Chapter 356: Assistant

Name:Martial Arts Reigns Author:小妖, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Budo exclusive!

The site of Hao Tianjiao Lao Chao is located in the capital of the Houtu dynasty, and it is not the capital. It is probably because it is located in the middle of the four dynasties. The latter dynasty was far more prosperous than the other four dynasties. This is reflected in all of them.

China is a huge capital city. Roads in the east-west direction are called meridian roads; roads in the north-south direction are called weft roads. Warp and weft interweave to form squares of equal area. The squares are bustling neighborhoods with countless streets. The weft road and the warp road are very wide, three thousand steps wide, and the bustling shops are on both sides.

A checkered area like this has a length of fifteen miles and its population is between 200,000 and 500,000. There are 10,000 such square blocks! It is conceivable to form a metropolis with a population of more than three billion people. The closer it is to the central block, the higher the value and the denser the population. The buildings above are made of martial arts coins.

Haotian Teach Lao Chao is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Zhongdu. It is a comprehensive consumer place on the surface, covering an area of ​​100 acres. There are restaurants, brothels, casinos and so on. The golden cave is called Happy Forest.

In the center of the Happy Forest, there is an area that is not open to guests. Ye Ming, Xiaoqiang, and their avatars appear in a hall. There were dozens of people around the hall. It seemed that a major meeting was going on. The presence of Ye Ming and his party made everyone in the room froze, and the atmosphere was strange.

Ye Ming swept around and was shocked. There were ten martial arts at the scene, and they should all be big secrets. And there is an acquaintance, Ye Tiannan, a fourth-class hub! It was this man who negotiated with him to sell the Stone Bank, and the two had contact. Under the ten martial arts gods, there are still thirty or fifty martial arts sacrifices, which are surrounded by each of them, and naturally they are the secret envoys.

He had been the ambassador of Haotianism at the beginning, but later gave up this power after being whitewashed.

At this time, his face remained unchanged in the face of ten martial arts gods. Xiao Qiang's avatar, who refined the bloodless boy with no stiff memory, said lightly, "You are all here, it's fine."

Ye Tiannan is the highest-ranking big closet. He arched and asked, "You are?"

Boy in red: "I am a deadly clone of the gods."

When he heard that he was a stalemate, the big confidantes saw the ceremony one after another, and Ye Tiannan said, "I do n’t know if the gods are here, I am far away!"

The red boy waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. My flesh was taken from the Black Dragon Sect, because I am the body of the gods, so I can walk through the world, and I will be your leader afterwards."

No stupid governs the Haotian religion, and is directly responsible to the Haotian God. Naturally, everyone dares not to disagree, and they are called to be good.

The boy in red said indifferently: "No need to be polite. Although I am the temporary leader, I will not ask about the teaching affairs, but will only point out the public in the general direction. You are holding a meeting here, I wonder what are you discussing?"

Ye Tiannan quickly said, "Islam Lord, we are discussing the matter of the four-way bank." As he said, he looked at Ye Ming. "This little brother Ye Ming has a bright and successful business in the Tongli bank. It seems very promising. We know that we are behind There are too many people, so it is decided that the next step will be to give full force to the Four Energy Bank. "

The boy in red, who has been transformed into a leader, smiled and said, "I am here for this reason." After that, he looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming knew that Xiaoqiang kicked the ball to him. He laughed and said, "Ye Dashu is close, we meet again."

Ye Tiannan: "Is the younger brother OK in recent years?"

"TOEFL, it's okay," he said. "I had already left the Haotian Church, but there was only one task left to be completed. Seeing that it would be free. Who knew that the leader suddenly came to me and let me take care of the four links for him? Money. "

Ten big hubs looked at each other at a glance, and they exchanged their thoughts in an instant. One big hub went on the line and said, "Leader, this Ye Ming is no longer a man I teach. Is it inappropriate for him to manage the Stone Bank?"

The leader smiled a little and said, "Please rest assured, I have planted a restraint on him. Although he is not one of us, he can be loyal to Haotian."

Listening to this, the big confidantes were at ease, and they all felt that a cricket couldn't turn the waves. This is exactly what Ye Ming wanted to say in order to take over the Stone Bank. As Feng Feng said before, once Tongli Qianzhuang develops, he may not be able to continue to sit. Since the risk is so great, of course, he has to dig a few more pits in case of emergency. If he can also control the Stone Bank, he will have two sources of wealth, and he will not be afraid of any of them.

Just when he felt that everything was going well, Ye Tiannan suddenly asked: "Can the leader show us the divine will of Haotian?"

Appointments such as the leader of the gods, even if the priests are not dead, must be appointed by Haotian God, otherwise there will be no legal basis and it will be difficult to convince the public.

Ye Ming secretly shouted, how could they have Haotian will? If you have one, you don't have to take this body from the deadlock. But at this moment, a channel was opened in the void, and a ray of divine light fell. There was a roll of yellow cloth in the divine light. At the same time, a rune flew out of the divine light, hitting the heart of the red boy with lightning.

Xiaoqiang yelled, and said, "The host is not good! I have been banned!"

Ye Ming was taken aback and asked quickly: "What's wrong?"

Xiaoqiang: "Haotian God set a monument in the sea of ​​my avatar."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Don't worry, it's a merit monument, which shows that Haotian God has recognized your identity and is willing to let you assume the post of master."

Xiaoqiang stunned: "How can this be? We killed the deity without taking a dead body, and how did he admit us?"

