Since the cultivation of the gods and demons, every three small areas of the repair, Luo Xiu will usher in a natural punishment of thunder robbery.

This is because when the triple break is the fourth and the sixth is seven, the power of cultivation is greatly leaping, the more strength is increased, the greater the power of natural punishment and thunder robbery.

And normal martial arts, only when breaking through the big realm will there be the emergence of natural punishment and thunder robbery.

For most of the martial arts and Taoism strong people, the heaven punishes the thunder and rob the mine is a grind, also is a sharpening, can not resist the past, everything becomes empty, and turns into ashes. If we can carry the past, it is to change the bones and enter a new realm, and the longevity yuan has increased greatly, and the strength is overturned.

From the hands of the thunder giant CADIS Lars, Roth has obtained a lot of cultivation resources, of which, only the refined Dan used in cultivation is extremely large and considerable.

Therefore, after coming out of the heaven God punishment and lock life array, Roth directly found a place to close the gate. Under the support of Zeus light, time quietly passed.

The pure energy contained in a large number of refined yuan Dan was absorbed and refined by him. When the cultivation reached the critical point, the emperor made a great progress towards the second level.

The mighty cultivation energy is surging in the body, and the continuous impact is the shackle of bottleneck. This violent impact makes the sound like thunder in Luo Xiu's body, the body trembles and shakes, and a little residual power escapes, and the space around him is constantly disillusioned and collapsed.

After rousseu, endless and numerous visions are constantly presented. His law of non phase is evolving constantly, whether it is life and death time and space, or chaos Yin and Yang, five elements wind and thunder, all the laws in the heavens are within the evolution scope of the law of non phase.


When the shackles were broken, a more majestic cultivation was derived and gathered in the body of Roth. At the same time, there was no warning in the sky that the thunder arc fell down.

"Heaven punishes thunder robbery?"

Feeling the thunder light falling from the overhead, Luo Xiu was slightly surprised, even if some surprises.

According to the normal routine, he should be the emperor of God when he breaks through the four levels before the natural punishment and thunder robbery will come. Now, it is only a double break of the natural punishment mine robbery. This means that his strength has a greater leap and his potential exceeds the previous.

Obviously, the reason why this phenomenon occurred was that he created the law of non phase when he broke through the emperor.

The sky is above the heaven and the earth, which is not allowed by the heaven and the earth!

Therefore, if he breaks through his cultivation, heaven will come to punish the thunder and rob him and destroy him.

Facing the terrorist scourge, most of the martial arts are afraid, because the power of the punishment comes from the vast heaven power, the mighty, and the fear of life.

But Roth is different. He knows that the heaven punishes thunder and rob is terrible, but it is not a chance for him to make a chance?

Every time the occurrence of the natural penalty thunder robbery, the power of lightning contained in the punishment will be swallowed and refined, which can greatly improve him.

Endless thunder light fell down, and the thought of Luo Xiu's mind flashed by the lightning and Firestone, and then he was flooded with the thunder.

"Boom Click... ""

The first wave of thunder is golden, and in a moment, it smashes the mountain where he is. His body is suspended in the sky, and the power of the hole world is so strong that all the lightning can pour into his body.

His robes were instantly ashes, and the golden arc of thunder was like a weapon of the divine soldier, and it was cut on him like a knife, and the pain was terrible.


A breath of blood was spouted out of his mouth. Luo Xiu's face changed slightly. The power of this day punishment of thunder robbery was powerful, beyond ordinary, and it was very scary.

He knew that the reason why this situation occurred was because of the law of the non phase, the will of the law of heaven and earth, which is to destroy his rhythm!

After a long time, he felt that the bones of his body were scattered. His body was strong and powerful, which was already comparable to the three levels of God's respect, but it was still a trend that he could not bear.

The immortal body runs, and the trauma of the body is recovered at a fast speed, but the second wave of thunder is falling. This time, the lightning is blue, and it is more violent and terrible than the golden lightning.

A blue thunder swayed its head and tail, like a blue dragon. Luo Xiu could even see the Dragon scales interwoven with lightning clearly. He was alive and alive. The thunder was like a dragon throwing on the sky, drowning him and tearing it.

In a moment, Roth was once again hit. His body trembled and became scarred in a moment. Even if there was an immortal body, he could not be as fast as the blue lightning to destroy the body.

If it is for a long time, only if there is a immortal body of the divine, his body will be completely destroyed and annihilated!

This is the first time that rousseu has a little fear of the natural punishment of thunder robbery. He knows that in this case, he can not put all hopes on the immortal body. He quickly takes out the healing pill and puts several into his mouth.These pills are all made by him. Each one is a level of honor, which can be used by the powerful to repair injuries.

The majestic power of medicine scattered in the body, with the operation of the immortal body, the terrible injury was finally contained.

But all this is far from over. The third wave of thunder and lightning suddenly came. This time, the thunder and lightning was blue and fell quietly. It contained ice sealing power, and instantly turned Luoxiu into a big ice lump.

"Break it for me!"

