Chapter 426: Burning the old wake

(} Text) Chapter 426 Burning the Old Awakening

Chapter 426: Burning the Old Awakening

Who is \\ u2o1v1? Where is 1? How to save 1?

Lying on the ground, Feng Hao murmured in his mouth, then, c's body trembled suddenly, opened his eyes, and the confusion in his eyes quickly recovered. .

call!! ...

c gasping for breath, wet with sweat.

It turned out to be dreaming.

Rubbing his temples, Feng Hao closed his eyes, and those bright eyes appeared again in front of c, looking at c full of sorrow and prayer, a sad mood spreading netbsp; what happened?

Feng Hao opened his eyes fiercely, his eyes were shocked.

That's not an illusion!

Those bright eyes, the faint cry for help, really existed!

the host?

Reflecting conditional Feng Hao is groping.


Aside, the little ball tilted his little head, and looked at netbsp with its water misty eyes; little ball?

Feng Hao suddenly appeared, and the eyes in front of them were slightly similar to those in the dark.


The small ball jumped to C's body, and stretched out the forefoot to c's originally damaged shirt and shred, revealing a solid chest.

This...? All right? back to normal?

Feng Hao sat up, and it turned out that his muscles, which had been withered, had all recovered now, and better than ever.

Clenching his fist, feeling the explosive power in his body, Feng Hao's eyes were filled with an incredible look.

Whether it's toughness, defense, or cohesion of strength, that's more than doubled!

It was just a night's sleep, whether it was trauma or the essence of the body, it was restored as before, but also reborn, as if it was a dream, giving Feng Hao an unreal feeling.

Did 1 do it?

Seeing the little guy sitting side by side with arrogance, the appearance of inviting merit moved Feng Hao's heart, even if he looked up at the mountains.

Sure enough, there is no trace of Qiqi fruit on a Qiqi tree.

One Qi Guo can prolong life for 300 years!

And now I seem to have eaten one.

waste? This is not to say, except that Feng Hao feels that it is almost enough to use up to two Qiqi flowers, Qiguo, which is a bit violent.

After all, there are n’t a few Qiqi fruit and Qiqi flower on it, but there are at least dozens of them.


Feng Hao stood up, ripped off the tattered shirt, and put on a new robe again.

Little ball, is that for help ... is it 1?

Glancing at the little guy who jumped on his shoulder, Feng Hao murmured.


The little ball tilted his little head, looked at C with some doubts, and didn't seem to understand netbsp; rest assured, this little box would be opened!

Looking at the shining little black box, Feng Hao's gaze became firm, and the little thing he saw flashed in his eyes, and the corner of c's mouth slightly bent, and said again, but before that, go first Get those Qiqihua and Qiguo.


The little ball pretended not to hear, still looked at netbsp in confusion; hum!

Feng Hao gave it a glance, and his mouth turned up. If there were no Qiqihua and Qiguo, then he would take control of Xuwu, and I was afraid that he would not have the energy to open the box.


Bai Ying flashed, the little guy disappeared, leaving someone to laugh in the place, and the laughter was all proud.

After a while, the small ball was a nettle sprout with a Qiqihua; Xinxiang tangled, let Feng Hao narrow his eyes, his face was very intoxicated, it seemed unwilling to wake up.

Huh! Huh!

The little ball scratched netbsp with his forefoot aside! ...

Long spit out, Feng Hao took the Qiqi flower, the fragrance is stronger, so that c has the illusion of being sublimated both physically and mentally, sinking and dwelling, c is to pick up this Qiqi flower to the left Put on that quaint ring.


Qihua was put into the ring. Suddenly, Feng Hao became tense, staring straight at the ring without blinking, and the palm of his hand was exuding some tiny sweat.

Wake up!

Feng Hao prayed in his heart. It seemed that he heard c's request. Finally, this ancient wave's unsurprising ring finally lit a weak layer of Yinghui.

Hum! ...

With a buzz, the ring glowed, but this layer of Yinghui was just a short distance away or disappeared.

what happened?

An old voice came out of the ring, and the voice was full of mistakes.


Feng Hao's body trembled, her eyes agitated and her voice trembled.

This old voice, c has not heard for two years, seems to have been familiar with netbsp; it is the voice of burning old!

Wind boy, what the **** is 1? What's going on outside?

The sound of burning old again came out of the ring, and there was some anger in his tone.

Uh ...

Feng Hao pumped the corner of his mouth, glanced around, the excitement in his eyes quickly converged, and the corner of his mouth lifted, Master, this is within the forbidden area of ​​life!

\\ u2o1d Where is tube 1 ...

The cursing voice stopped shortly, and then burst into a cry of surprise, what? Forbidden life? 1 Entered the forbidden area of ​​life?


Feng Hao responded slightly, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Boy, 1 doesn't want to live anymore, quit quickly!

The sound of burning old became very urgent.

Feng Hao smiled silently, very proud.

This is definitely the first time that can burn the old so seriously. In the face of the forbidden area, even the unfathomable burning of the old, it is necessary to retreat.

No, no, Wind Boy, what did 1 send in just now?

Fen Lao seemed to remember something again and asked out loud.

Qi flower!

The light voice spit out from Feng Hao's mouth, and the smile on the corner of c's mouth became stronger.

what? Qiqihua?

An extremely surprised voice roared out of the ring. How did \\ u2o1v1 come from? Is it two years now? Swing out? How did you grab it? ... No, this should be within the forbidden area of ​​life, otherwise how can it be swallowed up ...

Master, Qi Hua is now at the very core of the forbidden area of ​​life.

In a word of Feng Hao, the sound of burning old was silent.

call! ... 1 What does it do?

Fen Lao exhaled heavily and asked aloud, still trembling in his voice.

For life forbidden, c naturally knows more than Feng Hao.

The core of life forbidden land! Even when c did not dare break in, it was done by a boy now!

How can c not be shocked? ~

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