Chapter 614

Dong Kai's face became more and more pale. He looked at Yin Xiaoxiao and said in a weak voice, "Xiaoxiao, I was surprised when I received the phone call. Thank you for coming to see me..."

As light as that, Dong Kai changed the topic and still looked at Yan Xiaoxiao. Even if Yan Xiaoxiao's attitude towards him was still so cold and heartless, it didn't matter. As long as she came, he would feel so happy and even had the illusion of hope.

With a slight frown, Yin Zizhen looked at Dong Kai's waist injury and said softly, "you'd better go to the hospital bed and lie down. Xiaoxiao and I are here to see you. By the way, people who don't know you think we've come to hit people."

Dong Kai did not respond, but looked at Yin Xiaoxiao hesitantly. When he went back to the ward, did she leave?

Yan Zizhen didn't know Dong Kai's mind. He reached for Yan Xiaoxiao and said, "come on, we'll take you back to your room."

This time, Dong kaicai couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, quickly let tezhu help him to move to the room, his eyes always fell on Yan Xiaoxiao, and he didn't want to leave for a long time.

Since he knew that Yan Xiaoxiao was coming, Dong Kai's whole body was like chicken blood. In a short period of time, the wound didn't know how many times it split. Thanks to his little excitement, he could survive until now, and even he didn't want to go back to the ward. Because it was too far away, Yan Xiaoxiao was pregnant with his child and was not suitable to go too far, so he insisted on keeping him in the room Illness

As a last resort, the doctors of the Dong family moved all the necessary medical supplies that could almost be transferred.

As soon as he stepped into Dong Kai's room, Yan Xiaoxiao noticed that the room was clean and fragrant with flowers. He knew that it had been carefully arranged. He could not help sighing in his heart. Yan Xiaoxiao could only endure the pain in his heart.

Dong Kai, she can't be cruel all the time, but some things force her to be cruel!

Seeing Dong Kai stepping into the room, the doctors rushed forward to take Dong Kai to the bedside and sat down. The skilled surgeon carefully removed the bandage for him, frowning as if he was facing some complicated disease. Be careful again.

"Smile, are you thirsty? What would you like to drink? " Sitting at the bedside, Dong Kai seemed to have no sense of the doctor's slight handling of the injury, so he asked Yin Xiaoxiao with a smiling face.

Walking in the room, Yan Xiaoxiao looked around, looked at him and said, "just give me a cup of warm water."

When the words fell, someone immediately went to pour water for Yan Xiaoxiao, while Dong Kai was almost obsessed with looking at her.

Dong Kai's sudden strange, and Yan Xiaoxiao drank a small mouthful of warm water, Yan Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa, as if he had something to say.

It was not easy for Yin Zizhen to stand aside, he could only look at them like that.

Looking lonely, Dong Kai forced himself to raise a smile, and suddenly said softly, "smile, I have prepared a gift for my child. Shall I show it to you?"

After that, Dong Kai didn't even care if the doctor had dressed the wound for him, so he got up straight. He was so scared that the scissors in the doctor's hand trembled. The next second, Dong Kai went to the other side. As soon as he came in, he was covered by a square glass cover covered with brocade.

"Smile, come and have a look." Dong Kai said as if he were a treasure, with a high spirit on his face.

Yan Xiaoxiao hesitated to get up in the end and walked over. His steps almost didn't stand firm, and suddenly flashed. Yan Zizhen quickly reached for him and looked at her cheek with a slight frown.

Walking over, Yan Xiaoxiao took the matter to heart, reached out and stroked his belly and stood in front of Dong Kai.

Seeing Yan Xiaoxiao coming over, Dong Kai stretched out his hand to open the brocade, and the world-famous scenic spots spliced with bamboo pieces in the glass cover appeared in front of him, which was particularly spectacular. "Xiaoxiao, this is a gift I gave to my children. I hope his steps can spread all over the world in the future, and be a free man."

Free people.

That is Dong Kai's biggest source of heart after he entered the Dong family. He placed such a wish on a child who has not yet been born. It can be seen that he still has high hopes for this child.