Luoxiu roared, with blood gushing from 18000 pores. The power of dozens of acupoints and orifices burst into the world, and ninety-nine array symbols were lit up.

With a bang, the ice on his body was broken by him, and the ice splashed. His eyebrows and the elixir fields flashed with light. The magic weapon soldiers with extraordinary power flew out to meet the thunder robbery in the air.

This time the sky punishes thunder to rob too terrible, Luo Xiu dare not continue to use the flesh body to resist, otherwise the result will only be the fly ash annihilation, no longer exists.

"God, I can't be destroyed by this way!" There was blood in Roche's mouth. He grinned. There was blood between his teeth.

Although the natural punishment and thunder robbery is terrible, Luoxiu's heart is still happy, because he is in this era, there is no heaven in charge, and there is no reincarnation master in charge. Only relying on the will of the laws of the universe and heaven, he must abide by some rules and have a chance of survival.

If there is heaven or reincarnation master in charge, it will certainly not give him any vitality. He may be wiped out in a moment and no longer exist. Even if he can reincarnate, his fate will not be under his control.

Over the years, he has killed countless enemies and robbed a large number of magic weapon soldiers. In addition, cadislar has given him some magic weapons. Each piece is a high-quality magic weapon of the God level, even emperor soldiers!

However, even if they are magic weapon soldiers of God level, they are hard to resist the terror of thunder robbery. Each magic weapon is split out, and the light is dim and the spirit is lost.

Luo Xiu grabs his hand, and the purple cloud bow appears in his hand, and then a triangular shield flies out. The purple cloud bow kills and the triangle shield defends. This triangular shield is obtained from the hand of cadislar, which is the treasure of a powerful God who was devoured by him.

The third wave of thunder was blocked by him, but he had no time to breathe a sigh of relief. The fourth wave of thunder robbery came. This time, the thunder robbery was the sky fire god thunder, full of the breath of destruction, burning the sky and boiling the earth.

Luoxiu opened the purple cloud bow, and the bright lights of arrows shot into the sky. However, there were too many thunder lights coming down. Countless thunder lights bombarded the triangular shield, just like the falling sky fire and thunder waterfall, directly rammed the triangular shield on Luoxiu's body.


Under the impact of powerful forces, the 33 defensive array runes engraved on Luoxiu's body and body were instantly broken, and the flesh and blood spattered in an instant. Even the bones in his body were broken and shot out of his body.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh

Eighteen sacred ancient stars fly out, with the Pearl of life and death as the core to form a defensive array. The endless downpour of thunder is blocked again.

However, no matter how defensive he is, there will still be some thunder light penetrating into his body and bombarding him.

However, this level of thunder robbery can no longer cause fatal trauma to him. Luoxiu took this opportunity to devour the power of thunder robbery and began to refine his body. At the same time, he used the power of thunder robbery to attack the body cavity.

The limbs of the human body correspond to the four poles of heaven and earth. The acupoints and orifices of the left and right arms and the left leg have all been opened. Now, only the acupoints and orifices of the right leg are opened completely. Once the acupoints and orifices of the right leg are fully opened, the quadrupole will be perfect, and his physical combat body will step into an unprecedented level.


I don't know how long after that, another sound of breaking shackles came from Luoxiu's body. His physical combat body crossed a level and reached the four levels of divine dignity!

This is the transformation of quality and the promotion and sublimation of the early battle style of shenzun to the mid-term battle style of shenzun!

After the breakthrough of physical combat body, it became much easier for Luoxiu to resist the thunder robbery. The wounded body began to repair quickly under the operation of the immortal body, and the flesh and blood were reborn and the broken bones were reborn.

At the same time, he re engraved himself and completed the 33 defensive array runes that had been smashed by thunder robbery.


At the top of the void, thunder resounded, as if the will of the laws of the universe and heaven knew that it could not kill him this time. The thunder became weaker and weaker until it slowly dissipated and disappeared.

The sky was calm and the earth was desolate. Luoxiu took out a black robe and put it on, and his momentum was rising.

However, he broke through two shackles one after another. His cultivation reached the double level of God Emperor, and the physical combat body was promoted to the fourth level of God Zun.

Then Rochelle looked around, frowning slightly, for he did not know where he was now.

The sky god of the Luoyun mountains, the God of heaven, was forced to tear apart a space gate to the outside world by cadislar. Because the range of the Luoyun mountain range is very large, Luoxiu doesn't know where it will be after it comes out.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that he is still on the sky star.According to the time, the old woman named Yu Min must have been out of trouble, which means that the God Emperor ancestor of Tianyun Xianzong has already known what happened to him. Maybe Tianliao Pavilion and other holy land families have also got news clues.

In addition, with the fall of the Lord of Tianyun City, with his high status, Tianyun Xianzong must have learned of his death at the first time, and two gods successively died in his hands. This hatred is hard to be cured.

What worried Luo Xiu most was not that he would never die with Tianyun Xianzong, but that Hongfei was still a disciple of Tianyun Xianzong. He was worried that Tianyun Xianzong would take her as a breakthrough to target himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!