Chapter 756: Child of space

Name:Martial Arts Reigns Author:小妖, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Budo exclusive!

All five participants were present, and they did not know what methods they used. Soon they were able to find the monks of the human race, and each one was strong. These monks are all youth-like, and none of them is known by Ye Ming. The five men appeared almost at the same time, and did not say hello to each other, but stood behind the chaotic creature calling them.

"I'll come first." The yellow gas started, "Sinking fish, kill the humans opposite, I'll give you what you want."

"Yes." The young man named Shen Yu was burning red flames and forced towards Ye Ming step by step.

Lao Huangdao: "This human being is a‘ Xuanhuangqi ’mind-bending body, and its qualifications are not weaker than those of the Supreme, you must be careful.”

The yellow gas is called Xuanhuangqi. Ye Ming thought, then slowly walked down Yutai and walked in the air. It can be seen that the other side's cultivation should be eight long lives, and the strength is very strong. In theory, Ye Ming is now in the Three Realms of Shenwu and probably in the Six Realms of Longevity.

The so-called mind-bending is what the chaotic creature finds in the world, the creature with strong potential, and then implants a thought into it. Once this creature grows up, it can be used as a powerful aid. From the very beginning, mind-bending was baptized and chased by chaotic creatures, with superb strength.

"I'm a sinking fish." The other side said coldly, "Don't blame me after you die."

Ye Mingle was so happy. The guy on the opposite side was really unbelievably confident. He was too lazy to say anything. He just punched in without a word. He had no reservations, and he directly cast an eternal blow, trying to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

The young man named Shen Yu took a step away with his right foot, his palms overlapped, and he stiffly approached.


With a loud noise, Ye Ming retreated slightly, while Shen Yu stepped back five or six steps.

Xuanhuang Qi said: "He is very strong, don't hide his strength, use the strongest move directly."

The sinking fish immediately shouted, and a terror was released. Behind him, three thousand meditating humanoid flames appeared, and the momentum of each humanoid flame reached six steps or more!

Ye Ming knew that the other party had used a "sacred soldier" method to sharply increase its strength. However, this was exactly in his arms, and he immediately drank aloud and released the troop, and the martial arts soldier with the supreme rank of 4.9 steps hid in it, and cooperated with him to launch an eternal blow. His strength was originally slightly stronger than the other, nine-step supreme and six-step supreme, plus four thousand to three thousand, the advantages appeared at a glance.

"Eternal blow!" He said word by word, then punched. Behind that, in the troop, countless fist shadows were projected, integrated with his fist, united, and burst out four thousand times the attack power!

"What?" Shen Yu was startled and hurriedly urged his strength. A palm of flame slaps Ye Ming in the air and meets his fist.


The palm of his hand touched Ye Ming's fist, like a red crystal, actually broke. And his fist appeared in front of the sinking fish, hitting his chest.


The powerful sinking fish was flying by a boxing and barely stood still when it landed. The next moment, he spit out blood and was seriously injured. A slight gap between the strong will cause terrible consequences, not to mention Ye Mingqiang too much.

Xuan Huangqi was very lost, and said to the other four participants, "It's up to you."

"Come on," he said. In front of him was a black-faced young man, born with a strong and sturdy body, holding a sledgehammer in each hand.

Lao Huang warned: "This is a hammer that breaks the world. Once you hit it, the barriers in the world will be shattered. You fight with him with the sword of time and space."

Ye Ming nodded, showing the sword of time and space, the tip of the sword pointed obliquely, and the target was the dark-faced young man.

The black-faced young man said, "My name is Chi Dan."

Ye Ming: "I'm Ye Ming, please."


A huge figure appeared behind the guts, with a large image and arrogance. The appearance of the figure made Ye Ming feel pressure. He suddenly realized that the eighth realm of Shinto's immortal life had a very powerful method called "space and time." At that time, the avatar was born from this powerful self several years later.

For example, one person's current practice is the Eighth Place of Longevity, but twenty years later, his practice is one step supreme. Then, now, he can borrow from a six-step Supreme in the future to come and help himself. This is the time and space division. However, the average monk of the Eight Realms can only borrow himself 20 or 30 years later, and his strength is limited.

But this black-faced young man, who is called red daring, obviously borrowed his identity later. The strength of the split, look at how the nine-step Supreme Series! And, at that time, the Airborne. Body was obviously also performing the magic of the soldiers. In a short time, the sky is full of human figures, there are as many as 8,000 people, and they have nine-step supreme strength with handheld hammers!


