Chapter 460: God's Counterattack

Name:Martial Arts Reigns Author:小妖, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Budo exclusive!

All four sets of swordsmanship were revised to the fifth level. After Ye Ming's deduction, he felt that the five sets of swordsmanship could be combined into one. The sacred swordsmanship, the killing swordsmanship, the trapped swordsmanship, and the exalted swordsmanship each spawned a sword ban. At this moment, the four major sword bans began to quickly decompose, and slowly merged under the calculation of the eight-element arithmetic. Evolved in the direction of the sacred sword.

One day, two days, three days, and nine days later, the four sword bans were completely merged into one, becoming a sword ban of one thousand bans. The sword was forbidden from Guanghua, sharp and unparalleled, and faintly magical. Ye Ming was very happy. He knew that compared to the Five Elements Swords, the Divine Sword Array was more suitable for the deployment of killing formations, and it was easier to evolve into magical powers.

He continued to make calculations based on the eight-element calculation. After more than twenty days, a shiny and transparent supernatural power seed appeared, which was the eighth supernatural finger on the supernatural power list. At this moment, Ye Ming opened his eyes, stretched his fingers towards the sky a little bit, and generated electricity in the void. Hundreds of swordsmanships emerged out of thin air, interweaved into a rune to kill Dao, condensed into a supreme battle, blocked the four poles, and cut off the eight dimensions.

As soon as he pointed out, Feng Feng was shocked, and asked in surprise: "What kind of magic is this?"

Ye Ming: "Fingering God."

Feng Feng said: "You are a supernatural monster. The monks at the same level are afraid that no one is your enemy."

Ye Ming is not so conceited, saying: "There are countless powerful people in the world, and it is not easy for powerful people to run into it. When did I consolidate the spirits of Fawu and Wuxia, and dared to have such an idea?"

"Should you continue to cultivate magical powers?" Feng Yan asked.

Ye Ming nodded: "I have a few sets of magical exercises on my body. I want to try them out to see if I can refine the magical powers."

Feng Zheng nodded: "Yeah. The magical powers that oneself understands are called the primitive magical powers. Compared with the magical powers that are generated from the power of the magical powers, the power is more powerful and is conducive to future practice."

During the time Feng Feng helped the management, Ye Ming rarely had such a leisure time and simply focused his practice. He first extracted a powerful magical power from the flower-receiving and wood-receiving techniques, which is called Dasaoshu, which can directly control a person's spiritual will and make him a avatar. Later, he extracted the "Lingtian Strike" magical power from "Lingtian Divine Gong" and the "Zhoutian Sword Wheel" magical power from "Big Zhoutian Sword Technique", and finally obtained several divine powers from the book world. From "Stealing Heaven's Magic Skills" and "Blood Shadow Magic Skills", he refined the "Stealing Sky Claw" and "Bloodlight Killing" magical powers respectively.

Ye Ming spent more than a month refining the above magical powers, but this speed has been very high. Thanks to his eight-element calculation, otherwise even a magical power cannot be refined. As he was about to stop, a large amount of blood information gathered in the Blood River suddenly appeared, and in a flash of thought, Ye Ming knew that he could extract three extremely powerful magical powers.

However, he didn't like the blood genius very much and immediately pressed it without practicing. But then, another primitive and ancient memory rose up, squeezing the **** memory aside. Ye Ming is very confused about this ancient memory. Where does it come from? However, he soon understood that this memory originated from the blood of the huge head of Xuantian World, and the other person's blood contained a lot of information.

"I understand that all the civilizations of the blood race are stored in the blood. The skull must have practiced similar exercises, and the blood also contains a huge amount of information. But I have n’t practiced the blood race in the Eight Classics. It cannot be refined. "

Thinking of this, he decided to formally practice kinship exercises in order to reveal the identity and secrets of the skull, which he felt was very important subconsciously.

