Chapter 771: Technological civilization

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The emperor was silent for a moment, and said, "The emperor, you can break through sooner or later. This trip is quite dangerous. Please be cautious."

The emperor sighed: "I saw the Master a while ago and knew some secrets. If I can't catch up with that opportunity, I really regret it. Even if this is risky, I will give it a try."

The emperor said: "Okay. Since the emperor insists on this, I will give my full support. Once it is done, I will announce that I will abandon the position of the emperor and retreat. I hope that I can set foot in eternity like the emperor before I live."

When the emperor agreed with the emperor, he said to Ye Ming: "Emperor. Regardless of whether I succeed or fail, the position of the emperor is up to you. As for the emperor, he will retire after a period of time and concentrate on his spiritual practice."

Ye Ming was shocked. He knew that the Emperor wanted to make tricks and impact eternity. He advised: "The righteous father thinks twice!"

The emperor waved his hand: "I have decided, if this matter is achieved, it is a blessing for the three emperors."

Ye Ming knew that he couldn't help but immediately said, "Yifu, what should I do about this?"

The emperor smiled slightly: "The Father ’s Heavenly Heart Bead has been cultivated to thirty-two levels, and it is only one thought to control the incomplete celestial sphere of this virtual heavenly realm. Since the person stabbed you here through the imaginary celestial will, it must have affected it .We treat others in their own way, and we start with the incomplete will of this heaven. "

Ye Ming was startled. He never expected that the emperor's heavenly heart beads had reached thirty-two! In just one step, you can turn into the pearl of heaven and have unpredictable power!

The emperor reached out and pointed a finger, an unpredictable spiritual force trembled, and there was an atmospheric potential in our heaven and earth. A faint breath turned from light to thick, then converged into a phosgene and appeared in front of the emperor.

"What does my Lord command?" That phosgene made a sound, just the incomplete will of heaven.

The Emperor said: "I ask you, who is in the Palace of Longevity?"

Heaven Will: "Return to my Lord, he is a ray of remnant wishing Heavenly Son."

The emperor and emperor looked at each other and nodded. The Emperor continued to ask, "What is the plan for the Heavenly Son?"

Will of Heaven: "I wish Heavenly Son to control me with the Heavenly Emperor's Order, and ordered me to summon Ye Ming to this end, and then seize his flesh. After that, he will enter the medicine garden and Yaochi, and merge with the flesh perfectly. After that, he will start the Heavenly Emperor's legacy The "nine-turned mysterious fetus" has taken it as the placenta and has grown into a strong eternal power. "

Everything was as expected by the emperor. He asked, "You may control the Palace of Longevity?"

Heaven's Will: "Yes, please ask my Lord."

"Take us to the Hall of Longevity and help me to kill Zhu Tianzi." The emperor ordered.

The will of the heavenly court has been controlled by the heavenly heart bead. The next moment, Ye Ming felt that the scene had changed and entered a huge palace. In the palace, his third life copy has collapsed and is placed in the center of a large array. On the opposite side, the **** dog was standing side by side in excitement. Above the number three, a faint lingering soul is looming, it is Zhu Tianzi.

The sudden invasion of the three emperors surprised the residual soul, and said loudly, "Who is the person coming?" The **** dog growled and rushed to Ye Ming three.

The emperor reached out with a finger, strangled with a sword light, and the black fighter was chopped into three sections. The dog was loyal to Tianzi, but it was dead, and Ye Ming could not help but regret it.

"I wish you good plan," said the Emperor, sneer. "Unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven. What could you accomplish with the emperor that day?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand, and the remnant soul of Zhu Tianzi was detained. Then he shook his hand, and all his memories were stripped. The pain of being stripped of memory makes Zhu Tianzi scream again and again, sternly: "This God will not let you go!"

Emperor: "You are trying to murder the Emperor of Death, and the sin is unforgivable. Death is not wrong. Go!"


As if a lamp had gone out, the lingering soul of Zhu Tianzi was so weak that it disappeared and disappeared. When the emperor got his memory, he decided to cultivate here, and borrowed the Nine Turns Xuan Fei God.

The emperor had already sought help from the first three emperors. At this time, three gods descended from the sky, enveloping the entire world of heaven and protecting it.

"This time, I need about nine years. If there is a fate, we will meet again in nine years." Di Huang smiled, very calm.

Ye Ming worshipped, and left the virtual world side by side with the emperor.

When he came out of the virtual world, Ye Ming asked, "Does the emperor know the old days of the emperor?"

The emperor said: "I know a few things. If the emperor is not annoying, I will tell the emperor."

Ye Ming went to the Imperial Palace, listening to the emperor's description of the emperor. It turned out that the emperor had a supreme body that day, and had deep roots with the three major civilizations of Buddhism, Confucianism, and immortality. In the end, he received the support of the three major civilizations to establish the heaven, and once became the first force of the human race.

