Chapter 660

Although Jing Liyuan lived here during this period, Mr. Murong came many times, even his daughter came many times, but each time he stayed was not long, and even he was brought back by Yin Zizhen in an "accidental" way. Every time he talked with Jing Liyuan in his study for a long time, and the content was unknown

Turning his eyes to see the news still on TV, Jing Liyuan didn't move his eyebrows. Suddenly, he reached out to touch Yan Xiaoxiao's stomach and asked softly, "the next time I go to the birth inspection, it will be almost eight months. Then I will accompany you. Every time after that, I will accompany you. I'm sorry that I haven't accompanied you all this time."

Yan Xiaoxiao was a little stunned and looked at him speechless.

Jing Liyuan raised a gentle smile and said softly in his arms, "from now on, you'll stay in the room and have a rest. I'll go out and get rid of everything. Then we can have a good life."

Nodding, Yan Xiaoxiao didn't know why, and suddenly all the long-term pressure of the whole person was released.


As long as he stood in front of her, she was afraid of nothing.

The ups and downs outside have nothing to do with her any more.

After calming Yan Xiaoxiao for a while, Chengpu and Ge Chengfei came over with a lot of documents in their hands. The battle scared Yan Baifan to frown hard, and Yin Zizhen also looked back at him for a long time.

Taking people into the study, Yin Baifan immediately felt that his study had become Jing Liyao's study

His son-in-law is much more capable than him

Lian Yu's news has been boiling in T city for several days, and Dong Kai has also been pushed to the top of the storm. Many reporters are chasing them for evidence. Jing Yuanfeng is still fighting with Dong Jia in the shopping mall. In this short period of time, Dong's family is almost breathless, and the appearance of Dong's father photographed all day is frowning

When spring comes and the whole world is full of warmth, JINGLIYUAN, which has disappeared in people's sight for a long time, suddenly appears in front of us. It's still magnificent and charming.

Jing sanshao, is there anything wrong with your health? Do you know about this period of time?

Jing sanshao, you will sue the Dong family for their slander. All the things in this period are fruitless. What will you do?

What do you want to do most now?


When the words fell, Jing Liyuan suddenly stopped his own steps. The reporters who were still holding Jing Liyuan and could not answer their questions were all slightly stunned. The next second, all the cameras and microphones were aimed at him. Jing Liyuan turned to look at the camera, raised an attractive smile and said, "the only thing I want to do now is to be with my wife. ”

only one answer, but it is enough to make all reporters excited!

Jing sanshao, is your wife Miss yin? Are you going to remarry?

Jing sanshao, Miss Yin is still suspected. What would you do? Does the king family mind?

-- Jing sanshao, are you going to deal with these things now, and then miss Yin is ready to give birth?


But this time, no one paid any attention to Jing Liyuan and walked straight into the building of Jing group.

The appearance of that shadow immediately excited the employees in the whole Jingshi group!


Jing San Shao!

This is what they think of him!

When he entered his office, Jing Liyuan began to deal with a lot of things, and the phone never stopped from beginning to end. Ge Chengfei would come in from time to time to send him something, such as coffee and pills. Besides his work, Jing Liyuan seemed to be a person who didn't care about anything

Luo Dazhong sued Lian Yu for damaging his reputation, which immediately attracted everyone's attention! Luo Dazhuang seemed to be hanging up for a moment, speeding up the pace. When the evidence was put out again and Lian Yu's reputation fell to the bottom, even her story that Jing Liyuan was ill began to be suspected

Jing Liyuan looked at the effect made by Luo Dazhou and immediately chuckled.

Dong Kai can't do anything about him, let alone a little Lian Yu?

Turning his head, Jing Liyuan looked at the case of Yan Xiaoxiao again, but before he could see anything, Jing Yuanfeng could not help but come down and arrest people in person, frowning. Looking at him, he asked the assistant behind him to hand over the document to ge Chengfei. Ge Chengfei pretended not to see it, and he didn't dare to look at Jing Yuanfeng!

"JINGLIYUAN, what do you want to do?" Jing Yuanfeng roared angrily. During this time, he was making trouble with the Dong family. He was haunted by Yu Jiahui every day, which made him almost crazy. "Now you've decided to let go, don't you take over your mess to me? If you don't take it, believe it or not, I'll go to the Yin family and take you away! "As soon as the words came out, Jing Liyuan couldn't help smiling.

