Chapter 310

Step forward, Li Meng put his hand on Yin Baifan's shoulder. If there was something that seemed to be nothing, he gently held it for him. After seeing that his face was slightly softened, he quietly asked, "Bai fan, this life experience of Xiaoxiao, you see Who told mu Yanran? "

In a word, Yin Baifan's body was obviously stiff. Both Yin Zizhen and Yin Ruoyun obviously felt that they raised their eyes and looked at him one after another. They didn't understand why Yin Baifan had such a big reaction!

He narrowed his eyes and Yin Baifan didn't speak for a long time.

Yin Zizhen looked at his parents, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was suspicious, but he didn't ask.

Just when everyone thought that Yin Baifan was going to speak, Yin Baifan just stood up and waved his back to them. It was obvious that he wanted them to go out. Li Meng looked at him in surprise, but Yin Baifan didn't care at all. He just said that he wanted to be alone for a while!

As a last resort, a group of people came in without saying a word, so they backed out. Even Li Meng didn't dare to stay. Soon, only Yin Baifan was left in the study.

Looking at the night outside the window, Yin Baifan only felt that he was forced to breathe.

Thinking back many years ago.

He remembered that night very well, and even in the 23 years he had never forgotten

The rain was pouring down and the shadows of the trees were whirling. The whole T city was completely shrouded in a storm. Everyone present at that time remembered Su Niang that day

Young Su Niang is very beautiful. She loves make-up. Even that day, she painted delicate make-up. She was very enchanting. Her simple white dress outlined her graceful posture, which used to make men in T city almost crazy

A woman who is forced to fall into the dust by all of them is pure and beautiful even though she is painting enchanting makeup.

In the heavy rain, she stood on the edge of the cliff and laughed wildly. The laughter was clear and sweet, but it fell in people's ears at that time, but she just felt as if it was a life-threatening call.

Looking up, Su Niang's back is facing the cliff. The night wind blows her skirt so loud that her legs show delicate lines. The design of the camp shoulder can even see her slim and white arms. Even if she is in a mess by the rain, she seems to be a blooming snow lotus blooming in the late night

"Remember! My su Niang will come back for revenge! What you have imposed on me today, I will repay you a hundred times and a thousand times! " Su Niang's words are very light, but so ruthlessly fell in the presence of the people's heart, sounded a hard alarm, "Mu long! Yin Baifan! I won't let any of you go! And those who have touched me will never come to a good end! Ha ha ha... "

Mu long and Yin Baifan, who were named in person, turned pale on the spot.

Su Niang stood on the edge of the cliff without fear and looked at them with a strange smile. At that moment, she seemed to be a ghost climbing up from hell, which made people scared

"You all have to live well. When I come back, I will send back the daughter of the Yin family! Then we'll start to settle the accounts! Ha ha ha... " Su Niang said, then she raised her head and laughed wildly. Suddenly, she spread her arms and fell to the cliff behind her. People around her didn't have time to catch hold of her clothes. "You all have to live. Ha ha ha..."

After so many years, he thought that his daughter might have died long ago. Even Su Niang thought that she was dead. Seeing that more than 20 years had passed and everyone was relieved, the story of Yan Xiaoxiao's saving was exposed at this time, and it came so suddenly

Almost all the people related to that year were awakened overnight. There was no time to sigh about Yan Xiaoxiao's life experience, or even to think about the whole story. There was only one feeling!

Su Niang, back!

And she came back for revenge!


He stretched out his hand and pinched his nose, and Yin Baifan felt cold all over his body!

Once he was looking forward to his daughter's return, but now when he sees Chen Qing, he just thinks that she might as well not come back. At least this proves that Su Niang might have died when she fell off the cliff, or she might not have come back to take revenge on them

That woman, knows too much and is too smart!

And this time she came back, it must be to stir T city upside down!

As soon as Yan Xiaoxiao's life experience was exposed on the Internet, there were all kinds of opinions.

Some people say that she deliberately aimed at Yin Qing with impure mind, while others say that she was also a victim. After all, some people pointed out that she was just a baby who was born not long ago when she came to the Yin family, and even people didn't begin to recognize it. What can be blamed on her?

Fortunately, after this incident, Yan Xiaoxiao kept silent and didn't speak. Yin Qing also returned to the Yin family, and everything seemed to be back to the origin. Most of the officials were very satisfied, but there was a small voice guessing who Yan Xiaoxiao's parents were. The discussion was very hot, but it was only two hours, All the public opinions on the Internet are suppressedYan Xiaoxiao didn't even have time to take a look.

