Chapter 282: Take your lead

(} Text) Chapter 282 Take Your Prestige

"What do you mean?"

Zhuang Bi squinted his eyes, his eyes moved brightly, and asked.

"Nothing, hehe."

Feng Hao grinned, and his corners of his mouth were bent. "It was a little bit itchy for a while, and I wanted to go to your house of gambling. Why isn't Zhuangda son welcome?"

As soon as this word came out, it was quiet around.

This statement is directly related to the bookmaker!

He knows clearly that his power cannot be countered by a middle kingdom. Why did he do this?

Does it have its own confidence?

A teenager from the middle kingdom, to be honest, no one is optimistic about him, even the students of Fengyue College are guilty.

Before going out, Hua Yunlong explained it. Within the imperial city, no force can compete with the Kingdom of Xilan. Now, what he said seems to be powerful, why, this is called a demon. Young boy, not afraid at all?

What happened to him after leaving the kingdom?

Hua Yunlong is also thinking.

Standing by Feng Hao all the time, the performance of the boy has always been in his eyes.

He's playing, yes, he's playing!

Hua Yunlong could clearly see the fun in the eyes of the teenager.

However, he is now playing an imperial family with several martial arts champions!

Hua Yunlong's heart began to tremble.

He believes that this boy will not do anything beyond his ability, that is to say, he has settled this so-called bookmaker!

"This guy, something must have happened again."

Hua Yunlong couldn't believe what he thought.

He understands that this boy is a prefecture-level pharmacist, and he also has terrible secret skills. However, if the identity of the prefecture-level pharmacist is revealed, his identity is better than this bookmaker. That is endless trouble.

After all, the prefecture-level pharmacist, the entire Regret King, is only those two!

Once this identity is revealed, then, it is almost impossible to live together again.

"Okay! Alright!"

Zhuang Bi's body shook with anger, and his face became iron-blue.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

"Don't think that you are safe in the imperial city. My young master will kill you, just like killing an ant!"

"Hurry to apologize and save your life!"

A few dog legs came together again and blasted towards Fenghao.


Feng Hao pretended to raise his mouth with a disdain, glanced at Zhuangbi, and said with a voice in his mouth, "Well! ... Unexpectedly, I am so scared that one of the dealer's gambling houses would not dare to let people gamble on stones. I've seen it."

"Boy, what are you talking about ..."

"Go! There's no place for you, the dog slave, to speak."

Feng Hao's face changed, like the same wild beast, his suffocation spurted out, his eyes shone, and he bent his corners. "Can you say, this dog slave can represent the dealer?"

After smelting the sperm of the Fire Unicorn, Feng Hao felt that his temper had become much more irritable, slightly excited, and the whole mood would be extremely violent.


The man who wanted to make a flattering speech was speechless, with a complexion, redness, and meridians around his neck.

Zhuang Bi's face was calm, and after looking at Fenghao for a long time, it was Senran saying, "If you want to gamble on stones, you must prepare enough gambling funds!"

"Hey! You don't have to worry about this."

Feng Hao squinted his eyes and looked at him with a smile, full of fun.


Glancing at the people around, Zhuang Bi snorted coldly, and then he walked in the other direction of the imperial city.

He was embarrassed, and he wished that this young man who had dared to smash his own corpse smashed into pieces, but because of the rules of the imperial city, he did not dare to violently in the sight.

"I'd like to see, how many of you poor ghosts can bet on!"

Feng Hao, who talked and laughed with the two women, was even more indignant, and his steps accelerated a lot.

When these people saw a lively look, they all followed.

They also want to see if this boy is a burdock or a stupid.

Xi Lan Kingdom and his party naturally followed, and they all showed excitement.

For this miracle-making boy, they are more hopeful.

Can he do wonders again?

Yun Ying followed Silently behind Hua Yunlong, without a slight look on Qiao's face, she was still cold and scary. To be precise, after that time, she was already very cold and even colder.

If it's not for this big match, maybe ...

Complicated to look at the back of the blue shirt, Yun Ying is showing, he is more and more unable to see through this boy.

For example, he is now only the middle-level martial arts, but she faintly feels that she will definitely not be the opponent of this young man. It is possible that she can't catch a trick.

She walked silently.

Since she was born, she has never served anyone, and her peers have been her opponents, but she was defeated by the ignorant young man who she ignored.

"Grandpa, don't force Yuner, Yuner will only marry someone who can win Yuner!"

The stubborn figure flashed in my mind, and she was faintly crimson above her ice volume. She glanced left and right, but no one noticed her, she just shouted slightly. With a sigh of relief, I sorted out my mind and restored calm.

"Hehe! ..."

Two girls, one left and one right, hugged the teenager. On top of Jiao Rong, they all showed happy smiles. The pair of tall chests also bumped the teenager's arms intentionally or unintentionally. So enjoyment, the envy of others was red. .

Hey, what is this?

They couldn't figure out why these two amazing girls would like such an outstanding, almost ordinary boy.

"All right."

Feng Hao exhaled deeply, suppressing the inexplicable evil fire in his heart, "Next time you see you running out."

He reached out and nodded a little on the foreheads of the two women, but there was no slight blame in his look, and some, all doted.

Beauty is not their fault. The fault lies in themselves. They do not have the ability to deter the world.

"Maybe, I'm too low-key."

There was a wicked and cold arc in the corner of his mouth. "Then, let's use your dealer!"

Must be prestigious!

This bookmaker, within the imperial city, can also be regarded as a well-known force, used to operate the sword, it can not be more suitable, and, most importantly, he brought it to his own door.

"Relax, I will fix it."

Seeing the side of Hua Yunlong, who was slightly worried, Feng Hao smiled at him.

Trapped, see if I can code tomorrow or not, can code tomorrow more during the day.

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