Ye Ming's army reappeared behind him and directly released 10,000 martial arts soldiers. Each of these martial arts soldiers was nine-step supreme. Under the joint force, his momentum was terrible. In that round, ten thousand soldiers made the same action, slowed their capacity, and then pushed out a hand. Cooperating with Ye Ming's same action, 10,000 palm shadows merged into the palm of his hand, and the power soared!

"Eternal Strike!"


A golden palm shadow seemed to be cast by gold, sweeping past with a mountain-like temperament. In contrast, the phantom behind Red Gall seems to have been frozen, and it is impossible to exert its power.

Lao Huanglian nodded again and again, Ye Ming's power released this time was too strong, so he triggered the fifth level of absolute power. There are nine levels of absolute power. The first level is to break through all methods. Ye Ming can do it as early as the warrior and warrior stage. And the fifth level of absolute power is called "Frozen Everything!"

In fact, when he cast the Eternal Strike just now, he had already triggered the absolute power of the fifth layer, frozen everything. Therefore, the palm of the flame from the sinking fish will crystallize and smash, which is the result of freezing. Under the seal of absolute power, all tangible and intangible objects will crystallize and freeze, and then be easily crushed.

It's just that the stronger the cutoff, the more terrible this frozen effect will be. Before that, Ye Ming had frozen the palms of the other party. But now, the supreme power of 19 thousand steps broke out, he can freeze the scene.

The eight thousand virtual shadows crystallized directly, and it was too late to shoot, and Ye Ming's fist arrived. The sound of "clicking" was endless, and the ghosts were shattered, and time and space separated.

He made a scream of redness and spit out blood. His "future body" was severely damaged, and naturally he was also disturbed and was not badly injured.

This time, the faces of the remaining three participants are not good. I have lost two games in a row. The remaining two games must be won. Only, is that possible?

The three dead corpses suddenly called out, "Bai Ding, come on!"

The young man named Bai Ding, holding a dagger in his hand, looked cold, like a serpent.

Seeing this person, Ye Ming had a feeling of being stared at by a viper, and was very uncomfortable. He knew he had encountered a rival and was afraid to care. If he can win this game, there is no need to compare the remaining two games, because the five games have three wins. If you lose, you still have to keep up, and increase the risk.

"In this game, I must win, so I don't have to hide my strength." He said secretly.

Bai Ding slightly bowed his body, exhaled and took a breath, the space around him followed the frequency of his breathing, shrinking and swelling. His grim eyes fell on Ye Ming, motionless. Suddenly, his people disappeared and no trace was found.

Ye Ming did not look around, he understood that the other party's grasp of the rules of space far surpassed him. Instead of tit-for-tat, it's better to take advantage of strengths and avoid weaknesses. So the next moment, the fifth to the ninth life was released, and stood around him, forming a large array. In addition, all six launched a troop, and the supreme power of 69 thousand steps colluded.

In a short time, the field force issued by Ye Ming reached a more terrifying level, the sixth level of absolute power! The sixth layer of absolute power is called "space stasis." Within a hundred steps around him, any movement, even thinking, became stagnant, and it was difficult and difficult to hurt him.


A ray of cold mang appeared, as fast as lightning, the fifth life re-engraved slightly tilted his head, and three long hairs were cut. Even if there is room for stagnation, the other party is still fast enough and cuts No. 5's hair. However, this can only be the case. It is no faster than Ye Mingkui.

The five phantoms shook a bit, then captured Bai Ding's limbs and torso, and locked them with lock techniques. Everyone saw that even if locked, Bai Ding still ran through lightning like lightning, showing how terrible his control of space was.

"Look at this human kid as the child of space, otherwise it would not be so powerful." A chaotic creature said.

Ye Ming did not think hard about the other party's origin, even if he held the other party, he was still very worried. On the surface, the number five locked each other, but only he knew that there was a layer of space on the surface of Bai Ding's skin to isolate the number five and so on, so it could not really hurt him. What he has to do now is to get rid of this person as soon as possible, he is too dangerous!

After several efforts, he couldn't break free, Bai Ding was furious, the space around him suddenly twisted, and the space forces began to spin and hang.


The horrible space tearing force put the No. 5 under tremendous pressure, and cracks began to appear on the skin. At most a quarter of an hour, the fifth and so on will be fragmented.

At this time, Ye Ming was holding the sword of time and space, lightning flew, and a sword stabbed in the past.

Bai Ding "haha" laughed: "Idiot! Can you stab me?"

Before the words fell, I heard a 噗 ,, the sword of time and space pierced his heart, shattered his internal organs.

"You ... impossible!"

His eyes were wide and unbelievable.

Ye Ming said: "This is the sword of time and space, your nemesis!"