Chapter 33: Trouble

{} Body 33 Chapter trouble

Chapter 33

Thermal energy, according to Fen Lao, should be in the blood, but Feng Hao is powerless to say so.

"Wow !!"

The heat energy is like waves, slamming waves one after another, washing the purity of Jingdan, making it more flawless and more transparent.

Although it is the same thermal energy, Feng Hao felt that the thermal energy that appeared this time was a little different. It seemed to have something more than the thermal energy at the time of exhaustion, and it was not clear what Feng Hao himself could say.

Time flows, and the day passes.

Feng Hao still sat there with her eyes closed, everything in the body was circulating normally.

And the girl did some trouble in the cave, and there was no existing treasure she wanted, the whole person was sitting next to Feng Hao with some discouragement. After a long time, she also settled in. She took time, her Around him, there were silver lightning flashes.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, because there was some noise from the hole.


She sang softly, and everyone stood up with her palm extended, holding the sword in her hand.

"Someone is inside!"

The people outside looked a little surprised, and rushed inward with a torch.

"It's you."

Seeing someone, the girl's brows clustered.

The person who came in seemed to be one of the group of mercenaries who were fighting the Iron Arm Spirit Ape yesterday.

After glancing around the hole, there was nothing, and then looked at the girl holding the sword, Fenghao sitting with the pan, and the person's face sank.

"Take out the treasure and spare you!"

He threatened with a dark tone, and took out a sharp blade in his hand. Wu Yuan surged, and it seemed that he might split at any time towards the girl.


The girl narrowed her eyes, waved a sword in her hand, and struck out the lightning. She struck the person's chest and flew it out.

"act recklessly!"

The girl gave him a cold glance and waved the sword to make up several times, making her completely fainted.

"Why isn't this guy good?"

Seeing that Feng Hao was still in the set, her eyebrows were clustered several times.

Condensed essence, as long as it is over, it is actually fast, but the wind is not awake for a long time, which makes the girl feel inexplicable.

The sudden incident now, with her alone, is definitely not an opponent of a group of mercenaries. Moreover, there is a martial arts-level beard there.

Without thinking too much, she walked towards the cave entrance, inside the cave, which was too passive.

On top of the mountain ridge, the bearded mercenaries stood there, and for a long time they did not hear the voice of paging below, and each one frowned.

"Brother, the eighth wouldn't want to swallow the treasure alone?"

A man turned his head and said to the bearded man.

His words suddenly made all the people in the line look at the beard. Obviously, they all had such doubts.

The Iron Armed Ape was severely wounded, and the blood couldn't be stopped at all. So, one day later, they turned back again. Now, the oldest mercenary has been down for almost half an hour, and no screams have been heard. Without the roar of spirit apes, it's no wonder they would doubt it.

"Boss, look down!"

The beard groaned and ordered the man who spoke, "If the old man really dares to do something that is sorry to my brothers, don't have to show mercy!"

He also had a murderous tone when speaking.

"Brother be assured!"

With the long blade drawn from his waist, the man leapt towards Cang Song.


A silver lightning spewed out of the cave, hitting the man who was falling, making his body stiff, and falling directly into the mountain stream, leaving only a scream and no sound, not even the sound of the floor You can imagine how deep this mountain stream should be.

"Someone below ?!"

The beard's complexion changed, and Wu Yuan emerged from his body with great power.

"Who? Who's down?"

He shouted loudly, but no one answered.


When I think about the treasure, the bearded man is a little upset. Since there are people in it, the treasure must have been taken by him, and the old eight is probably too fierce.

"Who are you? How dare you grab my Wild Wolf Mercenary Corps!"

Unable to sense the depth, the beard had to report the name of his mercenary regiment and wanted to use it to suppress people.

The Wild Wolf Mercenary Regiment, one of the three mercenary regiments of the Xilan Kingdom, is headed by Han Wolf, a martial art!

The Bearded Team is just one of the branches. A branch can have a martial arts division leader and dozens of martial members. It also shows that the strength of this wild wolf mercenary group is indeed very important. abundant.

For a long time, I didn't see any response, and the beard's complexion was even more irony.

I spent so much effort, lost dozens of members to grab the treasure map, and once again lost the members against the Iron Arm Spirit Ape, and wounded myself. After such a round, the result is that they have done a dowry for others. Can't calm down.

"Second, fourth, you go down!"

He turned his head and drank.

When the two mercenaries came forward, they looked at each other and jumped down at the same time. The sharp blades in their hands were all splitting Wu Yuan into the dark cave.

"Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the impact came, and the two saw a young girl dressed in leather, looking stern and holding a silver-white sword.


A thunder whip swept out, and the two raised their blades to resist, both of them were hemp, and finally screamed and fell into the abyss.

The two senior warriors lost at the same time, which made the mercenaries above take a breath of air.

There is only one statement, the man below must be a martial artist!

If it is a martial artist, then it is troublesome, and even the bearded himself would not dare to act lightly.

Glancing at the remaining six behind him, the beard twitched.

The loss was so serious, if he did not have the above achievements, he can be considered the leader.

"I don't believe you won't come up!"

He pulled out his long knife, and stood on the cliff above Cang Song, blinking at the movement in the cave without blinking.

"I'm in trouble right now."

Listening to this, the girl frowned.

With lightning properties and this kind of terrain, she can hold it alone, but it will be troublesome to go up. She knows that there is a warrior and several warrior mercenaries on it.

"Why isn't that guy united?"

She froze in the cave of Anshan with annoyance.

How can it take a day to condense an essence?

However, what she didn't know was that Feng Hao's essence was not very pure, but that his body absorbed the heat energy from the animal's flesh at work, so it was so slow.

Until the last trace of heat disappeared, Feng Hao finally opened his eyes and opened his mouth, yelling, "Ha !!!!"

The roar rang through the entire mountain stream, and the echo continued to linger, without stopping for a long time.

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