I got up and went to him, raised my eyebrows and looked at him, and said, "Dad, as my dad, I'm supposed to protect myself from the wind and rain? Your son is very busy now. He is too busy to play with the old man of the Dong family. You can play with him... "

"What kind of wind or rain? You need more. Hurry up! Otherwise, your mother is talking in my ear every day about how to kill the Dong family. Hurry up! "Jing Yuanfeng looks at Jing Liyuan angrily, but his eyes are deeply concerned.

Jing family is not afraid of Dong family, but Jing Yuanfeng is afraid of Jiahui!

One was slow, and when he came home, he was asked, "don't you love JINGLIYUAN? I tell you that if you don't do it for him, you'll go and sleep in my study for a year! "

Thinking of the huge sofa in the study, Jing Yuanfeng has a headache.

He's so old. Is it easy?

Jing Liyuan didn't care so much. He was very happy now. Every day he went back to Yin's home to eat with Xiaoxiao, and put his arms around her to sleep. Looking at her pretty face and growing stomach, he only felt that her life was too happy, even the provocations of Dong Kai and Lian Yu were ignored

In the next few days, Lian Yu's words were scattered by Luo Dazhuang, and finally he was pale and could not speak.

The reporter surrounded Luo Dazhou, and his words which were widely spread during this period of time were immediately hit and disappeared.

Luo Dazhuang, since you have evidence in your hand, why wait until now?

Luo Dazhuang, are you forced to such a state? Is it to keep your position?

Luo Dazhuang, will you continue to be a lawyer of the Jing family?


Sweeping away the haze of some time ago, Luo Dazong stood in front of the camera with a smile on his face and said confidently, "I didn't finish this simple case until today. Obviously, it's because my employer wants to see with his own eyes the end of this woman who framed him, so I'll wait for him to wake up! Lian Yu's time is just the last toss, but the next thing, no matter I or sanshao, will not slow down again! "

Looking at the camera firmly, Luo Dazhou, to some extent, represented that the Jing family and Yin Xiaoxiao declared war with Lian Yu and Dong family, saying, "next, I will push off all the cases and only concentrate on Lian Yu's framing of the third young lady. She does not hesitate to use her baby as a chip, so I will let her lose everything! In front of the law, there has never been any human feelings to speak of! A mother who does not love her children is despised by law and morality! "

Having said that, Luo Dazhou never said anything again. He turned around and left smartly!

And T city set off a wave at this moment, this war is coming to * * time, but also close to the end!


Mercilessly, in the living room of Dong's family, Mr. Dong smashed the teacup in his hand and watched the arrogant Luo Dazhou on TV angrily!

When will his Dong family be threatened by a small lawyer?

"The king family is deceiving people too much!" After a big drink, Mr. Dong turned to look at Dong Kai and said without hesitation, "Dong Kai, I will release the medical records tomorrow. My Dong family has been suffering this time. Does he really think we are afraid?"

Dong Kai frowned at the TV and did not speak, but his hands clenched into fists!

Did Jing Liyuan think that he would not put out the medical records in Yan Xiaoxiao's face?

Standing up, Mr. Dong's chest heaved violently with anger and said, "hurry up, don't think about the woman who doesn't have you in his heart all the time. If it wasn't for her, what would you do now? Everyone is talking about you, even saying that you don't know what to do in order to get a married woman with children? Dong Kai, you are the turning point of my Dong family's image. I tell you, don't give me any trouble at this time, or I will not let you go! "

Too serious tone let Dong Kai can't help looking up at him, this is the first time that Dong said such a serious thing to him, and the words already contain a strong dissatisfaction!

"Before you like Yin Xiaoxiao, you have to remember that you are the successor of the Dong family. The Dong family is still waiting for you to grow up. It's not to give you the opportunity to be unscrupulous. I used to be too used to you before. Now, what I say and what you do, or I don't mind honing you hard, so that you can understand how the Dong family survived!" The loud words fell, and the people in the room shivered a little.

The Dong family has always been a tiger's nest, but one mountain can't tolerate two tigers. What's more, a tiger with a nest at home?

That kind of blood is not comparable to the general situation!

Now, if there were not so many reporters watching, the Dong family would not have been so severely suppressed by the Jing family!

They are the demeanor of acting in the dark, and Jingjia is the so-called land of etiquette!

Had to nod, Dong Kai's heart inexplicably lit up a fire, why he can be so unscrupulous Jing Liyuan to do these things, he does not believe he can not be subdued! Since we must destroy Jing Liyuan, Yan Xiaoxiao can not rely on him, then he will destroy him! After the destruction, he was always able to imprison Yan Xiaoxiao by his side!At that time, everything is under his control!

That night, the Dong family contacted all the mainstream media in T City , the fastest update of the webnovel!