Chapter 903: Free from slavery

Name:Martial Arts Reigns Author:小妖, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Budo exclusive!

Director Li stared at Ye Ming, and seemed very dissatisfied with his random talk. But the young master is here, he can't say anything, he just said, "Go ahead, take the young master away. But these slaves are dirty and weak, and they may not be able to teach any boxing skills."

The boy waved his hand: "If he doesn't, I'll kill him. Don't worry."

Ye Ming expressionless, got up and put on his pants, followed the boy, and left the scene.

As the boy walked, he asked, "You said you know how to punch, should you be able to hit it?"

Ye Ming: "I'm from a too illusionary world, and my strength is greatly reduced. I can't say that I can fight, but I am better than other slaves."

"Okay." The boy stopped, "I have a leopard, and I haven't been domesticated. I almost bitten me a few days ago. So, you fight a leopard. If you kill it, I will let you do My attendant. You know, you can eat normal food when you are my attendant, and the treatment is no worse than that. "

Ye Ming flashed coldly in his eyes and said, "I'm willing to do one thing."

"In the future in front of Master Ben, you must call yourself a" minion, "you know?" The boy said, "Let's go."

After walking a short distance, Ye Ming saw a very high courtyard, presumably the inner courtyard that the slaves said, which is where the gardener and his family live. The inner courtyard door was strong, but closed tightly, leaving only a small door on one side for daily access.

Entering the inner courtyard, Ye Ming saw a lot of people wearing blue shirts. However, he felt that these people should not have come from too illusions, because there were people in the real power. True power, among slaves, there is no true power, not even those in charge.

The boy is the young master here. He has a high status and greets everyone who meets him. The boy always nodded faintly. When he was happy, he said "um", and when he was unhappy, he ignored it.

Not far away, Ye Ming saw a separate courtyard, and he smelled the beast from afar. I saw a huge iron cage in the courtyard, with a flower leopard inside, slightly larger than the evil dog, lying on it.

The boy called a subordinate and said, "Call the cage and put him in."

Those who did not care whether Ye Ming went in or died, said to him, "Come here."

Ye Ming obediently came to the cage. When the man opened the cage, he walked in and walked in. The flower leopard stood up immediately, his eyes flew fiercely, approaching Ye Ming.

It was said before that the true power that was repaired was unpredictable. Ye Ming only changed it a little and turned the true power into a smashing force. In addition to his extraordinary martial art experience, now he has at least the equivalent of a samurai Combat effectiveness. Immediately after the formation of Jin Jin, a protection was formed on the surface of his body.

With a loud roar, the leopard rushed over and bite Ye Ming's neck. Ye Ming didn't evade, he banged with a punch, and burst into a blast, as if an explosion sounded in the air. How could the leopard think that the humans on the other side were so powerful, that it was too late to retreat, and took a solid note.


The leopard fell to the ground, rolled and stood up again, looking at Ye Ming's eyes, full of vigilance.

Ye Ming was also secretly surprised. The strength of this flower leopard is at least equivalent to two or three feet of Zenith monk, which is really difficult to deal with.


However, Hua Leopard clearly realized that the two sides were either you dead or me alive, and it didn't take long before they rushed up again. But this time, Ye Ming shot like lightning, grabbed the claws he was facing, and took a backward lead, throwing them out fiercely.


The leopard hit the cage and bounced back. Ye Ming turned and punched at the same time, hitting the opponent's back.


The spine of the flower leopard was interrupted, and he was paralyzed on the spot and could no longer attack. Ye Ming stepped forward and kicked him with a few feet.

The boys outside were all stupid. Hua Leopard was killed. He shouted, "Okay! You really know how to do boxing."

Out of the cage, the boy immediately said, "Teach me boxing, I want to get revenge on Li Er!"

Ye Ming glanced at him and said, "Young Master is very young, he is already in the realm of power, and naturally he can learn boxing." At the moment, he imparted a set of quick and effective boxing techniques to boys.

The boy was very active, but his understanding was really poor. Ye Ming taught for a long time, and then he learned two ways. He simply taught him two tricks, letting him be proficient before talking.

It was half the time to eat, and some people brought food containers, and some people moved tables and chairs. It seems that this young master often eats outside and everyone is skilled.

After the boy washed his hands, he sat down and started to eat, and said to Ye Ming, "You can eat too."

Ye Ming froze, there were eight dishes and one soup on the table, as well as a few snacks. Really rich, he glanced at the boy: "Little Master eats first."

The boy frowned: "I let you eat, you eat, less nonsense."

Ye Ming couldn't wait, and immediately stood at the table, eating rudely. Although I stole a lot of fruit to eat last night, I feel hungry again now, and now it is time to eat.

