When they arrived at the entrance of the ruins, the attention of the three was attracted by the strange holes in the stone wall, so they did not notice the movement and quiet around them.

Hearing the seven seven reminders, Luo Xiu and Linghu Zixuan immediately spread their own gods and found the five gods' top hidden nearby.

"Five gods respect the peak..."

Before the voice of rousseus has fallen, the five gods who are the top and the strongest have flickered out, and surrounded the three.

"Take the elder and wait for him, and then he will not hold his hands!" A god worships the peak and says loudly.


Luo Xiu's figure is flashing, and the law of space and speed runs, which directly appears in front of this God, the top power of God, and the plough Sky Sword appears in his hand, and a sword is cut out.

God worships the top level strong man, and it is difficult to win in a short time by ordinary means. Therefore, Luo Xiu uses the plough skysword without hesitation.

Ploughing the sky sword is the god soldier of dream summer. She used to be a strong swordsman. She has transcended the sword law and mastered the rules of sword Dao, and became the ninth class emperor of the generation!

According to the common sense, the plough Sky Sword is a top-grade Shenbing of the ninth class. It is impossible to control the urge by the emperor of Luoxiu district. However, the ploughing skysword is very special. Only the secret skill of seeking dreams can be used to push it. There is no limit on the cultivation instead.

The difference is that, if you are not cultivating, you can exert limited power.

But even if the power is limited, but the level of the plough Sky Sword is there, the power is strong, unstoppable.

In the past, Luo Xiu used to use sword when he was weak. He defeated numerous masters with a fast sword, and challenged the enemy by leaping the ranks.

Ploughing the sky sword in his hand, he seems to have recovered the feeling of holding the sword in the past, and feeling of the spirit and wind.

"By! So fierce? " Linghu Zixuan was scared. It was the top of five gods, namely five fourth-class top level gods. That guy was the second level of Emperor God, and he dared to directly kill it?

"Nine song days of war!"

Qiqi was indifferent, and the ancient Qin rose horizontally in his arms. The ten fingers of green and white jade were placed on the Qin Xuan. The sound of the Qin rang and killed four.

As a powerful man who respected the peak of God, the speaker never thought that a small emperor dared to do it to him, and saw Luo Xiu cutting his sword towards himself. His face showed a grim smile.

"Something that is not alive!"

He gulped, and found a big hand, and directly cut it towards Roth and grabbed it. An attack by a God Emperor was not put on his heart at all.


Blood splashed, his face changed, his body shape quickly retreated, a broken hand fell from the air, his chest was cut out a sword mark, blood flow, if not he reacted quickly, just to be split into two pieces by a sword.

"What a sharp sword!" His heart was startled and angry.

"Years make people old..." he said

Luo Xiu steps forward, plowing the sky sword, and the law of evolution time of the path without phase is added to the sword body, and a silver white sword light is cut out.

This sword, the speed of the hand of Roth is clearly not fast, but in the eyes of the God, the peak of the strong, this sword came to him in a flash.

This is the application of the law of time acceleration, and under the influence of the force of the law, the God who worships the peak strength has a feeling of the past ten thousand years in a moment.

"Here This is the law of time? "

He suddenly returned to God, and the force of the ninth law burst out on its own, fighting against the law of time acceleration.

However, the sword light of the Shenjian in the sky is as overwhelming as a bamboo. It looks like waste paper for all the defense, the light of the sword sweeps across, and a head with big eyes is thrown up.

The gobbler, lying on the shoulder of Roth, rises up, opens his mouth, and devours the body of the God's top power.

He was very sad to hold the plough sword. In fact, his present strength is almost the same as the peak of God. However, with the power of plowing skysword, he simply used two swords to kill his opponent easily.


The plough sword in the hand of Luo Xiu held a sword flower, then the sword straight out, a dark sword light flew out, stabbing to another god respected peak.

This is a strong white tiger, strong and fierce, but in the face of a sword light containing the law of death, he sniffed the breath of death, and retreated desperately with the fastest speed in his life.


The sword light stabbed into the void, silent, and the White Tiger God retreated quickly, so he escaped a robbery, and was extremely palpitating.

But at this time, the goblin roared, such as the tail cast by black iron, and smashed it hard. The White Tiger God was bound by the field of devouring God, unable to escape, and could only drink a big drink and fight with fist.

A loud bang, although the white tiger people were strong and horizontal, they were much worse than the king of God and beast, and his fist was crushed into meat mud in a moment.


The White Tiger God worshiper makes a scream, looking at the broken arms full of astonishment and incredible look. Under the God Emperor, even if someone is stronger than his body, it is impossible to be so powerful to such a far-reaching point?At the moment when he was lost in his mind, Luoxiu's body appeared behind him without a sound. The plough sky sword was cut out and contained the power of the law of space. He split his body in two and was swallowed up by the God eating beast.

