Chapter 612: Beidou Shengzi

{} Chapter 612 Saint Beidou


Chapter 612: Saint Beidou

Since ancient times, no one has been able to calculate exactly how many years have passed. The psychic artifacts left over from that period have also decayed into soil. There is nothing to sustain the erosion of the years. It will strip everything, even Lien Chan Tiansheng and other people with outstanding economic strength also disappeared into the long river of history and could not escape the years.

"This is really from the ancient battlefield ..."

The little fat man blushed, his eyes were a little red, and he argued hard.

"I bought it!"

The purple pupil slowly settled down, Feng Hao's mouth with a touch of seemingly faint smile, and the sound of a light voice in the ear of a fat man was tantamount to the sound of nature. Suddenly, his fat face wrinkled to one. Heap, with a charming smile, complimented Feng Fenghao, "This distinguished guest has vision, wisdom and gold!"

"Feng Hao, are you crazy? Three hundred and forty thousand Wujing bought such a tree shrew!"

Yan Qing's eyes were wide, and he exclaimed a little bit wrongly.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Hao chuckled slightly, blinked his eyes slightly, and turned his hands. He took out a ring and handed it to the little fat man on the side, "Take a look."


The fat man's fat face was like a chrysanthemum blooming, and he took the ring with a smile, and after counting it, he said enthusiastically, "Wu Jing is enough, this ancient root left by you is yours!"

Feng Hao didn't say much, just to put the basin-sized puppet in the ring with his hand, he took Yan Qing with a few people and walked out of the shop under the gratitude of the fat man.

"Isn't this tree shrew a strange treasure?"

As soon as she was out of the shop, Yan Qing asked a little hastily.

"Hehe, this is not an ordinary tree shrew, it is left over from ancient times."

Feng Hao turned a corner of his mouth, and told the fat man's original words.

"Do you really believe that traitor?"

Yan Qing jumped angrily and angrily, "No, we're going to return it now. A tree shrew sells 340,000 Wujing. He thinks this thing is a real treasure?"

"Xiao Qing."

Xueyan stretched her hands and explained with a soft smile, "This tree shrew is a strange treasure."


Yan Qing froze.

"This tree shrew is left over from ancient times."

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth curved into a nice arc.

Left over from ancient times, even ordinary psychic treasures have been directly turned into mud. A tree shrew can remain as it is and resist the erosion of time, which has already explained everything.

Of course, this is also a reminder of the small ball. Feng Hao will carefully observe the age of this cricket. Under the eyes of Zi Tong, he noticed the faint ancient charm dangled on the tree stalks and saw the long years ...

Some ancient treasures that are left behind and can still maintain their shape are already worth hundreds of thousands of martial arts. This tree shrew can survive, and the value will definitely be above these treasures, and I am afraid there are other mysteries. !!


After Feng Hao's reminder, Yan Qing was suddenly awakened, her pupils widened slightly, and an incredible surprise flashed.

"Don't you think it's more like a piece of wool than a tree shrew?"

Feng Hao said with deep meaning, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became stronger.

On this tree shrew, he felt the same charm as the piece of wool selected by Master Sean in the last Aiishi contest ...

"I'll go back and show it to you."

Feng Hao is almost certain that there is definitely a building tree in this tree shrew. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive from ancient times!

"Giggle! ..."

Yan Qing smiled happily, a pair of eyes squinting into a crescent, that pure and moving smile shocking, "I know, Feng Hao, you will not let me down!"

Then, with the encouragement of Yan Qing, Feng Hao visited a dozen shops again, but had nothing to gain.

"If you break through the sky, maybe the effect will be different ..."

The prefecture-level peak pupil technique is already very good, but if you want to pierce through the special meaning of some treasures, this is still a lot worse.

"Let's go back?"

Yan Qing couldn't wait to know what was inside the tree shrew.

"Wait a while, we still have an important place to go ..."

Feng Hao smiled mysteriously.

In the notes given by Qingwu, he knew that when he came to the ancient city of Beibei, he had to go to a place that was the real place for Taobao ...

Taobao Plaza!

There is everything here. Some treasure hunters scoured from ancient battlefields or ancient tombs. Of course, imitations still exist, but within these fakes, there are all kinds of ancients. Yibao, that year, the fragments of the imperial soldiers came from this Taobao square!

"Let's take a look at you, authentic ancient Lingbao, only sold thirty thousand Wujing ..."

"Far wastes are from ancient tombs of ancient saints ..."

It was only when they came to Taobao Plaza that the noise was overwhelming, and the people who were shocked were a little queasy, and recovered a little.

The square in front of you is the size of three football stadiums. Various stalls are cluttered on the scene.

Moreover, there are dazzling alien crystals, or exchange for different attributes, or directly exchange Wujing ...

The people on the scene were all dressed in bright colors, radiant and arrogant, and they were not simple people at first glance.

After all, people who can take out tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands at will must have a big thing behind them. Similarly, they have fatal shortcomings ...

"My son, when I look at you, you are not a simple character. Come and see, my treasure is prepared for you. Don't you think you are the master of this ancient treasure?"

"Oh my goddess, this strange treasure shook itself when you passed by. I think the fairy rhyme on your body affected it ..."

Looking at the guys who bought the useless pricey fakes under the compliment of the merchants, Feng Hao was a little speechless.

For the sake of face, what else can they not do?

As they glanced across the hall, a handsome man in Liu Caixia and a marvelous group of men gathered down to the edge of the square.

The purple dress flutters, and it is as quiet as a bright moon. His temperament is ultra-dark and refined, just like the holy **** who came from the ancient times. He has an endless halo surrounding him. impulse.

"Oh my God, the Son of the Beidou Holy Land!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed. ~

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