The boy had a limited meal, and after eating two pieces of sesame seed, he was full with a few bites. Instead, Ye Ming devoured, 90% of his meals were eaten by him, leaving nothing left.

The boy was very satisfied with this and said, "Very well, my father always said that I was wasting food, but now he has nothing to say."

After that, he flicked his teeth and said, "Let's go and get revenge on Chen Er."

Ye Ming wiped his mouth, startled, and said quickly: "Little Master just learned boxing, it is not appropriate to avenge."

The boy was furious: "You say I can't beat him?"

Ye Ming laughed: "Of course I can fight, but it's not fun. If the young master learns a few more days, he can beat the other person's fart and urinate, wouldn't he be happy?"

As soon as the boy thought that it made sense, he said, "Okay, then I will learn boxing for a few more days, and you have to teach it well."

Ye Ming thought in his mind, it seems that he needs to add some practical training to this boy, otherwise he will not see the effect. So after teaching a few more tricks, he began to practice face-to-face with the boy, how to dodge, when to punch, and so on, one by one.

No matter how stupid people are, once they accept actual combat, they can easily learn a lesson. Ye Ming didn't mean to release water at the moment. When the boy punched him, he often flashed, and he forced the other party too hard and fell directly to the ground. Especially with some small capture methods, even if the boy was beaten with soreness, he was very happy to learn.

The next day, Ye Ming stepped up the difficulty of practical training and began to use more skills. Even if he was merciful, the boy was beaten green and purple, and suffered a lot. However, Ye Ming was very surprised that the young man didn't mean to be angry at all. Instead, the more he was beaten, the more he felt, and he felt that he could learn something in this way, which was also a rare advantage.

On the third day, Ye Ming began to teach each other the skills to use Zeni. This is more advanced, and it was thought that boys would be difficult to master. However, Ye Ming's surprise is that the young man's understanding is not good, but this aspect of real power conversion seems quite talented. Ye Ming taught him how to turn true power into energy, and with the previous moves, the power was quite strong.

On the fourth day, the boy worked hard all morning, and at rest, he suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

These days, the boy hasn't asked Ye Ming's name, but only now.

Ye Ming: "Back to Little Master, my name is Ye Ming."

The boy nodded: "Ye Ming, my name is Liu Zhentian, you call me Tian Shao in the future."

Ye Ming: "Yes, there are few."

Liu Zhentian: "Ye Ming, if I can defeat Chen Er today, I will tell my dad to let you be my personal follower. But if I can't beat him, go wherever you come from."

These days, Ye Ming is delicious and delicious. He still has time to cultivate. His true strength has reached 7 feet and 2 inches, and his progress has been quite fast. Such a good treatment, naturally, he cannot easily give up, saying, "Tian Shao will definitely win."

Liu Zhentian sighed: "It's strange that I didn't learn these things from you before. I think it's not difficult to defeat Chen Er. But the more I know, the more I think Chen Er is not easy. I may not be able to defeat him."

Ye Ming certainly knows that the ignorant is the only one who fears me. The more he knows it, the more he is in awe. He said, "Let ’s rest assured that your energy and your moves will make the other party stronger than you, and you will definitely lose. . "

"Our true power is comparable, after all, my dad didn't spend a lot of money on me." Liu Zhentian laughed. "You say that, I have the bottom of my heart. By the way, Ye Ming, you will come first . Then Chen used a second-hand man with a real power of five feet, and my former followers were all killed by him. It was really aggrieved. This time you took back the account with the interest and killed the man. "

Ye Ming nodded: "Stop worrying, you won't be humiliated."

Liu Zhentian was very happy and said, "Okay, let's eat first, then go to the square after dinner."

The so-called square is actually a place where Ye Ming just stayed when he arrived in the "upper bounds". It is a large slave market. In the center of the square, there is a large area of ​​vacant land. If there are two conflicts, they are mostly resolved here.

Liu Zhentian only took Ye Ming alone, and they took the carriage to the square. When they arrived, a group of people had already stood on the open field. One of the boys, who was eight or nine years old, had a stupid head and a brain, half taller than Liu Zhentian. There were four shirtless men standing next to him, one of them was closer to him. Zhenli had more than five feet. Presumably that was what Liu Zhentian said before and wanted him to be killed.

The tiger-headed young man hugged his arms and laughed strangely, "Liu Zhentian, aren't you afraid of death? The last time I was beaten so badly, how dare you come?"

Liu Zhentian didn't panic and said, "Chen Qingbao, last time it was Master Ben's bad condition. This time, I must hit your crying father and mother."

Chen Qingbao snorted heavily: "Who will not brag, come! See who has a hard fist!"

With a wave of his hand, Liu Zhentian said, "Ye Ming, let's fight first."

The five-foot Zhenli master on the other side stood up and looked at Ye Ming with provocative eyes.