Originally, a flame that was about to rise suddenly was put out, when everyone had not recovered.

Just like Yan Xiaoxin had some feelings, it was proved that it was really just the beginning soon after!

On this day, Jing Liyuan went out after dinner with Yan Xiaoxiao at home. He said that he was going to meet Chen Yu, and Yan Xiaoxiao let him go without doubt. He stayed at home to read parenting books. The child has been more than seven months. The weather in T city is getting hotter, and the temperature of pregnant women is higher than ordinary people. Now Yan Xiaoxiao is almost not even at home How come up with, everyday is hiding at home.

But when Jing Liyuan left for less than half an hour and Chen Yu appeared at his home, Yan Xiaoxiao was really stunned for a long time.

"What are you doing here?" Asked softly, subconsciously, Yan Xiaoxiao thought that the two people had diverged.

Chen Yu scratched his head. Recently, he was in the limelight. It was not easy for him to come out once. However, thinking about the exposure of Yan Xiaoxiao's life experience, he felt uncomfortable before he came to see him. After that, the notice came right away.

"I just want to see you." Chen Yu said sheepishly and carefully observed Yan Xiaoxiao's look.

His eyes turned slightly, and Yin Xiaoxiao raised his mouth slightly and asked, "aren't you busy today?"

"Fortunately, I have half an hour free now. I'll go back to catch up with you later..." Seeing that Yan Xiaoxiao was willing to smile at himself, Chen Yu was happy and obediently reported his itinerary, "sister, you don't know how busy I am now. I almost have no time to sleep! It's not easy to have free time to see you today... "

With Chen Yu's words, the smile on Yan Xiao's face was slightly stiff.

Chen Yu is here, and busy feet do not touch the ground, so who is Jing Liyuan looking for?

Su Niang?

Countless thoughts flashed through his brain. In the end, Yan Xiaoxiao held back and didn't show it. He chatted with Chen Yu for a few words and then let him go back. He just told him not to tell anyone that he had come to see her today, because he didn't want to let others know that they were familiar with each other. At this time, he was too close to her and would only catch the wind

Chen Yu didn't doubt that he should be obedient and left in a hurry.

Closing the door, Yin Xiaoxiao stood by the door for a long time, but he couldn't get back to God

Jing Liyuan, why lie?

What is he going to do that she can't know?

Is that what he always said?

The questions in her heart gradually piled up one by one, which made Yan Xiaoxiao feel tired, but she still ordered herself not to think too much and to learn to trust him, but she didn't know where JINGLIYUAN was today!

At the moment, in a coffee shop in T City, mu Yanran is quietly sitting in her seat and waiting. She looks very indifferent. The person waiting has not come yet, but the phone rings. When she sees the familiar and strange numbers, her heart rises and her face turns pale.

"Hello, Yama..." Mu Yanran, the "king of hell" she had not contacted for a long time, almost forgot his existence.

"Miss mu, you are in good health now. Don't you forget our trade?" The mood of "Yama" on the phone can't tell whether it's good or bad, but the tone is as usual, with a trace of indifference and ridicule, which makes people unpredictable. "You still owe me seven people. Do you want me to remind you what's going on?"

Mu Yan Ran holds the hand of the mobile phone and can't help shaking for a while. If it wasn't for her that she happened to be in the private room, it's estimated that she can attract many people's attention now.

Seven people

She almost forgot that because of the operation destroyed by Yin Xiaoxiao for the first time, she owed the "king of hell" three times and seven times less. Now people come to collect the debt!

"No, where can I forget..." As a matter of fact, after her health recovered, she really forgot about it. "I don't know how much the" king of hell "will cost this time..."

Hear Mu Yan Ran deliberately flatter voice line, "Yama" quietly smile, then answer, "not much, two, you first find a good person, I want at any time may take."

Just when muyanran wanted to answer, the door of the private room was opened, and then someone came in. Muyanran hurriedly answered and then hung up the phone. Looking at the person in front of her, muyanran only felt that this woman was more and more dangerous!

She took off her shawl and showed the enchanting manjushahua on her left arm. Su Niang looked at mu Yanran and suddenly laughed. The smile was so bright that mu Yanran was slightly distracted. If it wasn't for the staff to come in and get something, she couldn't come back.

"When I left, Miss Mu was just a child who couldn't even walk. Now she is more and more graceful when she comes back." Su Niang said in a low voice, but there was no praise in her eyes. She was just so polite. "Luck is excellent. She found the source of her heart..."Said, Su Niang meaningful looked at the location of Mu Yan Ran's heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!