Luoxiu solved the two deities' summit between the electric light and flint. Linghuzixuan also fought with a god of a Mojia. Linghuzixuan's cultivation of the original God Emperor's six fold suddenly broke out, which seemed to have opened the seal of his body. In a flash, the cultivation of linghuzixuan soared to the ninth of shenhuang!

Luo Xiu noticed this scene, and his pupils shrank slightly. It was obvious that this special secret method of linghuzixuan concealed his accomplishments, even though he had not noticed it before.

As a genius born in the supreme realm, linghuzixuan, with the cultivation of shenhuang jiuzhong, was able to cross a great realm to kill enemies. A Golden Tripod flew out of his eyebrow, releasing the vast and unpredictable power of God and Emperor.

Emperor soldiers, fifth class magic soldiers!

Its own strength is no worse than the nine peaks of shenzun, plus a powerful imperial soldier, the powerful one of Mujia's gods was suppressed in a moment.


A dull sound reverberated. After a short time, the God of Mujia was killed by linghuzixuan with Jinding town and became a pool of meat mud.

On the other hand, Qiqi girl is also very powerful. There are nine pieces of Tianshang Qin, each of which has magical power. Her music will form a special field. The two sacred peaks are actually in the field of her piano sound. They seem to be attracted by the music and immersed in it. They are stunned and unprepared.

Although this Qiqi doesn't seem to be hiding her accomplishments like linghuzixuan, she is not afraid of all powerful enemies just by virtue of her Jiuqu Tianshang Qin.

Legend has it that this Guqin is related to the heaven in the early days of the Taiyuan Dynasty. After a great war, the sky ended and the gods of all living beings were in mourning. The ancient Qin was made and named Tianshang.

There are also rumors that if the nine songs come out together, you can let the sky war, kill heaven!

However, no matter what kind of legend it is, the shangguqin is of mysterious origin, powerful and unpredictable. In the era of taishangqing, every generation who is in charge of Tianshang Guqin is the most remarkable goddess in the world.

Since Qiqi is the descendant of TianShang guqin, Linghu Zixuan can cooperate with her and walk together. It can be seen that the origin of her identity is absolutely not simple.

The remaining two deities are pinned down by the sound of Qin. Linghu Zixuan makes a direct attack, and the Golden Tripod falls like a mountain, killing it on the spot.

Linghu Zixuan smilingly cleans up the booty and sends two storage rings to Qiqi's hand.

As for the two deities killed by him, the storage ring naturally belongs to him, and there is no need to share them.

"Hey, brother Tai Shang, show me the sword you used just now?"

The top five gods almost killed in a moment. If this achievement is passed on, it will shock the world!

Linghu Zixuan got close to Luo Xiu and was very interested in the plough sky sword that he had just used. Naturally, it was impossible for Luo Xiu to be so powerful that he could kill the top of God so easily. So Linghu Zixuan could see at a glance that it was his divine sword against the sky.

"Show me your golden tripod?" Luo Xiu smiles and stares at Linghu Zixuan's eyes.

"You are so stingy. You are just a sword. Don't you pull it down..." Linghu Zixuan didn't answer. He was obviously unwilling to show the Golden Tripod to Luo Xiu.

But even if he didn't want to take it out, when he used the Golden Tripod, Luoxiu basically saw through the origin of the golden tripod.

If he was not mistaken, the Golden Tripod should be Huang Tian Jin Mu Ding. In the era of supreme love, there was a genius who had an extraordinary opportunity to get a piece of Huang Tian Jin Mu.

You should know that Huang Tian Jin Mu is the mother of all kinds of gold and the source of gold and iron. It is the top-level material for forging weapons and magic weapons in the universe. The weapons and magic weapons refined with it are powerful and have infinite potential.

From the beginning of the Taichu era to the end of the samsara era, there are only a few magic weapons and soldiers refined by Huang Tianjin's mother. However, it is the only one who has refined a golden divine tripod. In the memory of supreme love, it seems that the guy is the surname Linghu, which is called Linghu Wuji.

In the first World War of taishangqing and mengqianshang, Linghu Wuji was only half a step away from the ninth class God Emperor, and the endless years passed. It seems that he also created his own inheritance family. Linghuzixuan must be his descendants.

Moreover, this linghuzixuan must be an extremely distinguished person in his family. Otherwise, he would not be allowed to carry the golden mother tripod with him at the top of his family.

"Qiqi, did you see the sword he used just now? Do you know the origin? " On the surface, linghuzixuan quarreled with Luoxiu, but secretly communicated with Qiqi with divine sense.

He and Qi Qi both suspected that Luoxiu was a genius of a great power in the supreme world, but they did not know its specific origin. Therefore, they wanted to speculate on its root through his means.

"I didn't recognize the origin of that sword, but I can probably be sure that even if it's not as good as your Huang Tian Jin Mu Ding, it's not much worse." Qi Qi responded."No? Qiqi, you are the most talented goddess in the eight supreme realms. Who can know more about all kinds of secrets than you? You can't even see his roots? " Linghuzixuan is unbelievable.

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