As Ye Ming did not know the practice in black and white, the situation of the Tianyuan continent changed. The conspiracy of Yuan Xiantian and Shui Lingyue learned of the Divine Land and the five dynasties, and the major forces immediately acted.

A man in white appeared in Shuihuanger's heavenly palace. He looked very young, but his eyes were vicissitudes. Beside him, there was a young woman in a red dress, whose appearance was so beautiful that even Shuihuanger was not as good. They are Yuan Xiantian and Shui Lingyue.

The faces of the two were a bit vague, not because they really came, but the projection of their thoughts. Shuihuanger bowed her head and looked very aggrieved.

"Father, it's my fault," Shuihuanger said, "I shouldn't tell the story."

"You don't say, they will know sooner or later." The young man didn't blame Shui Huanger, "there is nothing in the land of gods, no matter how hard they press me, they dare not really do it. It is the Lord, I do n’t know how he will Everywhere. "

Shui Lingyue: "The divine fetus has been controlled for us. What can he do? There is no return arrow when he opens the bow. He has no way to retreat and can only accompany us to go."

God's reliance is on the divine fetus. Without the divine fetus, all his wishes will be defeated, and the blow will be worse than killing him. So even if he knew he was doing wedding dresses for others, he couldn't stop, he had lost all hope.

Shuihuanger: "Will the Lord jump over the wall and do irrational things?"

As soon as this word came out, Yuan Xiantian was silent, and said, "I still have to take a trip and talk to him personally."

When the Shuihuanger's family gathered, the main room of the Houtu dynasty was seated with no expression on his head. In front of him is Prince Gold and the core of a golden guard, including Xuan Zang and the tomb guard.

"God Lord! We have to stop, we are just making wedding dresses for others." The tombkeeper sighed, very discouraged.

Prince Gold also said, "Yes, Father, let's just throw away the divine fetus and think of another way."

The ministers also persuaded, but the Lord did not respond. After everyone had finished speaking, he said, "You think, I don't know if this is a trap set by others?"

Everyone was shocked, God knew?

Xuanzang said: "If God knows, why does it let things happen?"

The Lord of God sneered: "My goal is to have a fetus. Naturally, I have to count the tricks. Although the fetus was secretly refined by the Yuan Xiantian couple, it is not impossible to expel them. The power of the 'Five Elements Blood Sacrifice' is not difficult to regain control of the fetus. "

Everyone was overjoyed, and Prince Gold said, "What? Father Emperor has already practiced the flower-receiving practice to the extreme?"

The Lord of God nodded: "At the realm of immortal spirit, you can urge the immortal **** form, occupy the consciousness of the divine fetus, and drive Yuan Xiantian and Shui Lingyue away."

"But the five elements of blood sacrifice, since Changshengjing figures and a large number of babies, babies are easy to find, where do they find them?" Prince Goldman wondered.

The Lord said indifferently, "Did I have trapped the five emperors in the divine fetus? I will use them as a blood guide. As for beings, let the five dynasties prepare 200 million boys and girls."

Everyone looked at each other. With 200 million in each dynasty, wouldn't the five dynasties have to prepare one billion? Even when Xuan Zang's blood was ruthless, he was shocked: "God Lord, would a billion people have a blood sacrifice?"

"In order to make a great cause, sacrifice is inevitable." God said lightly, "Xuan Zang, you do it immediately, move fast, but also secretly."

Xuan Zang led the way, the five dynasties, countless secret forces acted, plundered a large number of virgin boys and girls, and then through the teleportation array, continuously sent to the Houtu dynasty, and then was loaded into the kingdom of God.

However, he said that Yuan Xiantian was talking to Shui Huang'er, and the heavenly palace suddenly shook, and an old voice sounded: "Brother Yuan, I haven't seen you in a long time. Let's visit."

Yuan Xiantian's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "The Lord of Divine Land is here, Yuan is honored. Please!"

Four figures came at the same time in the heavenly palace. In front of such big men, Shuihuanger also obediently obeyed, and then hid behind Shui Lingyue.