Ye Ming lamented: "How can we understand the wisdom of Haotian God? He naturally has his reason for doing so. In fact, I now think about it carefully. I was able to exchange merit resources for merit stele in the beginning, and I took advantage of it."

In the beginning, he exchanged for the secret ambassador, or for the blood of the real dragon and the blood of the chaos. Now it seems that it is the price of cabbage. Among them, there is obviously a nasty feeling, and it is inevitable that Haotian God favors him. It's just that he didn't understand why Haotian God did it.

Although Xiaoqiang was shocked, he still held up the yellow cloth, opened it for a look, and wrote the letter. The general idea was to formally appoint Xiaoqiang as the Haotian leader, Ye Ming as the deputy leader, and manage the Stone Bank and Tianchou Church.

Upon seeing this appointment, everyone fell on their knees, and with a look of excitement, Ye Tiannan even burst into tears, crawled to Xiaoqiang's feet, and worshiped repeatedly.

Ye Ming also froze, what did he do, and suddenly he became the deputy leader? It was difficult for him to wash it. But then he understood that the merit monument did not appear in his mind, then his identity was hidden from the outside, and no one at the bottom could know about it except those present.

The boy in red yelled, "Let's get up. Ye Ming's deputy bishop is top secret. Don't let anyone know except the secret, understand?"

The crowd even said: "Subordinates understand!"

The red boy nodded: "Very good. You should hand over the arrest to Ye Ming as soon as possible, and he will be fully responsible for the affairs of Tongli Qianzhuang. Although the founder also thinks that his ability may not be sufficient, but the order of God Hao Tian, ​​we You must obey it with all your strength. Therefore, I hope you can help Ye Ming with all your strength, you know? "

"Yes." Everyone paid homage to Ye Ming. After all, as an assistant leader, he was above all cardinals, second only to the leader.

All ten major secrets were there, and the secret envoys were there too. Ye Ming remembered their face one by one. These people are the true core of Haotianism, which shows that the comprehensive strength of Haotianism is by no means below the nine holy places.

For the four-way money house, Ye Ming is not in a hurry to achieve success. He must do it slowly. After all, the industry that Haotian teaches is running out of sight. Relatively speaking, he was more interested in knowing Tian arrested Tang. His destiny can be said to be closely related to the arrest of heaven. His parents were killed because of the arrest. He also joined the arrest. However, he did not know until now that Tianhun is only a small institution set up by Haotianjiao. The biggest purpose of Haotianjiao to set up Tianhun is to establish a tall and glorious image of justice for the people. Through its own role.

The owner of the Tianchou Church is a Pope in yellow, and his status is not high. And the number of day catches is not large, they are scattered around the world. When he came to the place where Tianchaotang was located, he found that it was just a few large tiles, so simple that he couldn't be simple anymore. About to hear the news, all the high-rises of Tianchou Church and Tiancun, which can be reached nearby, have arrived, but even so, there are only twenty-four people in the room.

The twenty-four people included the church master, two deputy church masters, and the rest were members of Tiancun and had no positions. The owner of the Tianchou Church, named Duan Gongming, is a middle-aged man with a healthy face. From him, Ye Ming saw the shadow of Li Xuanji. Li Xuanji is also a heaven catcher, although only Wu Jun Xiuwei, but his body is so righteous that even the **** of war cannot imitate.

When Duan Gongming saw Ye Ming, he was very excited, and thumped down. The secret ambassador has never entered the Tianchou Church, let alone the Associate Leader, and it is no wonder that he was excited.

"See Associate Archbishop!"

The others also kneeled, all looking at Ye Ming with hope.

Ye Ming sighed secretly. He raised Duan Gongming and said, "Brothers, get up."

The crowd stood up and he said, "I will be directly responsible to Tian Chui Tang in the future."

Duan Gongming said happily: "With the deputy bishop, Tiancun will surely grow!"

Ye Ming asked: "How much money can Tianquan get each year?" He knows that such an organization should be able to obtain a resource each year to operate.

Duan Gongming said awkwardly: "Last year there were 100 million Valkyrie coins."

Ye Ming frowned: "Is it only 100 million? How many people are currently in Tianpangtang?"

"The five dynasties all add up to about 5,000 people scattered in various places. The salaries of Tiancun are all supported by this billion Wushen currency, including the salaries of their subordinates."

Speaking of this, a heavenly arrest excitedly said, "Deputy bishop, 100 million Valkyrie coins are simply not enough. The church owner has not received a salary for ten years!"

Duan Gongming said angrily: "Who asked you to intervene?"

Ye Ming frowned: "More than 5,000 people, each less than 20,000 Valkyrie coins per year, plus various losses, should be less than 10,000. In the ordinary people, 10,000 Valkyrie coins are large numbers, It ’s really too little for God. ”

Duan Gongming said: "More money and less money is not a problem. None of the people who are willing to join the hunt are directed at money."

"That's right. But Haotianjiao can't lose them." Ye Ming raised an eyebrow. "From today, Tianhun will increase recruitment efforts! As for money, I currently give you 5 billion a year. And you recruit The more people, the more money you give. If you can expand the day catch to 100,000 people, I will give you 100 billion yuan; if it expands to one million, I will give you one trillion yuan, listen clearly? "

Duan Gongming is stupid, 100 billion, 1 trillion? Did the Associate Bishop drink too much? How can Haotian teach so much money!