The Temple of Repatriation was at the edge of Emei City. Ye Tianmu and the other two did not go back to Jiajia, but instead went to Emei City.

They had come today with an honorable and arduous mission, to eat the tofu brains that covered Emei!

An incomparably grand goal!

The first stop, he went to the Emei Academy's side, to the High Records bean curd brain.

Ever since he could remember, Ye Wen's parents had been selling tofu brains. Don't just look at that small bowl, there are dozens of ingredients to prepare. Peanut, soybeans, sashays, cabbages, minced meat, sweet potato fans, steamed beef, steamed sausages, coriander, celery, spring onion, chili sauce, sesame oil, sesame oil, salt, vinegar …

Soybean milk made into bean curd, placed in a jar. The bones were boiled into a thick and viscous soup. The pea powder was melted with cold water and slowly mixed with the bone soup. After that, he scooped the pea into the soup and after a few strokes, the pea paste was mixed with the bottom of the soup.

A bowl of steaming tofu brain was served. The sauce, chili oil, salt, and pepper noodles were placed at the bottom of the bowl. A spoonful of tofu soup was placed on the bottom of the bowl. Various ingredients were added to the soup: fragrant peanut and soybeans, crisp and sour, sweet potato fans with chewing spices, and green and fresh parsley. Add steamed beef and steamed sausages and so on... It was spicy, fresh, tender, and rich without losing any flavor. It simply caused one to have an endless amount of aftertaste.

The bean curd brain has long been the first choice for Jiazhou people in the history of breakfast, it is: "tofu fresh halogen fertilizer, a wonderful taste in the morning sunlight"!

Ye Wen's parents would wake up early and work hard in the morning, while Ye Mo's heart ached for them. She had thin arms and thin legs, and Father Ye was reluctant to let this girl tire herself out. Therefore, at most, she would cook, wash and help her parents.

Compared to that, her job was too easy. She always felt that she had done nothing for her parents and had let her family down. Therefore, when she came to offer incense today, Ye Zimu had already decided. It was said that Emei's tofu brain was very famous, so she had to go and have a taste of what other people's tofu brains were worth learning.

In order to achieve this grand goal, Ye Wen had saved up an entire year's worth of pocket money!

Jian Xia's words had broken her image of being filial to her daughter: 'A glutton should honestly admit that he is a glutton'. What kind of excuse could she come up with!?

Ye Zimu: Flower, you really don't need to come with us …

Gao Ji's tofu brain was not much different from his Ye Family's tofu brain. It was just that there was one more type of egg: Egg Chong.

The egg rushed at the tofu brain and tasted even more tender. The crispy meat and peanuts were especially brittle.

You can have this, take it down!

The four of them added a small bowl of noodles on the thick and strong sweet water surface, eating their fill.

He got out of High Record and went to the Nine-Nine Soybean Rot Brain.

His family consisted of four varieties: beef, chicken wire, egg dressing, and pastry.

As the name implied, chicken bean curd was added to the dried chicken, and crispy meat was added to the crispy bean curd. Only beef bean curd was not added to the usual steamed beef, but was combined with a spoonful of steamed broth made from halogen oil, cumin, bamboo leaf, star anise, fennel, sugar and other seasonings. It was extremely delicious.

This is good, take it down!

After exiting the Nine-Nine Tofu Brain, the four of them held an emergency meeting. They all felt that in order to preserve their physical strength and stamina, in order to better fight on the front lines of the tofu brain, they could no longer fight alone. They only ordered one bowl, and they ate it together!

After adjusting their strategy and tactics, the four men who thought that they would win bravely and bravely left for the Three Disturbances on Sai Shandong Road.

He entered the store and ordered the most famous tofu brain of his family, the mandarin duck and tofu, as well as three fresh ice powder.

The four of them only ordered one bowl of Mandarin Duck Egg Chong and two bowls of ice powder.

The mandarin duck bean curd is the bean curd with steamed beef and steamed fat sausage.

The shop owner was very sympathetic when he saw the four tender flower bud girls order such little things. The beef and fattening intestines they got were especially large, so much so that they almost couldn't hold the big blue and white bowl anymore!

The service attitude was so good that even Ye Zimo felt embarrassed. He could only order another dish of chicken feet.

Hua Jane Xia: Just admit it!

Ye Zimu: Flower, you really don't need to be with us anymore! …

The mixed fat sausages were sliced small and crunchy, and the peanuts were very fragrant and tasty. However, the four of them all felt that their family's tofu brains were unsavory for some reason. The dumplings in the ice powder had never been boiled, so they tasted raw.

En, the taste, environment, and service are all perfect, just that the bean curd brain doesn't smell good …

There was also a family of tofu brains on Sai Shan Road.

The tofu was also very tender. It was the most tender among the three that he had eaten before, and it was also very fragrant. The only drawback of this was the fat intestines being too big, making it very easy to chew.

Next, it was Second Brother Kong's tofu brain …

And then, Niu Hua's bean curd brain …

Conclusion: Emei Sesame Meat Bean Rot with Sesame Meat and Sesame Bean Rot with Sesame Meat was the most tender, mixed with the most spicy and spicy chicken feet, the most tender in the East Gate...

Well, uh, don't talk about tofu brains with me for the time being, uh ~!

Ye Zimu held onto his stomach with one hand and the wall with the other as he went back home.

The buildings on this street were all simple: the front was the door, the second was the residence, and the last was a small courtyard to dry clothes, and they were all chatting and taking in the cool air.

The south side of the street was basically filled with food. To the right of the Ye family were the Liang family's candied fruits, Luo family's steamed buns, and the Wang family's cut noodles … On the left was Li's Fried Rice Restaurant and Pure Truth Restaurant …

On the opposite side of the Ye Clan, which was also the northern part of the Begonia City, was a sea of groceries, medicine stores, ointments, and clothes … This kind of store is closely related to the daily life of a household. Of course, the biggest and brightest is still a pawnshop …

Ye Zimu had eaten enough for the day. There was no room for dinner, so he just sat at the table and pretended to listen to the idle chatter of his family.

He teased her second brother again and said, "Does big brother really plan to leave tomorrow? You don't want to bid farewell to your simple sister? "

Ye Jiaxing looked at her, "Don't worry about me. After I leave, I will write five thousand words every day. Once I finish copying my words, I will copy into university. "When I came back, I wanted to check. I wanted to copy a word less, or I wanted to copy it badly …"

Ye Jiaxing held the bowl in his hands and thought for a moment. Then, he said lightly, "I'll treat Deng Baihe and the others to some mushroom soup."

"Really? Not reneging? " A huge gift descended from the sky, causing Ye Wen to be ecstatic. Thinking about it again, she only said that she would treat Lily and the others to a meal, but not that she …

"..." Aooo! No! Absolutely not! Is he still my elder brother? "

"Then copy it well. Get up! Stop acting like a spoiled brat and stop bargaining! "

"Second brother ~ ~ blood brother ~ ~!"

"Four thousand five hundred!" It cannot be any less! "


While the siblings were bargaining and killing each other, the Second Brother Ye said to Shui Sanniang, "Prepare a gift tomorrow. The candied fruits nearby will be exchanged for the boss's fruit. You must go and congratulate us."