary person, she would have nothing to do with her property There's no need to panic at all, but for her, it's a problem to live all day.

She first thought of Yin Siyan, but her phone had been hacked by Yin Siyan. After making more than a dozen phone calls, she finally accepted the fact, and then she thought of Qiu Xiyun. Last night, she remembered Qiu Xiyun's phone number and thought that she still called Qiu Xiyun.

When Qiu Xiyun received her call, he instinctively frowned, hesitated for a while, and finally answered, "hello."

"Qiu Xiyun, I'm Li Xi." She said.

Qiu Xiyun nodded and said, "I see the area where the phone belongs. I know."

"Where are you? I want to see you. My father and brother have returned home. I'm the only one here. I don't have any money. Can you help me? Si Yan won't answer my phone." She continued.

Qiu Xiyun frowned, "Miss Li Xi, are you looking for the wrong person? Your father has no money when he comes back to China. Shouldn't you go to your father? It seems that you and I can only be regarded as strangers, right

"We are all friends. I'm..." Li Xi is in a hurry. Only she can help herself.

Qiu Xiyun laughed, "you are wrong. We are not friends. I don't think I can treat you as a friend." Then she hung up.

Li Xi looked at the cell phone with a black screen. He had no choice but to make another call. "If you don't want to help me, can you let Si Yan answer my call? I'm sure he will help me."

Qiu Xiyun took a deep breath, but he didn't know where Li Xi's face came from. He could let it go naturally. "I'm sorry, I don't want my husband to help other women. If you have the ability, let him help you."

When she wanted to hang up again, she yelled to her face, "wait a minute. I heard that you are a medical student. How can you be so cruel? If I don't have any help here, I will definitely die. I just want to live well."What she said is really strange. Qiu Xiyun thinks that even Qiu Xiangying's family can't do what she looks like. Does that mean that if she starves to death here, it's Qiu Xiyun's fault?

OK, let's see what she wants. "OK, where are you? Tell me. I'll see you."

Li Xi quickly said his position, and then Qiu Xiyun soon arrived. The driver and bodyguard were waiting in the distance. Li Xi saw that she was bigger than her own ostentation. Qiu Xiyun invited her to dinner, and she was really hungry. Although she had money, she wanted to wait for Yin Siyan or Qiu Xiyun, but she didn't eat.

Qiu Xiyun just looked at her coldly and said, "do you need a ticket or something?"

"I want to see Si Yan. I have something to say to him." She put down her knife and fork and said, as if it should be arranged by Qiu Xiyun.

Qiu Xiyun sneered, then operated on his mobile phone, took out some Euro Cash and some RMB from his bag, "I've bought you a plane ticket for this evening. The money is enough for you to go back to your parents. Take it away if you want, and don't take care of yourself."

Then he planned to leave, but Li Xi held her, "you are not fair. We should compete fairly. Si Yan is a good man. He shouldn't be trapped by you."

Qiu Xiyun shook off her hand, "Li Xi, I've endured you for a long time. Don't challenge my bottom line!"