85 Chapter 85

Name:Martial God Gamer Author:
She was a panther like every panther in this grassland. Only different in the area where her nest was located far from the usual habitat. Looked like for some reason She was expelled from her territory.

She couldn’t go back there. If she and her children went back, other panthers would not accept them into the herd because of how different they were

they might even attack them to protect their territories

Fortunately, She was mutated. Therefore, she could hunt for food to feed her children. But who would have thought that she would soon encounter Chen Ming and Xiao Wen who had almost killed her?

Chen Ming, knowing that, felt guilty. She just wanted to protect and feed her children. she was not intended to come close to their accommodation.

Chen Ming with guilt He used a red potion to heal her then he checked her stats

from the name that used to be a race became the name given by him He didn't think much. All he was thinking at this moment was to have a pet capable of under his command. Blacky looked worried now. Chen Ming told her to take him and Xiao Wen to her children.

she had become his pet so she trusted him. She immediately led him to her nest.

Chen Ming had now arrived at a cave not far from the steep hill. The cave was covered with trees and bushes. make it difficult to see Chen Ming and Xiao Wen, who had arrived, even looked at each other.

“The Heaven and Earth energy around here is extremely concentrated. Even though it wasn't compared to the seventh floor of the Merchant Hall. But it is still three to four times more than the general area.”

As always, Little long and his jade were hungrily absorbing Heaven and Earth energy. Chen Ming felt that he was about to level up again. If he stayed here

He didn't want to level up right now. He only had six levels left before he had to pass through the Heavens tribulation. He's not ready now.

Chen Ming disconnected himself from Little Long and his jade. The Heaven and Earth energy continued to be absorbed. but not sent to him. It was deposited in Little Long and Jade.

Blacky walked into the cave. Chen Ming saw that there should be no problem and followed her. Xiao Wen was the same.


Inside the cave was very complex. If it wasn't for Blacky to use her nose to follow the scent. they must have lost their way a long time ago.

Chen Ming with a good brain was able to remember the details of the entrances and paths. Even without Blacky now, he was confident that he could easily find a way out of here.

The deeper they went into the cave, Chen Ming felt that the Heaven and Earth energy became more dense. If he had to guess This place must have been a place where strong martial practitioners were trained.

He followed Blacky for a while. arrived at the point where it was a large room. There were three black panther cubs playing and chasing each other. Chen Ming, seeing this room, only smiled.

“Look at Wen Sis. If we killed Blacky just now We never knew that a place like this would exist. The Heaven and Earth energy here was very suitable for cultivation. and Look at the wall. It has various techniques engraved on it.”

Just like in Chinese movies or novels. In this room, there are pictures of people in different postures. He wasn't sure if these techniques were at what level. because no one told him The system was silent as if to say that he need to help himself

Chen Ming slowly read the message on the wall. Little Long had already gone out and played with the cubs. Blacky looked at her children after making sure that all of her children were safe. She was also sitting next to Chen Ming. He looked at her and found that she had now returned to a normal panther. It seems that each of his pets has the ability to transform. This is good. He didn’t want to have trouble when going into where people live.

He could see the future if he had a rare pet. It must have all the young masters wanting to show off girls. and came to find him in order to get his pet to buy girls' hearts He made a bet to himself that he would surely encounter those situations for sure

If he really encountered that situation He would definitely like to be a villain then a hero. At least he had to be at the Earth Profound Stage first. If he had reached the Earth Profound Stage, then according to his calculation He was able to fight at the Initial stage Sky Profound Stage. It was the same level as that royal teacher that made him feel terrified.

There were still many things Chen Ming had to do. Now he needed to unravel the secrets of this place. He read to the stone pillar in the middle of the room, saying:

Eighteen directions clouds

The moon shines without direction

Demons bow down

I am the Nameless Emperor

Chen Ming had only read at this point before he felt something. He seemed to know what to do from now on. According to the experience of Wikipedia that he has studied


“This is definitely the Tomb of the Nameless Emperor!”

According to the custom this place was definitely a tomb


The entrance of this place was a massive maze If he didn’t had Blacky lead the way he might get lost easily and after the maze there's a lot of great techniques and big words here. If it's not a tomb, then what was it?

? It’s only lack of traps but Chen Ming knew that in this era advanced traps was’t created yet or the owner of this tomb didn’t intend to harm people who found this tomb by chance

Xiao Wen agreed with Chen Ming. This place resembles a tomb she heard of there many tomb that had been found since she was born

She looked at these techniques that were engraved on the stone pillars these were legacy that the tomb owner wanted the fated one to inherit

Xiao Wen read the technique. No matter how much she read, she couldn't understand. There must be some reason for sure.

Chen Ming with the power of Wikipedia

from the information he had read he knew what to do in this situation

He walked towards the stone pillar before kneeling down, bowing to the pillar three times and speaking in a firm tone.

“Little Chen Ming salutes the Nameless Emperor!”

Chen Ming's voice echoed throughout the room, Xiao Wen, Blacky, and Little Long looked at him. They didn't know what he was doing, but they didn't stop him. Maybe he knew something they didn’t.

Chen Ming followed the theory of Chinese fiction. He wasn't sure if it was going to be what he thought. But he thought it probably was. because when he kowtowed his head on the ground His sensory ear heard the mechanical sound.

The stone pillar slowly moved up to the ceiling. shows the rest of the text that bury inside the floo