He looked at the Minister of propaganda and said, "is this all the new plans of the propaganda department?"

The propaganda minister bowed his head and said yes. Qiu Xiangying frowned slightly, but he didn't speak. Then Yin Shaoyan knew what it meant that Qiu Xiangying's submission would never reach him again.

Zeng Qing sat at the bottom right of Yin Shaoyan, looked at the opposite propaganda minister Liu Hao and said, "Liu Hao, you've been with the boss for a long time. How can you be so confused?"

Liu Hao does not understand his meaning, "Zeng Qing, how can I be confused?"

Zeng Qing still had to say it again. Yin Shaoyan raised his hand and said, "no more. From today on, Liu Hao is no longer the Minister of publicity. He will follow Zeng Qing as my assistant. Since you don't know what my current direction of publicity is, please follow me and understand my current needs. The position of the Minister of publicity will be temporarily promoted by the vice minister."

This is a big blow to Liu Hao. He suddenly stood up and said, "boss, if you really think I'm not suitable, you can fire me. I don't have the ability. I recognize it, but you let me be your assistant. I don't accept it."

Yin Shaoyan said, "do you think I'm insulting you?"

Liu Hao did not speak, but his eyes were stubborn, but he refused to put it down.

"I'll give you another chance. I ask you, are all the plans of the publicity department really here?" Yin Shaoyan asked in a heavy voice.

Liu haogang said yes, but when he thought of the plan Qiu Xiangying had given him before, he didn't look at it at all. He didn't know where to put it for a long time. Besides, Qiu Xiangying didn't rely on seducing her boss, so she didn't have any skills and didn't need to take it out.


Yin Shaoyan nodded with a smile, "Liu Hao, since you don't want to do it, you can go to find the financial settlement out of this office."

Liu Hao's eyes widened, and Yin Shaoyan would not let him go.

"I use you to appreciate your talent, but now it seems that your talent does not match your character. I ask you, did Qiu Xiangying give you a plan?"

Liu Hao can be regarded as knowing where the problem is. Looking at Qiu Xiangying, she is not afraid. Anyway, because of her past and their misunderstanding, her image is no longer bad.

"Minister, I gave you the plan a few days ago."

Liu Hao's eyes turned around. "When did you give it to me, Qiu Xiangying? I didn't expect that you would learn to wrongly people now."

She knew that he would say so, and said directly to Yin Shaoyan, "on the day when I went to see the minister, Mr. Yin, your assistant saw me take the plan in, and when I came out, I said hello to her again. Besides, the minister used to put all my plans in the left corner of his desk. Mr. Yin, you can send someone to have a look."

Liu Hao see this thing is to hide, immediately burst out, "even if you give the scheme to how, you a new person, do the scheme is not suitable, I think there is no need to get in front of the boss."

"Yes? I've seen that plan, and I think it's very appropriate. Why I asked Qiu Xiangying to submit it to you is to see if there is an objective and rational standard in your judgment, but now it seems that you don't have it. " Yin Shaoyan said coldly.

The people in the Propaganda Department looked at each other, each with his own mind, but no one dared to say a word.

Liu Hao finally did not hold back and sneered at Yin Shaoyan, "yes, I didn't see Qiu Xiangying's plan at all, and I didn't want to give her plan to you. She is a new person in the propaganda department. No matter what her previous status is, she doesn't even have the courtesy that a new person should have. If she goes to the boss over her boss, this is what she should do as a person with ability?"

Yin Shaoyan raised his hand to signal him to continue, and he was not polite, "boss, we all know what kind of person Qiu Xiangying was before. Why can't you see the efforts of other people in our propaganda department? Is it really because she knows how to seduce men?"

Before Yin Shaoyan opened his mouth, Zeng Qing was already angry, "Liu Hao, if the boss is such an image in your heart, then you really don't have to stay in the company. Qiu Xiangying doesn't care about her past. It's really something that she has the ability to be creative. You don't have the ability to come up with a plan that can cover her. You're going to run? "

Liu Hao knew that he was guilty. If he had not heard people from the Department talking about Qiu Xiangying's work in the propaganda department that time, he would not have been in a crisis.

"The boss already has an idea in his heart. It's useless for us to say anything else. If the boss asks me to leave, how can I not leave?" He said wryly and sarcastically, and was about to leave the conference room.

"Minister Liu, wait a minute. I think you must not have seen my plan now. This is my plan. If you really think there is no merit in my plan, you just rely on means to stay here. OK, I'll leave." She picked up her plan, went over and handed it to him in both hands.

Liu Hao frowned, "I've decided to leave. Even at this time, you're going to run on me, aren't you?"

Qiu Xiangying shook her head. "I'm Qiu Xiangying, who is so big. You all know my image before. I've done all kinds of bad and immoral things. Today, you treat me with this attitude. That's the consequence of what I did before. I understand that nothing I said can make you change this idea. However, I still want you to see if there is one No, I'm willing to leave. "Some people are already thinking about whether they had judged her too arbitrarily.

Liu Hao took the plan, but when he opened it, he still thought that she couldn't have a good plan. But when he looked at it carefully, his eyes lost light and his hands drooped, as if he didn't have any strength. Other colleagues were curious about what plan could make Liu such a leader.

Yin Shaoyan took a look at Zeng Qing. Zeng Qing asked people to distribute Qiu Xiangying's plan. After everyone looked at it, the whole conference room was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Liu Hao finally no longer holds that idea, said to Qiu Xiangying: "you win, I lose, I go."

"Minister Liu, when the company was just established, you can let Mr. Yin come to you to be the director of the publicity department. It shows that you have your ability. I just hope you can give me a fair chance in the future." Then she turned to face Yin Shaoyan.

"Mr. Yin, it's not the fault of Mr. Liu alone. I didn't remind him that this plan is a plan for Mr. Yin's next action. In addition, I'm still a newcomer, which makes Mr. Liu ignore it."