However, the Emperor of Heaven counted so many things that he could not calculate that he could not break through eternity. Under despair, the emperor came up with a clever way to set up a large array of nine-round gods, to refine the spiritual realm of countless powerful men at that time for him to enter eternity. But after all, this matter was revealed, and the heavenly courts were separated from Germany, and soon they died.

Within a few years, the emperor himself was also attacked and killed by the strong and fell. As a result, a powerful heavenly court fell like this, and the idea that the three major civilizations wanted to establish a super civilization also failed.

"I don't know how secure my righteous father can be." Ye Ming was worried.

Emperor: "The emperor is assured that the emperor itself is almost eternal, but it is only a period of time in advance, and it must have little effect."

It was a joyful meeting with the emperor, and Ye Ming left before two days. Soon after returning to the heavenly continent, he took a 500-million Tiangongyu and went to find the ruins of the previous era. His idea is simple. Since it is an ancient monument regarded as a treasure by chaotic beings, it must be quite extraordinary. In addition, under the epoch of calamity, even eternal power will fall, how did this relic survive?

The map in the hands of Ye Ming is very special. After some research, the sword of time and space believes that the points marked on the map are located in the middle of the two-dimensional sandwich and are very hidden. Moreover, if you want to enter this dimension of mezzanine, you must have eternal power to help.

Nothing but Ye Ming had to resort to Xiaotian. Xiaotian still responded. Ye Ming thought together, and his people arrived and asked, "What is my brother calling me?"

At this time, Xiaotian, transformed into a teenager, in white clothes and white shirt, with a folding fan, was very handsome. And he is exactly like Ye Mingxue.

Ye Ming explained the matter, Xiaotian said: "Easy." Then he held the sword of time and space in his hand and waved it into the air. In the hands of the eternal god, the sword of time and space is almost shocking. I saw a ray of light breaking through the laws of time and space, a barrier of dimensions, and a smooth road ahead.

Ye Ming took that avenue, and within a few steps, he entered a strange space, surrounded by countless lines of time and space, with endless nothingness in the middle. The picture was very weird and made him feel queasy. He had a premonition that once he touched these lines, or entered the void between the lines, he would undoubtedly die.

The next moment, the lines disappeared, and the void disappeared. He set foot on a barren land. Xiaotian still holds the sword of time and space. When he saw the sight in front of him, his eyes narrowed and he said, "My brother, it really belongs to the last era." His eyes swept away and his expression became serious.

Ye Ming: "Are there any findings?"

Xiaotian closed her eyes and seemed to feel everything here. After a moment, he opened his eyes and sighed long and said, "Sadness! Sorrow! What a powerful civilization, what a whimsy, but in the face of the Epoch Times, they all turned into fly ash!"

Ye Ming busy asked: "Why is it here kept intact without being destroyed?"

Xiaotian said: "My brother. This civilization is called a science and technology civilization. The focus of its people is not on cultivation, but on research and development of science and technology. Technology has given them extraordinary power and created a brilliant civilization. They even artificial The earth created the eternal strongman. Originally, as long as they were given a period of time, they could reach a higher level. However, time did not give them the opportunity, and the calamity came. Although the defensive cover they created kept the ruins, it failed. Keep their lives. All souls have perished, leaving only this ruin. "

Ye Ming's heart also gave birth to sadness, and sighed, "That's really a shame. However, I found this technological civilization in the human race's place. It's just that the level of science and technology in the human race's place is too low to be reasonable.

Xiaotian: "My brother, I am here today. It is a godsend. Next, I will absorb the fruits of civilization here."

Ye Ming asked, "Xiaotian, is there anything valuable here?"

"Many, many." Xiaotian said, "but my brother should not worry, wait for me to understand the scientific and technological civilization first, and then share with my brother."

Ye Ming nodded: "Okay. The five hundred trillion days of work I brought are all under your control. You don't need to worry about me if you go to work."

Xiao Tian nodded and said, "My brother. There is a complete master god-level mech in front, and the master can go to activate it."

Mecha? Ye Ming looked blank. But the next moment, Xiaotian took him in front of a giant circular building made of special metal. There was ruin around, but the circular building was intact.

When Ye Ming came to the building, he sensed that someone was coming. A door was hollowed out in the building and a complicated sound was made. Although Ye Ming didn't understand it, he could figure it out after a little calculation. The voice was saying, please provide permission.

Ye Ming looked at Xiaotian, who reached out with a finger and had an invisible force that broke into the circular building. The next moment, the voice said: "Your Excellency has the highest authority to enter!"

Ye Ming went in, but Xiaotian left, and went to learn about this so-called scientific and technological civilization.

Inside the huge circular building stands a giant. This giant is entirely made of bizarre metal. It is thousands of meters tall and full of sense of power and majesty. When he walked under the metal giant, the giant's eyes lit up, emitting a ray of light, scanning Ye Ming again.

"The highest authority was found, the Emperor opened ..."

The mech chest opened a hatch, shot a white light, and led Ye Ming up. The next moment, Ye Ming was shrouded in a strange energy. That energy is special and can connect his spirit. In a short time, he felt that this giant mech giant became a part of his body, and he could move freely like an arm!