Chapter 358: Depressed Fenghao

{} Text] Chapter 3 Depressed Feng Hao

Chapter 3 Depressed Fenghao


After half an hour, Feng Hao exhaled a long breath, his cheeks were full of sweat, and his expression was a little tired, and he retracted his arm, "This is the time to come.

"Thank you, Master."

After a long period of treatment, Lu Song as a whole seemed much more relaxed. Looking at the boy in front of him, his eyes were filled with sincere gratitude.

I would like to ask, which heaven-level pharmacist would speak so well?

This is almost unheard of.

However, this young man has nothing at all.

He is definitely an alternative!

"Ha ha!"

The cool medicine flowed around him, Feng Hao quickly recovered, and wiped the sweat on his cheek at will. He chuckled, and said, "Luo, do you have any questions?"

"Master, please."

Lu Song had a solemn look and was very cautious.

He was worried that he couldn't repay the young man, and asking for something was an imperative for him.

"Uh ... heh, that's the one, you know."

Feng Hao scratched his head and angered at the two women's houses outside the door, slightly stunned.

"I know?"

Lu Song hesitated, a little, he just came over, "Master rest assured, this matter is wrapped up in me, when I come to take her personally!"

Fortunately, he has been following the dynamics of Feng Hao and the two women, otherwise, he really couldn't understand.

There is no problem for a place to enter the Secret Tower. You know, since Xuan Xuan opened an additional list for this teenager, would he still care about this place?

I'm afraid he can't wait.

"So thank you for getting old."

Feng Hao was overjoyed, and the stone in his heart was finally released.

Now we can make a difference.

"Little things."

Seeing the gratitude of the young man, Lu Song shook the corners of his mouth, revealing a so-called smile, flashed, and disappeared into the room.


Feng Hao sat down sat contentedly and raised his lips. "Let's tell her tomorrow."

At this time, the night was deep.

Sitting on the bed, Feng Hao didn't feel happy in winning the prize today.

This seemed to him for granted.

His goal is higher!

For example, the black tower in Fengyue Academy, or the tomb in the ancient ruins.

In both places, Feng Hao wants to go once. However, with his current strength, the Black Tower should not be far behind, but the tomb in the tomb is almost ten thousand miles away.

So many powerful men have failed to surrender the several king-level wild beasts, and they are not even qualified to be cannon fodder when they are a Wu Zong.

The road is still long!

There may be records of virtual martial arts in the tomb, he must go once!

This time, Feng Hao went to participate in the secret tower, but also had another purpose.

He wanted to see if there were any records about the existence of burning old people on the ancient books.

Why is a dead person not dead? What kind of existence does he have? What sustains it?

Feng Hao wants to know this, because he wants to restore Fen Lao.

This has always been a knot in his heart.

A night passed quickly ...

A pool of clear water, crystal clear, and a variety of fish swimming in the pool, adding a little vitality and vitality.

By the pond, under the willow, the wind was lying quietly against the willow, and the two women sat beside each other.

Wan Xin, there was a slight smile on her face, but anyone could see that she was very tired and sad at this time, even Qiong Linger couldn't laugh, with a small face, and seemed to be struggling violently. .

"Sister Xiner."

Qiong Linger looked up and called softly.


Wan Xin reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth and looked at her with some doubt.

"Brother Ho, I've decided."

Qiong Linger took a deep breath and said to Feng Hao, "This time I won't go to that tower. I will stay with my sister Xiner."

During the conversation, her charming little face was absolutely and firm.

"Sister Linger."

Wan Xin looked at her with a miserable look, and her expression was flustered.

She understood that Qiong Linger made this decision for herself. A little, her eyes were faintly red, her nose was sore, and her tears fell down.

At this moment, she was touched by Qiong Linger, and finally she took off the strong veil of camouflage, her pitiful appearance, and the chaos was so chaotic.

"Fool, what are you crying for?"

Feng Hao regretted it. He wanted to sell it. Who knew that Wan Xin was so fragile that his tears were like the Yellow River?

Comforting here, Qiong Linger over there also rushed over, the two sisters hugged in a ball of tears, and the cry was so pitiful that Feng Hao wanted to hit the wall.

What is it called?

"Okay, don't cry."

Holding the two women in his arms, looking at two small faces like pear blossoms with rain, he felt a pain in his heart.

The two women have paid too much for themselves, and they have endured a lot of pressure, partly from themselves and partly from the outside world, but they have made them not even have the least sense of security.

This, let Feng Hao deeply blame.

Gritting his lips, he allowed the salty smell to spread in his mouth.

Everything is because he is too weak!

"Fool, how many young people are you to go to the secret tower with your brother Hao?"

Holding out his palm, Feng Hao carefully wiped the tears on the faces of the two women, feeling the warm tears, his palms shaking slightly.


Listening to these words, both women were stunned, tears were still in their eyes, but they looked at him in amazement.

"This time, the three of us will go to the secret tower together!"

Under the gaze of the two women, Feng Hao said again cautiously.

At this point, he never dared to joke anymore, and if he cried, it was him who was distressed.

Looking at the slightly red and swollen eyes of the two women, his heart was bleeding, and some of them could not breathe.

Because of this, the cry of the two women stopped slowly, with red eyes, and they looked at him with a stunned look.

"Really ... really?"

Qiong Linger twitched his nose slightly and asked with a choked throat.

"Fool, what can your brother say?

Feng Hao couldn't help but pinched Qiong Linger's little reddish nose, watching her crying and crying, her heart was angry and funny.

However, it can also be seen from this that the two women's relationship with each other is already deep.

"No more crying in the future."

Embracing the two young girls who haven't changed their expressions, embraced them tightly, "You know, your elder brother is almighty, and there is nothing to be solved."

You know, the place of the Holy King Mountain that others haven't asked for, he just said, and they sent two directly. Now, it seems that it is not a big problem to ask for a place to participate in the secret tower.

Thinking, the two women thought of Lu Song, the unfathomable old man.

More exciting content to look forward to ...

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