Chapter 510: Highlight

{} Chapter 510 Highlights


510 Chapter 510

"Master Zhong.

Seeing the dissatisfaction on the face of the heavenly master, Xu Li greeted him with a smile on his face and introduced him enthusiastically. One hundred thousand Wujing bet on each other. "

"Is it?"

Master Zhong glanced at him coldly, a red flash flashed in his eyes, glanced at the huge honeycomb stone, and hummed coldly, "It's just a waste stone!"

After all, he just left.

"Hey! ... I remember when Master Zhong once saw this honeycomb stone and said a piece of waste before he left. Now he is used as a hole card, and Master Zhong is naturally unhappy."

"This guy even questioned the daring to question the strength of the master of the heavens, and he suffered in the future."

"I don't know who is fearless, this time the cave is big, hey, millions of Wu Jing, even if the maiden lent him, how long would it take him to pay it off?"

"A poor guy ..."

The others were gloating, looking at Feng Hao's eyes full of scorn and ridicule.

Heaven-level pupil technique and earth-level pupil technique are absolutely different!

"Hey, waste rock?"

Listening to the surrounding words, feeling those pairs of eyes with a strange look, Feng Hao was not angry, still standing there with a look of indifferent, flashing purple in his eyes, sneer in his heart.

Is it a waste stone? I will know it after driving. He believes that he will not look away. There is absolutely something in the faint shadow.

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

In the distance, Qingwu frowned slightly.

There are already 1.9 million pieces of Wujing, which is not a small number!

She did not understand why Feng Hao would choose a honeycomb stone that even the masters of the sky had denied.

"Is he ... he is also studying pupil pupils?"

Thinking of those purple pupils, Qingwu moved.

Any pupil technique with color is transferred from the ancient times, so it is called the ancient pupil technique. Generally speaking, this kind of pupil technique is compared with the same order, and it is better than the present one. Some pupils have a few points.

The more she thought about it, the more strange she felt.

How did a teenager who came out of a dismal family in a small kingdom get these shocking encounters?

At least it's the Heavenly Pharmacopoeia, the weird ability to fuse various attributes, the strange arms, the arrogant defense, and the shocking depression. Now, this is also added to this ancient heavenly pupil.

One by one, Qingwu was a little bit lost.

Without mentioning anything else, we say that the pharmacopoeia of the heavens and the ancient class of the ancient pupils of the heavens, these two, each of which, the physical requirements are almost harsh, and not one of the millions or even millions can meet.

The odds of one in ten million fell on his head so precisely?

The whole thing is weird! No matter how you think or look, you are out of the normal range.

"Does that guy have any other identity?"

Qingwu could not help wondering.

Judging by Feng Hao's current situation, everything is really like the talented children carefully cultivated by the super family.

Suspicious Cloud Rebirth ...


It was in this weird atmosphere that all the masters of the phase stone came out of the gambling stone workshop, and at this time, it was close to the afternoon.

The dazzling brilliance of the scorching sun pours down from the sky, making the piece of wool on the scene even more extraordinary. The aura is pulsating and the sky is bright.

"Masters have worked hard."

Liu Ruxian stood out with a smile, and the sound of flowing spirits poured on the hearts of all people like a clear spring, and the whole person's emotions could not help calming a lot.

"According to the convention, start the stone from the Huang group."

With her remarks, the dozens of people in the Huang group started to cut stones. At this time, the eyes on the scene were concentrated there, and each spirit iron would start out with some exclamation. In the end, A middle-aged man who drove a piece of inferior iron and a piece of Wujing won the championship of the Huang group.

Don't underestimate, but it is yellow-level pupil technique. Within the wool of 500,000 gold coins, a sublime spiritual iron worth more than 4 million gold coins has been issued, which has almost doubled the value.

Then there is Xuan Group.

The championship was won by a young man who had prefecture-level pupils but was still at the top of the mystery.

In the wool of five million gold coins, he issued three medium-quality spirits worth more than 20 million gold coins!

Such a result is already better than the prefecture master!

Everything is in full swing, and the scene is constantly exclaimed. Finally, the main event is ushered in!

The level of heaven is so unattainable that a name can be worth millions of crystals, which is already a realm in another realm.

For them, even if they are prefecture-level masters, they are directly looking up.

Therefore, the highlight is the prefecture level!

"Masters, who comes first?"

Liu Ruxian's charming face still has a charming smile, and the voice of Qing Ling is like the sound of nature.

"I'll come first!"

Feng Feng seems to have been unable to wait for the general, the first to speak out.

This is also the convention, the strongest speak first.

He chose only one piece of wool with a price tag of 7.4 million gold coins.

This piece of wool is shaped like a small hill, the size of a bathtub, about one meter five or so, the body is surrounded by a touch of aura, filled with an inexplicable meaning, looks very extraordinary.

Pairs of bright eyes flashed, and swept across the wool, seemingly trying to penetrate it.

"See through, nothing seems to be inside ..."

The gods in the eyes of a prefecture master faded, and said with some dismay, and then each one shook his head and sighed.

In their view, this small hill-like woolen material is an empty piece of material, but it was selected by Feng Fengte. This only shows that his pupils are not home, and they cannot penetrate the mystery.

At this time, the eyes of several masters of heaven were also shining brightly, as the same round of inflammation day, the glare can not be seen directly, bright and boundless.

"Well? If you really get something out, that's fine."

A heavenly master exclaimed, seeming to be surprised.

"Indeed, it's worth at least 500,000 Wujing to drive out!"

"500,000? I can't stop it. Such materials are extremely precious. Last time I saw 800,000 pieces of Wujing sold at the Tianwu Auction House!"

"This Feng Feng's pupil technique is really good. If he can catch this kind of meaning, in another hundred years, he can be promoted to heaven!"

Several heavenly masters have stated their positions.

Because of their words, there was a wave of noise in the crowd.

Eight hundred thousand Wujing!

If it is worth 800,000 Wujing, can it be simple? ~

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