Just listening to Dong Kai's words, Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that something was wrong. He subconsciously frowned at Dong Kai, but Dong Kai suddenly looked at her seriously and said, "smile, I can accept everything you said last time."

At the moment when the words fell, Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly froze and turned pale!

Dong Kai looked at Yan Xiaoxiao and continued to say seriously, "Xiaoxiao, no matter whose child this child is, no matter whose surname he will be in the future, Jing or Dong, as long as it is your child, he is my child. I think very clearly, no matter what, I still want to marry you, I still want to be the man who guards you..."

Frowning tightly, Yan Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and took a deep breath, caressing his hand on his belly.

Yin Zizhen thought that Yan Xiaoxiao was stimulated by Dong Kai's words for a long time, but he couldn't help sighing

Yan Xiaoxiao breathed heavily and looked at Dong Kai in front of her. Her eyes suddenly became confused. She turned around with all her strength and her eyes fell on the only cup of water she had drunk since she came to Dong's house. Her body was unstable and suddenly fell down. She stretched out her hand to support her. Yan Xiaoxiao avoided her stomach, but her hands accidentally hit the coffee table The cup on the tea table fell to the ground and broke, and the sound was clearCrackle!

Such a sound, suddenly the whole room were stunned, more accurately, Dong Kai and Yin Zizhen were stunned.

When Yan Xiaoxiao sat down on the ground, a large amount of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and the hand that caressed his belly became tighter and tighter, and his eyes were full of fear. When there was a sudden heat flow under his body, and the air was filled with a smell of blood, Yan Xiaoxiao's face turned pale with fright

When the blood under his body suddenly dyed his eyes red, Yin Zizhen was so scared that he quickly came forward to hold Yan Xiao and asked, "smile, smile, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother..." With a trembling voice, he called softly. Never for a moment had Yan Xiaoxiao been so nervous and flustered. He reached for Yan Zizhen's clothes and said, "brother, take me to the hospital, to the hospital..."


Suddenly, Mr. Dong with a large number of people broke into Dong Kai's room. When he saw the smile on the corner of his mouth, Yan Xiaoxiao's heart sank down.

It's over. It's over?

Her children, because of her negligence, because of her self righteousness?

In an instant, tears flooded Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes, but they held on to them and didn't let them cry.

When Yin Zizhen saw the Dong family coming in and saw the cracked glass at his feet, he had a bad feeling in his heart. But at the moment, he still pretended that he didn't know anything. He reached out and picked up Yan Xiaoxiao and was about to go out, saying, "Mr. Dong, I'm sorry, my sister may have a big heart. Let's go first and come again next time..."

Having said that, Yan Zizhen was about to go out with Yan Xiaoxiao in his arms, but he was suddenly blocked by the bodyguards behind Mr. Dong.

"Ha ha ha..." A burst of hearty laughter sounded, which was almost the happiest time in this period of time. His beard was trembling slightly. Looking at Yan Xiaoxiao who was held by Yin Zizhen in front of him, he said in a very good mood, "why wait until next time? Now that he's here, have a good time, Xiaoxiao, it's not a small move to the body. We have to see the doctor quickly, what's my Dong family Not many, but doctors are the most. Let my doctors have a good look at her! "

At the moment when the words fell, Yan Xiaoxiao almost subconsciously hugged Yan Zizhen tightly. Yan Zizhen also made a little effort to hold Yan Xiaoxiao, and his body and steps were almost inaudible. He stepped back and opened the distance between him and Dong's bodyguards.

In a calm voice, Yin Zizhen said with a serious face, "don't bother Mr. Dong. My sister is used to looking at herself in Nanyu. The doctors here may not know her situation. Let's leave first!"

Nestled in Yan Zizhen's arms, Yan Xiaoxiao was anxious and afraid, and her body was chilled to death. Accidentally, Yan Xiaoxiao's hand touched the phone that Yan Zizhen had just put on the inside of her clothes, and secretly took out the phone. Yan Xiaoxiao pretended to be in pain, hung her head down, and the scattered hair submerged her little hand, carefully reading The phone numbers above , the fastest update of the webnovel!