Chapter 401: Lu Song shot

(} Text) Chapter 4o1 Lu Song Takes Action

Chapter 4o1 Xuan Lu Song's Shot

No one knows who he is, and no one knows why he wants to do it.

Grandpa Grandpa!

At this time, Wu Gang was screaming with excitement.

As he shouted, everyone was shocked.

This unfathomable old man turned out to be the ancestor of the Wu family.

The old monster came out, and these people were miserable.

Several Cheng Nans also looked pale.

This Wu family ancestor is too strong, it is not at all that Wu Zong people can compete.

Elder Wu Li, what do you want to do?

The registrar Chu Lao made a noise, and his eyes locked on Wu Li, the ancestor of the Wu family.

It's just killing!

Full of evil spirits spit out from Wu Li's mouth, listening to his tone, does not seem to look at the old man in the registry.

This is in Mount Saint King!

Chu Lao's face sank, and his voice was like a thunderous thunder.

At the same time, his heart trembled, remembering the previous events, was it difficult for Wu Chen to die?

A Wuzun one-level peak demon, actually died in the hands of a Wuzong boy?

It's incredible to think about him.

Oops, here's another leak!

Several people in Nan Cheng suffered.

In this case, it should have been thought long ago that if the Wu family had no one in Shengwang Mountain, it would never be a big family of one of the top ten forces.

However, it was too late to regret it. Thirteen was still at Xilanfeng's house. It was too late.

Chupu, hard to stop me?

Wu Li picked out the corner of his eyes, and he was so impatient that the boundless momentum fell down, leaving everyone in the scene with a suffocation illusion and looked at him in horror.

Good guy, in this case, Wu Lixiu is afraid that he is still on the registration office of Elder Chu Pu.

\\ u2o1! ...

Chu Pu was so angry, scolded, Wu Li, this is to ignore the laws and regulations of Saint King Mountain, do you know the consequences?

Old man, don't press me with regulations. If you don't let it go, I will kill it together today!

Wu Li didn't appreciate it, stepping down from the sky step by step, the momentum spread, as if the waves were ups and downs, all people could not help being pushed back.

Humph! I'll see **** me!

Chu Pu's face became cold, and his momentum also came out, just like the stubborn rocks in the rapids, the surrounding gas field was approaching or overflowing.

However, in terms of momentum, he is indeed lower than Wu Li.

not good!

Cheng Nan and others are powerless, even if \\ u2o18 magic \\ u2o19 comes, it will not help, after all, this Wu Li is obviously the strongest of the four levels of Wu Zun, \\ u2o18 magic \\ u2o19 poison gas, The impact on him was not great.

Damn, thirteen is just fine!

Looking at the deep pit, Cheng Nan's heart trembled.

Was hit by Wu Zun's four realms, is there still a possibility of alive?

A generation of evildoers, is it necessary to bend to death?

Damn it!

He wanted to rush up in desperation, but, under this majestic majesty, he now found himself unable to move.

The Four Realms of Wu Zun is already the highest state of Wu Zun, and it is not that Wu Zong can resist!

Wu Gang was also stunned, watching the mighty Wu Li, he suddenly thought in his heart, difficult, brother really dead?

Thinking, a sorrow rose from the bottom of my heart.

Grandpa Taizu, a few of them are also accomplices, they must kill them!

He reached out to Cheng Nan and shouted loudly, and there was violent violence in his eyes.

He wants these people to die, he must die!

The thought of Wu Chen was dead, he was completely crazy, his face full of stuns.


Seeing Wu Li noticed himself and others, Cheng Nan shuddered.

This is really over.

They knew that the Wu family was gone. The old guy must be crazy, and he would never stop.

Give me all to die!

Sure enough, upon hearing Wu Gang's shout, Wu Li was crazy again. Heimang surged, covering the entire sky, and the sound of the waves was like a tsunami.

Rumble! ...

The turbulent tide fell from the sky. Wu Li was crazy. He was going to kill not one or two people. He would kill all the people in front of him.

Damn, is this old thing crazy?

The sea-like momentum made Chu Pu unable to compete and was forced to retreat.

He didn't understand why Wu Li would be so desperate, even if Wu Chen died, shouldn't he?

You know, there are new people here, but from all major forces, is it difficult for the Wu family to become a public enemy?

The overflowing energy made everyone rush to resist, but just like the fire of the stars, it had no effect at all, and when they closed their eyes to death, a harsh sound sounded.


As if the heavens and the earth cut through, the dark clouds on the sky were directly divided in half, and the glare of the sun dropped again.

Everyone saw a grim old man hanging from the sky.


He stretched out his hand and patted it with only one hand. Wu Li was shot and spit blood, fell off the ground, and his bones were broken.

Just one shot, the mighty Wu Li was beaten without backhand power.

Elder Lu Song!

Chu Pu looked happy.

The visitor is the cold noodle Shura Lusong!

Definitely the King of War!

Everyone was shocked.

Such cultivation, not the King of War, what is it?

Wu Li's face was full of resentment and anger, but Lu Song was still afraid to move.

what happened?

Seeing a big hole in the scene, Lu Song frowned, his voice clear and shocking.

Because Feng Hao was in a peripheral village, Lu Song would often pay attention to the dynamics here. When he saw a change, he rushed over.

It was Elder Wu Li that attacked the children of the surrounding villages.

Chu Pu said.

Assassination of peripheral village children?

Two to fierce eyes locked on Wu Li, making him tremble.

Even if he is the peak of Wu Zun, that is far from being Lu Song's opponent.

No, Fenghao!

Only a few people from Cheng Nan reacted and rushed towards the deep pit on the ground.

Feng Hao is still alive and unknown!


Listening to the name, looking at the familiar figures, Lu Song's eyes shook, it was difficult ...

There was an unpleasant feeling in his heart, and there was no trace of Fenghao and the two women in the whole room.

Damn it!

An immense breath emanated from him, and the whole world was shaken by it. He was furious and scolded, Wu Li, dare to start attacking the peripheral villagers?


Listening to Lu Song's harsh voice, Wu Li hadn't responded yet, but felt that a pound of majestic power fell on his chest. Suddenly, the entire chest collapsed, and a blood spurted out again.

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