The comer is obviously the projection of the mind. They are the masters of the four great gods. At the same time, there must be major events. Yuan Xiantian said: "Everyone is an old acquaintance, still have something to say."

The main word of the temple: "Brother Yuan is refreshing. We are here to talk to Brother Yuan about the divine birth."

Yuan Xiantian said: "The divine fetus is controlled by me. Does this matter have nothing to do with Divine Land?"

The Lord of the Gods said coldly: "If you control the divine fetus, do you not control the five dynasties? If you control the five dynasties, will you still keep the gods in your eyes?"

"Do you think of the Divine Land in my eyes now?" Yuan Xiantian talked awkwardly, and immediately made the Lord of the Four Divine Lands very depressed.

"Brother Yuan, if you go your own way, the Divine Land will not tolerate you." The Lord of the Temple said, "Please don't make mistakes."

Yuan Xiantian laughed "haha": "Can't tolerate me? I want to see, how can you tolerate me!"

All of a sudden, a horrendous killing swept across the heavenly palace, and a force was coming from infinity to lock in the void.

The Lord of the Temple snorted, "Yuan Xiantian, do you want to do something to us?"

Yuan Xiantian laughed wildly: "What **** is terrible, Lao Tzu has never put his eyes on it, today I will destroy your power!"

"Crazy!" The Lord of the Shenhai finally said, "Yuan Xiantian, why did you come to today, why are you so impulsive and put yourself in danger?"

Shui Lingyue said at this time: "Lord of Shenhai, the roots of our husband and wife are not shallower than the divine soil. We really want to conflict. You may not take advantage."

The two sides were violently outraged, and they seemed to be in conflict. At this moment, in the direction of the Houtu dynasty, a beam of blood rose from the sky, shaking the realms of the world, and the power of terror made the six longevity strongmen discolored.

"Five Elements Blood Sacrifice? What is he doing?" Yuan Xiantian had a bad feeling and looked dignified.

"At least one billion innocent people were sacrificed to the demons in an instant." The Lord of the Seas of Sighs sighed, "The Lord of Gods has no way!"

"I am a sacrifice like this, he should want to use the power of sacrifice to seize control of the divine fetus." Yuan Xiantian immediately said, "I must stop him!"

"I'm afraid it's late." Shui Lingyue smiled bitterly.

At the same time, the Lord of God had urged the transfer of flowers to receive wooden skills, borrowing the energy of the Five Elements Blood Sacrifice, and broke through the core of the fetus in one fell swoop. In his kingdom of God, the bodies of one billion virgin boys and girls have dried up and weathered, and all their blood and vitality have been sacrificed and died. In the divine fetus, the five emperors were also wrapped in tyrannical evil energy. They screamed again and again, and they gradually dried up and weathered, and were unable to compete.

"Under normal circumstances, who can stop me?" The Lord of God laughed wildly, and a restraint shattered in the divine fetus.

Yuan Xiantian and Shui Lingyue, who were far away in the Xiatian Palace, murmured at the same time, and spit out blood. He froze first, then grinned: "I didn't expect that the Lord God had such a calculation! Forcibly expelled me at the cost of one billion souls and the lives of five emperors."

The faces of the four Lords of the Divine Land changed greatly, and Gu Bu said that they went directly to the Houtu Dynasty. Yuan Xiantian and Shui Lingyue looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"Father, what will happen next?" Shuihuanger couldn't help asking, "Will the Divine Land stop the Lord?"

Yuan Xiantian shook his head: "It's late. The divine fetus will be born by the power of the blood sacrifice, and the Lord of God will directly advance to the strongest of the eight lives."

"We also have no chance." Shui Lingyue said, "God is lost, and he must be helpless. He cannot get God's will."

Yuan Xiantian thought for a while and nodded: "There is indeed a first-line opportunity. I don't know if they can seize this opportunity."