Chapter 308: Xiao Ling Qiong Linger

{} Text Chapter 3o8 Little Demon Sin Qiong Linger

? And, two years later, this teenager's performance was even more amazing. {}

Now he is a veritable demon!

In two years, he was promoted from the first-level martial arts master to the middle-level martial arts. This degree, although not fast, was because he was in a middle kingdom and had insufficient resources.

If he is in the higher kingdom, then, with his talents to promote Wuzong, there is not much problem at all.

"How big is a chance to turn a mediocrity into a monster?"

Xuan Yu said with a sigh of relief that he put down the discount in his hand.

Opportunity, if you do n’t ask for it, it ’s like a secret skill. You have to come. If you ca n’t practice it, is n’t it just a waste of effort?

It's yours, it's yours, not yours, it's no use grabbing it.

Moreover, the higher the chance, the higher the requirements on people, and the distortion is a bit harsh.

Just like the fictitious body in Feng Hao!

One lifetime, only one person!

This is very strange. Can there be two people with virtual martial arts in this world?

This is a mystery, and even the old man who possesses virtual martial arts can't explain it, he can't feel the slightest clue.

It can be seen from this that the special feature of Xu Wu is more unmatched by other constitutions.

"It's a good seed. In the future, I regret that the Golden Dynasty has another pillar!"

Xuan Yu leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes, his face was full of comfort.

Such people belong to their own dynasty, which is also a blessing of their own dynasty.


The second phase of the nations is now in full swing.

In the second stage, both the dynasty and those under 18 in the world can sign up. So just signing up will take a day. According to statistics, a total of more than 63,000 people will sign up.

With this number, it is no wonder that it will take two and a half months.

The rules of the competition are also relatively simple.

First of all, there is a big match to advance to the top of the rankings. Within ten matches, you have to win at least six games before you can be promoted.

Note that you have to win at least six games in a row!

Because in the 10,000-strong ratio, then there must be only 10,000 people left. If there is less to win, then they will be eliminated directly. If the last few thousands are only winning six games in a row, then they will return By comparison, in the end, there are only 10,000 people left.

After being promoted to Wan Qiang, that is the Qiang Qiang.

Ten matches must win ten games.

This is cruel, even if there are some capable of promoting the top 100, if you meet an irresistible opponent, you can only be eliminated.

At the same time, it also proves that those who can break into the top 1000 are elites in the elite. These people, even if eliminated in the top 100 ratio, will be recruited by many powerful forces.

This is also one of the goals of many youngsters who come to the contest.

To win the prize, everyone knows that it is the evil spirits that are qualified to fight. Although they are arrogant, they must admire before the evil spirits.

Therefore, what they have to do is either Yang Guowei or they can be absorbed into a certain powerful force, so as to obtain better resources to improve themselves.

It can be said that this is also a great candidate.

After that, it was the top 100. Like the top 1,000, they had to win ten more games. If they lost a game, they would be counted. Then, they were the top ten.

After the top ten, this is different.

Ten people, each playing nine games, everyone will fight, defeat the other nine people, win nine games in a row, there is no doubt that is Kui, after that, won nine games in a row, and then there are eight.

This round of push until the top three are selected.


"Three thousand one hundred and thirty-three."

Feng Hao arrived at his number plate, which is relatively advanced.

At the beginning of the next day, a notice was posted outside the battlefield. The secret list was listed above. Fortunately, the numbers came along. After a lot of effort, Feng Hao finally found his own test. time.

It was his first game at noon today, so time is still plenty.

"Relax, you can do it."

Seeing the appearance of the two sons-in-law, Feng Hao comforted, "If the opponent is too strong, it is okay to admit defeat. After all, you are in the martial arts realm."


The two women nodded, but there was a flash of firmness in their eyes, following behind Feng Hao, and walking towards the entrance.

Because they are the representatives of the kingdom, their numbers are relatively high. Today, there was a fight, showing the number plate, and a group of people swarmed into the crowd.

In a fight, several people won quickly, which made Hua Yunlong's face even more smiling.

It's not very fierce to fight against each other, but in a month, except Qiong Linger, Wan Xin, Yun Ying, and Lu Yuan who is also Wu Zong, everything else was eliminated.

After all, Wu Ling is here at the lowest level.

Qiong Linger and Wan Xin both won on the special constitution, and they also possessed top-grade spirits. As long as their luck is not too bad, there is no reason to lose.

And now, after one month, the two women absorbed hundreds of Wu Jing, Wan Xin, the first to break through to Wu Zong, and Qiong Linger is still at the peak of Wu Ling. What she lacks is just an opportunity. .

On the other side of the moon, one person was eliminated.

He was also unlucky, having played five games in a row, otherwise, because they were all in the strength of Wu Zong realm, Wan Qiang, it was almost hand-to-hand.

Luck is something that really needs to be put in place.

Next, there is a thousand strong ratio.

Feng Hao is undoubtedly another ten-game victory. No matter you are Wu Ling or Wu Zong, the unicorn arm shows up, and the opponent jumps out of the game directly without him.

It seems that the death of Han Yun has already been spread.

Although they are unwilling, can anyone dare to say that they can compare to Ha Yun?

And miraculously, the two women also survived, and they also encountered Wuzong-level opponents. They fought hard and won.

This also made Feng Hao know the two beautiful women again.

Their strength is not in vain.

They don't want to keep dragging Fenghao all the time. Although they are gentle with Fenghao, they also have their own stubbornness.

In the eighth battle with a strong Emperor Wu Zong, Zong Linger broke through!

Horrible things are finally born!

Her Wu Yuan has evolved again!

Purity has reached the terrific realm of horror!

This is already quite different from the top quality of the different crystal power!

A little demon is born!

That's right, it's the little demon evil, the top-quality alien crystal. Of these tens of thousands of people, less than ten are refined!

Zhongpin Yijing, this is the limit that Wu Zong has to bear. The top grade, unless it is evil, otherwise the refining must explode.

But Qiong Linger's ordinary Wuyuan, but evolved like a top grade alien crystal!

This is terrible!

You know, she's just Wu Zong. If it was Wu Zun?

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